Chapter 180   - Master knights fall

While Ray was busy watching the ongoing battles in the city from out the window, Jack was busy dealing with the Black knight. The Black knight was doing everything it could to reach Ray. It had just witnessed Ray throw its leader out of the window.

The Black knight felt like it had two choices, to fight its way out of this situation or give its self up but looking at Ray and seeing his actions, the Black knight felt like even if he did surrender, Ray wouldn't let him out alive and he was right.

The Black knight looked at the person in front of him and could see that Jack was wearing a white sash. There were no ribbons on it, indicating he was only a student. The knight thought it would be easy work but after fighting with Jack for a while, he quickly changed his mind.

The Black knight could tell that Jack wasn't very skilful with the sword which made it quite easy for him to predict Jack's attacks and avoid them but the problem was in every single one of Jack's attacks, there was the intent to hurt someone.

When fighting they would usually be some faint attacks or weaker and stronger attacks in between. However, that wasn't how Jack fought. Jack thought with giving it a 100 percent in every one of his attacks. Meaning the knight had to make sure to dodge each and every single one.

Jack was equally getting frustrated with the Back knight. He felt like he was playing a game of whack a mole. Each time he would swing his greatsword the Black knight would slip and dodge each attack.


Not only that but Jack was starting to get tired. At first, when the Black knight's sword would hit Jack, it wouldn't do much and only leave a mark but as Jack continued to use more energy, the ki surrounding his body became weaker.

The Black knight could see this as well and decided to be patient. It would dodge Jack's attacks and continue to hit Jack's body. He wasn't doing much damage at first but finally, he was starting to see scratches and cuts appear.

Unknown to the Black knight, Jack's mind was occupied with other things.

"Why, why can't I turn into a Werewolf again, like I did back in the tunnels," Jack thought, "What is different between the fight back then and the fight now?"

Jack tried to draw more strength from his body but as he did the Ki surrounding his body was just starting to get weaker and weaker. The cuts from the black knight's swords were becoming deeper and deeper as well.

"Change!" Jack shouted as he swung his sword down at the ground.


Finally, the Black knight felt like Jack's body was no longer indestructible and he was right. All the energy surrounding Jack's body had gone. The Black knight dodged the swing down from Jack and pierced his sword right through Jack's hard abs going straight through his body.

When the Black knight went to look up at Jack, he was surprised to see him smiling.

"Finally!" Jack said.

Jack felt his heartbeat louder than ever. The energy through his veins started to pump into his muscles once more. The Black knight could see Jack slowly getting bigger, He tried to pull his blade out of Jack's stomach but it was stuck.

He pulled and pulled but it was useless.

And then Jack's transformation was complete.



On the floor directly below where Jack was fighting, two battles of their own were taking place. Harry was fighting against his father Delbert while Slyvia and Von were up against Rose.

"How could you do this to your students!" Slyvia cried, "Martha looked up to you, she wanted to be like you."

"If she wanted to be like me that much, then why doesn't she come over to my side," Rose said as she fired out another arrow.

Slyvia lifted up her shield once again to block the arrow but this time Von was behind Slyvia. He held Slyvia by her shoulders keeping her in place. With the two of them, they were an equal match for the master knight in terms of power.

"Slyvia, there is no use arguing," Von said as he looked at Bernado's dead body on the floor. "They have already gone too far."

Slyvia then drew out her blade and immediately charged forward while Von followed. The move was unexpected and Rose continued to fire arrows while moving away but she soon realized that there was a problem. The room was small and didn't give much space for Rose.

The number one strength for an archer was their range and in this room, it was almost unusable. Rose continued to fire arrow after arrow but even then, it seemed like her attacks were getting weaker. This was what Slyvia had planned all along.

For an arrow to reach its max speed and strength there needed to be some distance.

Rose could see this and quickly gave up on the idea, she took two of her arrows and held it in both hands like daggers.

"You think my close combat skills are that weak that I can't deal with one student."

Rose said as she waited for the right moment. When Slyvia was finally close enough she moved to the side and kicked Slyvia's shield and at the same time Rose spun her body with the arrow in her hand, determined to finish Slyvia off.

As the arrow was inches away from Slyvia's head, Rose's hand suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you have a go with me?" Von said as he held Rose's hand.

Rose then went to strike Von with her other hand but Von quickly grabbed that one as well. Von then kicked Rose's legs causing her body to tumble and threw Rose over his shoulder and to the ground.

"I'm quite confident I can beat anyone with my hand to hand skills," Von said.

Meanwhile, the fight between Harry and Delbert wasn't going so well. Delbert was simply just a better version of Harry in every single way. After all, his father taught him everything he knew. Eventually, Delbert managed to knock Harry off his feet and was holding his sword by Harry's throat.

"You wouldn't kill your own son, would you?" Harry asked.

"You think this is the first time, I wonder did I really send Sebastian off to another city. He was sent to the tunnels long ago!"

Harry couldn't believe his ears, a little bit of him had hopped his father was still there inside but now he saw he was completely gone. Harry closed his eyes waiting to accept his fate.

Then suddenly, the room started to shake. Then Von felt a tiny piece of stone fall on him from above.

"Move!" Von shouted.

At that exact moment, the ceiling above had caved in. The entire ceiling collapsed. Dust was thrown about everywhere and finally, when everything started to settle, they could see two figures on top of the table.

Standing tall and huge they could see a giant white-furred beast that held a great sword in its hand. The greatsword had completely sliced the black knight in half and towering above the black night was what was known as a Werewolf.


Special thanks to Abhijith_Ramesh, DarkShadow_DS, Alexander_Bingham, PhantomNite629, and Fenrir2040 who is now Number 2 on Top supporters. Thank you to each and every one of you, will be making a list soon of everyone who has gifted and give them some sort of prize. Thank you so much ????
