Volume 17 Chapter 8 - Organization of Cooperation

Part 1

When I arrived at the Sky Castle, Ariel was having a tea party in the gardens.

Sylvaril was hosting, but Perugius was nowhere in sight.

Instead, Nanahoshi was sitting across from Ariel.

Ariel was having the tea party in a composed manner.

That was my initial impression, but that wasn't the case.


Ariel was wearing the look of an exhausted salaryman.

She looked weary from top to bottom.

On the surface she may appear as graceful as always, however the faint signs of bags under her eyes could clearly be seen.

She really looks cornered.

In that condition, she was sending an aura saying [Won't you ask me? Ask me what's wrong?] to Nanahoshi.

As for Nanahoshi, she was ignoring Ariel.


She just looks very uncomfortable.

Most likely, she didn't refuse the invitation to drink tea together, but she didn't want to have to deal with the complicated sentiments between Ariel and Perugius.

She's like an apathetic-type protagonist.

Yet she stayed, maybe because Ariel also lent her a hand during her illness?

Ariel only lent some magic tools, but the intentions were there.

"Ah, Rudeus!"


Perhaps because of the awkwardness, she looked relieved when she finally saw me.

"Come sit with us for a while?"

I followed Nanahoshi's instructions and sat down between Nanahoshi and Ariel.

Sylvaril poured me tea while I found my seat.

She placed my cup down rather roughly, quite out of character for the usually graceful Sylvaril. I could feel her cold gaze even behind that mask.

Is she mad about when I summoned Arumanfi?


"… Well, Rudi. I'm counting on you."

Sylphy, who came along as well, quietly whispered to me before taking her position behind Ariel.

Ariel looks relieved to have Sylphy here.

Taking a sneak peek, I also spot Luke here.

I sent Luke a message before coming here.

He flashed a bright smile when I told him that [I'll help Ariel.]

"It has been a while, Rudeus-sama. Becoming subordinate of Dragon God Orsted, should I offer you my congratulations… or?"

No confidence in Ariel's voice.

Minced words.

Perhaps Sylphy had been talking to Ariel about Orsted behind his back.

"Thank you. No matter what, it's reassuring to have the backing of someone that powerful."

"Rudeus-sama is very powerful as well… might just be that birds of a feather flock together… Maybe it's impossible for me."

What? Ariel is deprecating herself?

She really is in a bad place right now.


Nanahoshi said that and poked my side.

"Orsted came by yesterday."

"Ah, how was it?"

"After I apologized, he forgave me. He said [I'm counting on you from now on too.]"

"Good to hear."

A simple conversation, but it looks like a weight came off her shoulders for Nanahoshi.

If everything could be resolved with an apology, we wouldn't need police in the world.

If I was deceived and a victim of attempted murder, an apology won't be enough.

From this I can conclude that Orsted is truly magnanimous.

"I also had the privilege of seeing Orsted-sama."

A tinkle in Ariel's voice.

It's really soothing to listen to.

A charismatic voice that you want to follow.

She's also beautiful.

The most beautiful blond hair I ever seen.

She is the embodiment of beauty.

Although I am surrounded by pretty girls and ladies, but from an objective perspective, Ariel is probably number one.

Beyond natural beauty, rather an artistic beauty.

But, because she lost her confidence, right now she gives off the charms of a weary widow.

… This charisma may also be a curse.

"Orsted-sama is a scary person. So much that even though I just saw him from afar, I felt a sense that I was in danger."

"He's not a bloodthirsty enough person that he'd suddenly attack someone, so it's fine."

I see.

Ariel also saw Orsted.

So it would be better not to say that I'm operating based on instructions from Orsted.

But she already knows that I have become Orsted's subordinate…

"I suppose so. He came yesterday and had tea with Nanahoshi-sama and then returned, but even though he seemed to be in a bad mood the entire time, he didn't even get angry when Sylvaril-sama spilled tea."

Sylvaril spilled tea on Orsted?

Well, it wasn't on purpose.

Sylvaril must be terribly frightened.

"I could feel the tension in the air, but Nanahoshi-sama was strangely open and cheerful and helped lighten the mood, so maybe he's a very tolerant gentleman in contrast to his appearance and atmosphere."

… Huh?

She got that impression?

The curse was not as effective on Ariel?

Well that's convenient, but.

Maybe this is Hitogami's doing?

If I think about it, for Hitogami, wouldn't manipulating Ariel be the most convenient?

Rather than using Luke to get to Ariel, going for Ariel directly seems more straightforward.

But Orsted didn't warn me of this possibility…

Maybe he has proof that Hitogami isn't controlling Ariel?

"Regarding that, it seems that he's just hated because of a curse."

"Really? If so, I should have called out to him at least once. He's terrifying just from afar, I might piss myself if I hear him nearby."

Ariel said so and snickered.


"Well, pissing in front of people is rather pleasant, but…"



Sylphy coughs to air her grievance.

I did hear something about pissing but…

Maybe I should pretend I didn't hear it?

Well, the nobility at Asura Kingdom are full of perverts.

Even so, it feels particularly perverted to hear those words coming out of this art-like person.

"Rudi! Don't grow your nose in front of Ariel-sama!"

"Yes, mom."

I touch my nose to check involuntarily.

Is it growing…

I may be a pervert, but I know my limits.

Like Sylphy, for example?

But I shouldn't say that, obviously.


Nanahoshi is creeped out, but for the time being I'll set her aside.

"Regardless, I can understand why Orsted-sama took Rudeus-sama under his wings."

"Eh, how so?"

"Because I thought one capable of managing Rudeus would be an influential person of that level."

I wonder about that.

I think that it's easy to manage me, though.

If Sylphy crawled into bed at night and asked [Hey Rudi, I have a request…] I'd do everything that she asks.

Of course, Ariel will never come begging that way.

She only asks for minor things.

I'm a man who acts for women and money.

Anyways, back to the main topic.

Give Ariel a hand.

"When you say influential person… for example, someone like Ariel-sama?"

After saying that indirectly, Ariel covers her mouth and squints.

"Rudeus-sama sure knows how to flatter a girl…"

It's not just flattery.

She might be cornered, but Ariel is still a princess of the Asura Kingdom.

Her stature can be compared to the Crown Prince of England in the past world.

From her etiquette, language, or how we're seated together, she might not look it.

Only because we know each other well.

We're good acquaintances only by chance.

Everywhere else, Ariel has been working hard in various ways.

Right now, very few key positions in Magic City Sharia have not been touched by Ariel.

Principal and Vice-Principal of the Magic University.

Notables of the Magic Guild.

Head of the Magic Tool Workshop.

President of the Merchant Association.

Branch Manager of the Adventurer's Guild.

Everywhere I go, all I need to mention is Ariel's name and I'm set.

Well, all I have been doing was taking discounts from Magic City Sharia businesses by name dropping Ariel.

Basically, what I want to say is this.

She is really capable when it comes to networking.

Ariel truly is capable.

"Once, I also considered asking Rudeus-sama to work for me, but…"


"I gave up right away. There are plenty of reasons, but the greatest was…"

Ariel looks straight ahead.

Forward, across the cloud cover sky on the other side of the beautiful garden.

Even further away, towards the edge of the blue sky.

As she stares, she murmurs.

"[You, who desire power beyond your means, shall face ruin.]"

For an instant, I thought that was meant for me.

But, no.

Ariel follows up that line.

"A line from my younger days, from a play I watched at Asura palace, Great Demon Empress Kishirika Kishirisu said that."

That's definitely a lie.

Who came up with this bullsheet history.

Kishirika could never come up with a line that cool.

"It was the curse Kishirika placed on Golden Knight Aldebaran before her death."

"… Oh."

"Afterward, Aldebaran became the King. He was feared by all, and was ultimately rebelled against and killed."

How dramatic.

Wait, this sounds completely different from the history I knew.

"That play was a required watch by Asura royalty for our coming of age."

Coming of age? So their 5th, 10th, and 15th birthdays.

In Asura Kingdom, these must be major events.

For royalties, plays are probably a must.

"Of course the truth differs, but it was crammed with all the ideologies of the Asura line."

So it was different to historical fact after all.

I see.

It's entirely different from what I knew as well.

The Golden Knight Aldebaran and Kishirika Kishirisu fought to a stalemate.

But wasn't it really the battle between Demon Dragon King Laplace and Fighting God?

Well, it doesn't matter, but still.

"All of the ideologies?"

"Yes. Like war, victory, governance, and kingship."


"Even so, why was Aldebaran betrayed and murdered? Did some king write this play to warn his descendants of our ruin? I wondered about that when I was young. I was 15 when I finally realized that, the line [You, who desires power beyond your means, shall face ruin] covers everything."

With that said, Ariel looks toward the distant sky.

"Power beyond one's means leads to destruction. Thus, only handle what you can control, what you can master. The power to manipulate all is the way of the king. Right now, I still think so."

… Ariel looks downcast.

Her long eyelashes cast a shadow.

"I understand. Perugius-sama and Rudeus-sama, both are more powerful than I."

A gentle smile reappears on Ariel, her usual one.

But she looks like she's about to cry.

"One more time, and if Perugius-sama refuses, I'll give up."

"Give up?"

"Yes. Of course, I won't give up on becoming king even if I don't have Perugius-sama's backing. Because I still believe that Asura's throne is not too much for me, at the very least."


I can feel it.

The sigh.

But it did not come.


"Yes, Rudeus-sama?"

"How am I powerful?"

Powerful, being special.

Indeed, I once dreamed of being such.

In my past life, I thought so, and that's why I failed.

That's why in this world, I try to avoid thinking that I'm special.

I haven't forgotten that.

"Rudeus-sama excels in many areas, but… more than anything else, your magic power."

"Magic power."

Indeed, in that area, I might be special.

All thanks to my Laplace Factor, my magic potential are higher than most.

It's at a level most people can't possibly reach, regardless of how much effort they put in.

Of course, that's also because of what I had done with my life.

But that alone can't solve everything.

Whether it can solve my problems is a different story.

"Indeed, if all my worries can be solved with magic power, I might have thought of myself as powerful as well."

"Your worries?"

"I worry daily. Particularly, there are so many thoughts of [How do I explain this to my family…] that it's suffocating."

Fear of Hitogami.

Used as Orsted's bait.

I tell my family nothing but lies and deceit.

I'm powerful?

Quit joking around.

"Perugius-sama may be different but… at least, I am not powerful. Your best friend Sylphy's husband might have a bit more magic power than usual, a bit more esoteric knowledge than usual, but he's just another average magician with his own private worries."

Even I feel embarrassed for saying this.

But that was my honest thoughts.

I grab Ariel's hand from the table.

A soft hand.

So small, her fingers feel like they would snap at any moment.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Sylphy burning up.

"Ariel-sama, actually today, I came not to chit-chat."

"Oh, have you come to court me?"

Ariel's mood didn't change when I suddenly grabbed her.

A gentle smile.

A weary smile, but.

This is her neutral face.

"Court… it's an interesting proposition, but no. The ones who asked me were Sylphy and Luke."

Ariel looks around behind her in rare panic.

Sylphy looks calm, Luke slightly droops his head.

"I want to help Ariel-sama."

As I said that, I felt her grip suddenly tighten.

An unbelievable strength from those delicate fingers. It almost hurt.

"How could you two, do such a thing…?"

"Asking help from this Rudeus Greyrat? I do not intend to look down on you. What I want to say is different."

Suddenly grabbing her hand, talking about that.

How would the normal Ariel react?

"Can I be your support?"

Honest tears flowed from Ariel's eyes when she heard those words, moved.

A beautiful tear.

This surprised me, that it would make Ariel cry.


Ariel, with her free hand, wiped away her tears and forced a smile.

"It's the first time in my life I was told a pick-up line that touched my heart this much."

She jokes, but her face is honest.

She isn't blushing, nor crying.

The face of a princess.

"Indeed, that's an incredible proposition… but."

Ariel did not agree right away.

Holding her chin, looking towards me with slightly upturned eyes, her eyes narrow.

As if to search my true feelings.

"I heard that Rudeus-sama became Orsted-sama's subordinate, would he allow it?"

"I already informed Orsted-sama of my intentions."

"Perhaps Orsted-sama ordered Rudeus-sama to do this?"

It's possible that Orsted's curse is less effective against Ariel, and she herself said that it doesn't bother her.

But as planned, I lie about Orsted's motives.

"That's not the case. He simply gave me free rein when I asked if I can help Ariel-sama."

"Really… Well then, I understand. I offer Orsted-sama my gratitude."

I can see Sylphy pouting from the corner of my eyes, but it can't be helped.

"Well, I'm in your care, Rudeus-sama."


I hold Ariel's hand once more, but different than before.

A handshake.

Part 2

Well then.

Now that we have agreed to cooperate, let's begin.

"Getting Orsted-sama to help Ariel-sama win the throne is possible, but… he has little influence inside Asura Kingdom, so there's not much that he can do."

After that brazen talk, I start off this time with a preface.

"That's why, I think gaining Perugius-sama's support is still vital."


Ariel with a serious expression, settles herself.

Maybe it's just me, but Sylphy and Luke look more serious as well.

Convince Perugius.

Orsted also mentioned how important that was.

Because Perugius wields enormous influence inside the Asura Kingdom.

But, how?

Probably it comes down to what Perugius said.

Let me try bringing that topic up again.

"[What is the most important factor of a king, Ariel-sama. If you know, you'll have my support.]"


Ariel's eyes twitched.

It's the question she worries over the most, but the answer won't come to her.

"The most important factor for a king, what the hell is it?"

I was asked as well, and my answer wasn't good enough.

Anyways, I don't think I have the right answer either.

If what Orsted said was to be believed, an individual named Derrick Redbat would have helped her find her answer.

But history has changed, so the question might have been different.

Asking about this Derrick person might be a good idea.

But, how do I approach this?

I am not supposed to know this Derrick person.

"Ah, well, before we discuss this topic…"

Ariel bends over and glances at Sylvaril.

"Perugius-sama will hear everything, is that okay?"

"… I'm sure he doesn't mind."

"But that kingship question, is it alright to discuss it with others…"

Ah, of course.

Since it's about becoming king, maybe only that person can think it over?

Then what?

Taking a glance at Sylvaril, she gently shakes the wings at her back.

"Perugius-sama has said to Ariel-sama that no matter how she works out her answer, if her answer is correct, he'll lend you his strength."

Because he is generous.

She said it in a matter-of-fact attitude.

"So I could have consulted others from the start?"

"Rather, Perugius-sama has been wondering why you haven't."

Ariel can only cast a wry smile to that response.

"I was too narrow minded."

Ariel murmurs, but she looks suddenly refreshed.

With her hands she begins to comb her blond hair, after it's straightened, she stretches out her hand.

She then turns her head left and right until it crackles and slaps her cheek.

Behavior unbecoming of a princess.

"Got it. Then, Sylphy, Luke, sit down."



Happily those two sat down, but Nanahoshi's uncomfortableness doubles.

"Well, let's begin the meeting."

A voice of confidence from Ariel, like in our first meeting.

Should I applaud?

No, probably not.

But I probably should raise my hand to speak.

"Before we begin, let's reach a common understanding?"


"What I mean is, I don't know anything about Ariel-sama."

"Eh… What do you want to know?"

Ariel blushes slightly, and I can feel Sylphy glaring.

It's not like I'm asking for her three sizes.

No, stick with serious talk.

"First, I want to know why Ariel-sama wants to be king, if you please."

Why Ariel wants to be king.

I might have heard of that before.

Something about those that died for her sake.

Along the way, maybe the name Derrick will pop up.

"Haven't I mentioned this to you before?"

"Huh, did you?"

"Yes, at Rudeus-sama's and Sylphy's wedding."

"If possible, please tell me again."

Hearing that, Ariel says nonchalantly.

"If I failed to be king, I won't able to face those that died placing their trust in me."

"So, trust, of those that died… Can you tell me the details about them?"

Ariel smiles slightly hearing that, but I also feel some concern.

"Does this have to do with our topic at hand?"

Ah, that's a rejection.

She doesn't want to talk about it?

"I don't know if it will, but I think Perugius-sama is giving Ariel-sama a test. If we look into Ariel-sama's personal relationships, maybe we can find some clues."

"I see."

Good enough, actually, that actually sounds plausible.

But, I was honest too.

I really have no idea what a true king is about.

I remember reading in a light novel from my past life,

[King lives for his people, no, to lead his people] and junk like that before.

But as much as I try, I can't find a serious answer.

"Well. Those that died are many. Especially during my escape from Asura Kingdom, 13 died then… Four knights: Alistar, Callum, Dominic, Cedric. Three magicians: Calvin, Johann, Babette. Six attendants: Viktor, Marcelin, Bernadette, Edwina, Florence, Corinne. The names of these 13 people, I will never forget during this lifetime. The painful journey together, fought together, and overcame hardships together. In hopes of me becoming King, they died."


One name did not come up, Derrick's.


According to Orsted, he also died, but…

Perhaps he wasn't anyone important to Ariel?

There's a possibility I find a hint if Derrick survived from these thirteen.

"Do you mind talking about each of them in detail?"

"Understood. But it'll be a little long. Is that okay?"

"That's fine, as there's not a single person who isn't important."

With that said, somehow the mood became more relaxed.

Ariel smiles, while Luke looks somewhat surprised.

Sylphy glows with a sense of pride.

Only Nanahoshi looks somewhat peeved.

"Well then…"

Ariel, slowly but surely, talks about those thirteen.

Their origins, where they grew up, the circumstances of how Ariel met them.

Their personalities, their likes, their dislikes.

What they took pride in.

The way they talk, what made them smile, what made them angry, what made them cry.

Who got along with who, who liked who, who hated who.

And how they met their ends.

Each of their lives worthy of a drama.

Ariel's narration alone was more than sufficient to convey their persons.

Luke and Sylphy chip in here and there.

Certainly, those thirteen live on within these three.

Of course, if the other two came, Ariel's other followers, they would know as well…

Sylphy in my future diary, because of my incompetence, left with Ariel.

But maybe she would follow Ariel regardless?

Thinking that, I realized how strong their bond is.

But now is not the time to be jealous.

They died for her sake.

They died to protect her.

That burden I can sympathize with.

Sylphy knows the weight she carries.

"That's about it."

"I see…"

But, unfortunately, I wasn't able to discern the most important factor of a king from those thirteen's stories.

Maybe their bond in and of itself is proof of a king?

Say, The Round Table in King Arthur has thirteen seats.

Well, if you include those who survived, the numbers don't fit.

"Rudeus-sama, did you figure out something?"

"Well… Sorry."

"Is that so…"

Ariel sighs in response.

Right away Sylvaril pours her another cup of tea.

I too drank a cup during the conversation. It had a deep aroma and a bitter-sweet taste, resembling coffee.

By the way, Nanahoshi excused herself for the toilet and ran away.

Maybe talking about the dead was too much for her.

"What should we talk about next?"


I want to hear about Derrick Redbat.

Very much.

But that name never popped up, so I couldn't.

Maybe I should just drop the name and pretend that Sylphy mentioned him before?

I can just suck it up.

During my hesitation, Ariel suddenly put a hand on her chin.

"Ah, it's unrelated, but, I just remembered something."

"… Oh?"

"Luke, do you remember? Back when I was 10, in the palace gardens, I'd always have tea on days like this."

Sylphy looks doubtful, but Luke narrows his eyes from nostalgia.

"Ah, that's right. Not every day, but once every three days or so?"

"That's right, back then, I was always rushed to this lesson or that. So during lunch breaks, I liked to have tea by the garden under the sun. It became a habit. Just me, Luke, and Derrick…"

I can't let that keyword pass.

"Derrick? Who is that?"

"Ah yes, my guardian magician before Sylphy, from the Redbat house. An excellent magician, but he died protecting me during the Metastasis Event."

"Ah… Can you tell me about him in detail?"

Finally, this Derrick person appears.

So he died during the Metastasis Event.

Was he involved with the Fedoa Region?

Maybe I can find the clue through his story.


But Ariel remains silent, looking shocked.

"Something wrong?"

"… No, now I think about it, it was Derrick's death that caused me to want to be king."

Ariel seems to realize something, placing a hand by her mouth.

"Then, can you discuss that in details?"

"Details, but it was almost 10 years ago. I might have forgotten a lot about Derrick…"

"Please try."

Ariel chugs down her tea, holds down her chin, closes her eyes.

Searching her memories.

Staying like that for some time, suddenly Ariel reopened her eyes.

"Derrick Redbat was my Guardian Magician. He would always lecture me on the path to kingship."


"Back then, I didn't care about fighting against my brothers for the throne, and to be honest, I hated Derrick's lectures."

"So you didn't want to be king Back then."

"Yes. Back then, I would rather have tea like right now, and scheming with Luke on how to bed the palace girls. That was enough."


years ago, wasn't Ariel-sama only 10 then?

Luke too?

Are all Asura Kingdom nobles this… advanced?

Well, that's fine. To each their own.

"Right. There were others that offered plans to make me king, but they were all pushing me for their own interests."

Yeah, I had friends like that too.

"Back then, only Derrick was earnest about it. He believed that if I were to become king, the country would change for the better. Only now do I realize that…"


Ariel talks about what happened.

What happened in Asura Kingdom.

Before Sylphy was teleported.

Ariel was having tea in the garden when the Metastasis Event happened.

Derrick went to the toilet, so only Luke was guarding her.

Of course, they never expected a magic beast to appear.

But a magic beast did appear.

The first to notice was Derrick, who's returning from the toilet.

He began an incantation as he rushed towards Ariel.

He prepared a magic attack as soon as he saw it.

But he stopped his incantation to yell and get Ariel's attention.

That's how Ariel finally noticed the magic beast and managed to avoid a fatal blow.

But it was too close.

The magic beast pressed in.

Luke made a move, but it was too late.

It was Derrick that rushed in, squeezing himself between Ariel and the magic beast.

Derrick died instantly due to the blow by the magic beast.

Apparently, the transported Sylphy managed to subdue the magic beast, but… that's a different story.

"If Derrick didn't stop his incantation, he might have subdued the magic beast, and wouldn't have died."

"But if so, Ariel-sama might have died instead."

"Indeed. Death, or at least a serious injury."

Sounds like Derrick bet his life to protect Ariel.

"Derrick's final words were, [No matter what, please be king.] I get the feeling that at that moment I finally realized that Derrick wanted me to be king out of sincere feelings."

Ariel continues.

"Not only that, at death's door because of the magic beast. It was my first time that I felt in the depth of my heart, that I must be king, I can't die here."

Ariel clenches her fist over the table.

Her pupils dilate, focused on that clenched fist.

"How, why did I forget that… something that important."

Ariel, her shoulders shaking, looks downcast.


Regret for forgetting what set her on her path.

I don't know how I should respond.

Neither does Sylphy or Luke.

But Ariel, saying nothing, raises her head.

Like casting off a shadow.

Has remembering her beginnings helped her recover what was lodged in her heart?

That's a good thing.


But right now, the most important factor of a king is still missing.

We're back to where we're started.

Maybe Sylphy and Luke have another idea?

"That's great, but, we still don't have an answer for the king factor. What could it be…"

"No, Rudeus-sama."

To the troubled me, Ariel slowly shakes her head.

An almost invisible smile shines through her radiant face.

A face you can't help but lose yourself in…

To the fascinated me, she says.

"I know the answer."

