Chapter 225   - Removing the Hammer

The battle inside the tower had finished quickly. With the help of Jack, Gary and the others, they managed to kill most of the beasts and members of Fallen angel with ease. Gary and Jack had managed to encounter the True infected but battling them proved difficult.

Even though they both knew that the shadows covering their bodies was mostly illusions, they found it hard to do any damage. When the True infected saw that they could no longer win the battle. They bolted out of there and could never be found again.

The mayor was found inside the Fallen angel Guildhall, thanks to the help of the Boro Boro Guild. When they got inside though, the mayor had already suffered quite a beating and there were dead members of fallen angle everywhere.

An internal battle had taken place between their own guild and it looked like Mark's party had come out on top. But now with Mark dead and no one left to take charge, the Fallen angel Guild had been completely disbanded.

The demon man was placed in the dungeon and the group was to meet up in tavern once more to plan their next move and decided what to do.

Everyone had gathered in the tavern and once more Lilly had cast her spell so no one could be heard. Her face looked grim and, in more pain, than before. She did well to fight off the Shadow plague but clearly, it was taking a toll on her body.


"You may take this back," Lenny said as he placed a large thin object wrapped in cloth on the table.

"Thank you," Gary replied.

After heading back to the city, Ray had asked Lenny to investigate the Black sword that Gary possessed. To see if he could find any information. As Ray was even more interested in the sword after seeing the hammer had a similar symbol.

"Did you find any information about it?" Ray asked.

"It seems to be made from the same material as the Hammer on the Demon man." Lenny replied, "Although I have determined the sword is safe. Unlike the hammer which was possessed by an evil spirit. The sword did not react when I cast light magic."

"Does this mean I can keep it, Ray?" Gary said.


"As long as Lenny believes there are no problems with it."

"I believe so." Lenny replied, "Although these weapons can be used for evil and by the shadow plague, it seems like the hammer and sword itself aren't evil items on their own."

With the matter of the Black sword discussed, things then moved onto the demon man.

"The demon is currently in the dungeon. He is being heavily drugged with sleeping potions to keep him at bay. "Lenny explained. "I'm afraid it seems like the hammer is very difficult to move. When we tried to extract it, it was pulsating with an incredible amount of energy. One wrong move and it felt like an explosion would take place and kill everyone next to it. It seems like the Hammer has a mind of its own and reacts more to people with great knowledge or magical abilities. A suggest a single person with no magic attempt to remove the hammer.

"I'll want to do it," Lilly said.

"I'm afraid your mind is weak at the moment. And you possess magical abilities, something to Hammer seems to be looking for most."


"Let me do it," Gary said. "If an explosion takes place, I'm sure I can defend myself using the black sword. It's the least risky out of all of us."

"I do believe you are the best candidate as well."

With the matter agreed upon. The group decided to head to the Dungeon were the demon man was being held. The prisoners below had been moved to a temporary holding area for fear if something was to go wrong it would be the death of them all.

Most of the group remained outside while Lenny and Gary entered the dungeon below. No one else went inside. Lenny showed Gary many diagrams of the Demon man's hammer and the best method to get the hammer to be taken off.

Finally, they had reached the back of the room where the demon man was tied to a furnace. Whenever the demon man was away from flames it seemed to significantly weaken him. They didn't want to kill him but just remove the hammer hoping that he would no longer be possessed and they could ask the man a few questions.

Gary placed the drawing down on the floor and held it with his foot so he could look at it for reference whenever he needed to. The demon man was silently asleep and Gary went to work.

The diagram showed where Gary was to cut each part of the demon man's hand with his black sword. It was a if Gary was doing a delicate operation.

There were strands of muscles that twisted around the Hammer's handle. It looked as if a bunch of wires had been wrapped around the hammer.

"You are doing well," Lenny said surprised at what skill Gary possessed.

Sweat started to drip from Gary's brow as his concentration rose. The Diagram Lenny had shown, explained that he had to cut each muscle fibre in a certain direction of place and order.

"It's difficult." Gary said, "Every time I cut part of the man's hand it seems to grow back into the hammer."

"Keep trying and work faster."

Suddenly while Gary was in the middle of cutting off certain parts of the demon man's hand. Gary could see the white light in his vision. It was as if his mind was telling him the right place to cut.

"I think I've got the hang of this."

Then when Gary only had a few more pieces to cut off from the man. The hammer seemed to open itself up and detached itself. It was like a melted liquid that was alive.

"Get out of there!" Lenny shouted.

The Liquid moved at a great speed, too fast for Gary to react with his black sword. In an instant, it attached itself to Gary's arm and started to wrap around it.

"No, what is happening!" Gary cried.

The liquid then solidified around Gary's right arm and took the form of a gauntlet. It had the same design as the hammer on the demon man but now took a different shape.

Gary looked towards Lenny, his face pale and filled with horror. His eyes were full of terror.

"Help me," Gary said.


Special thanks to Lucifer_119, Fenrir2040, ramon_sigala, dipforthech.i.p.s, and Seth_Thomas

For the gifts these all really help continue making great work. P.S Two chapter will be released later some time today been very busy sorry for the delay.
