Chapter 130   - Red Wings

The next three skills that Ray had unlocked didn't require any mana to use but each one was interesting. The first skill was called.

This skill only worked on people who were far weaker than the user. It was a type of hypnosis spell that allowed the user to ask one question. Whoever it was used against was forced to answer the question truthfully and after they would have no memory of the question being asked.

Ray had a lot of questions about the academy. Especially about whatever they were hiding and what the Dark Guild was after. Ray thought of many ways he could use this skill but it was a shame you could only ask one question on a person and there was no way to tell whether it would work or not beforehand.

The next skill was what interested Ray the most called Contract.

Contract was a skill that could be used only on people who were willing to accept the "Contract". If the person it was used on refused, then nothing would happen. For those that would accept, a marking of the user's choice would be branded onto the person.

This branding showed that your life now belonged to the user. If any commands where disobeyed, the user was able to end the contract, also ending the person's life.


The people who were contracted were linked to the user. What this meant was Ray was now able to use skills with contracted people. This required him to touch them beforehand. For every person Ray was contracted with, he would be able to either use the skill Mana Steal or Mana Share no matter where they were in the world.

The last skill was called.

Dragon Roar would only work on those that were contracted. Each person that was contracted would get a 5 percent boost in all their stats. This skill could only be used once per day.

Ray was quite pleased with all the skills he had obtained. For the last month, he was thinking over what do to with them and how he would be able to find out the academy's secrets.

Ray had planned to create an army for himself this whole time. One that could not only rival the human race but also the thing called the Shadow Plague. Ray had also now made a new enemy out of the Dark Guild. It looked like he would have to make this army sooner than he thought.

The problem was he couldn't trust humans. He had learnt that many times in the past, especially after the incident at the academy. That's where the Contract skill came in at the perfect time. It was a sure way to get someone to prove their loyalty to him.


Ray had invited three people up to the roof with him and he was currently waiting patiently for them to arrive.

Finally, after waiting for a while, the first person had arrived. It was a bulky muscular man who carried a giant great sword on his back. It was Jack.

Ray was interested in Jack for more than one reason. Jack himself seemed to not know of his origins. When Ray asked Jack what he was in more ways than one, Jack had no clue what Ray was talking about. Jack was either the best liar in the world or truly didn't know anything.

Ray tried using the Dragon's truth skill on him but it seemed to have no effect. Most likely because Jack was considered too powerful.

But Ray knew one thing and it was the fact that Jack had tried helping him at the arena, even when he was told to go against the academy. He had fought against Wilfred, one of the master knights without even asking any questions.

"It's been a while," Jack said. "Again, I'm sorry about what happened to your friend."


Ray had currently decided to socially distance himself from the others as much as possible. Attachment seemed unnecessary but the words Jack used stung a little.

Not because Ray thought of Ian as a friend but as someone who was the same as him. To Ray, it felt the same as when someone had killed a dragon. He felt sad because they were the same kind even if he didn't know them that well.

"I want you to listen to me. There are two others I have invited that should be here soon."

Jack said nothing more and joined Ray in watching the view as they waited for the next two. Finally, the roof door opened once more and two boys walked through. More precisely, they were both twins known as Badger and Sloth.

After the death of Ian, the students and other knights took their bullying to the extreme. A lot of the knights felt like it was the red-haired student's fault. Rumour spread of the prophecy and many people thought it was the reason for the attack from the Dark Guild. They wished that the red-haired children never attended at the academy in the first place.

Not only was Ian a close friend to the two twins but Ray could see the hatred growing in the two twins and thought it was the perfect moment to reveal his plans.

"I brought you three here today to tell you what I plan to do. I won't sugar coat it, but I don't like the way things are now and I want to change it. I'm trying to form a group who will work together to change this world. I've asked you guys today to join this group and in return, I shall grant you power."

Jack didn't even need to be asked and had already made up his mind. On the other hand, the twins were unsure. They didn't have any family left to go back to and Ian had always been like a big brother to them. They liked the sound of what Ray was proposing but didn't know how Ray could do such a thing.

They had seen Ray perform crazy things but not on a level where he could change the world.

Ray could see the twins were hesitant.

"Do you remember the man Nes that you saw chase of the Dark Guild leader? He will be the leader of this new group."

After hearing what Ray had just told them, they suddenly had a change of heart. With a man as powerful as that backing the group, they were sure they could do something.

Once Ray had activated the Contract skill, two big pieces of paper started to magically appear in front of the three people. Then slowly words also started to appear stating the conditions of the contract. There was nothing to hide as everything was written out for them to see.

The twins and Jack had already made up their mind and decided to join. Suddenly a computer-like transparent screen appeared in front of them stating whether they would like to accept or decline the contract.

Once the three of them pressed on accept, suddenly the piece of paper disappeared, at the same time, they could feel a burning sensation on their shoulder. When Badger lifted up his shirt to see what was hurting so bad, he could now see the mark of a dragon's head in a blood-red colour.

"This new group shall be called, the Red Wings."
