Chapter 127   - What are you?

After hearing the words come out of Nes's mouth. Sir K wanted to protest, suggesting that the best chance they would have was to fight together but as soon as Sir K turned his head. Nes was no longer there.

Ray had used the shadow skill to once again disguise himself and move around the arena. Ray had a particular place and person in mind who he wanted to see.

This left Sir K on his own to go against Morfran.

"You really think you can go against me on your own, bring back the other guy!" Morfran shouted as he shot sparks of lightning out from his hands.

Sir K had healed but he still wasn't at 100 percent but he didn't need to be. Sir K had decided after watching the stranger fight to put his trust in the man, after all, that was all he could do. So all Sir K needed to do was district Morfran and survive.

Unlike the first time when they were fighting, Sir K had the goal of defeating Morfran. Sir K's footwork was just as good as Nes, if not even better. He was easily able to avoid the lightning strikes coming from Morfran. The problem was Sir K didn't have the dragon eyes like Ray.


Morfran was now freely able to move around the arena and strike at Sir K unexpectedly. In response whenever Morfran would morph into lightning, Sir K would use his shadow skill to hide himself. The problem was Sir K didn't have a monstrous amount of Ki like Ray. Very soon Sir K would no longer be able to fight back.

Meanwhile, Ray had not only hidden himself but managed to make his way over to the group of third-year students. With his dragon eyes skill, Ray could see that most of their auras were weak apart form one. Jack.

Jack's body still flowed powerfully with aura and it had finished healing the wound on his body. Jack's healing abilities were even more powerful then Ray's and Ray wasn't even fully human according to the system.

If Ray knew any better he would have thought Jack was a magical beast rather than a human but his aura shined a single yellow colour indicating he was human, unlike Ray himself who had a mixture of yellow and red flames.

Ray then went up to Jack and whispered in his ear.

"I need to borrow some of your strength."


Jack didn't know what Ray wanted to do but without any hesitation, he nodded. After all, Ray had saved his life twice now and knew if they wanted to get out of here alive, they needed all his strength. Although Jack thought Ray meant he wanted Jack to fight with him.

Ray then placed his hand on Jack's back.

"Mana steal."

Suddenly Jack could feel the energy of his body slowly start to leave him and enter Ray's. It was actually the first time Jack had experienced anything like this. Jack had never been able to control his Ki it had always surrounded his body so it was a very strange feeling to him.

Ray carried on as he saw the numbers slowly go up.

An average knight had around 2 points of Ki, a talented person like Gary would most likely have their numbers around the 20s. A master night maybe around 40 or so. Of course, this amount didn't mean how strong you were but more about the potential of your strength currently.


It also seemed that this number could increase through training, like when Ray practised with the old man, people could increase their Ki naturally.

Ray knew Jack had a large amount of Ki due to the fact that no weapons were able to pierce him but he wasn't expecting this.

So far Ray had absorbed over 50 points of mana and it was still rising. As the mana slowly started to seep away from Jack's body the yellow aura surrounding Jack's body also started to thin. That's when Ray spotted something else that interested him.

Jack had two different auras. He had a strong powerful yellow aura that surrounded his body at all times but underneath that, Jack had a bright red flame in his stomach.

"What are you Jack?" Ray said

"I'm your follower," Jack replied with a smile.

Finally, Ray decided to stop the mana steal once he had absorbed all of the yellow aura away. What he obtained from this alone was plenty, for now, Ray had a total of 220 points of mana.

The problem was Ray's body was shaking, his muscles were twitching, he knew straight away what the problem was. It was the same thing that had happened to Slyvia. Ray's body was stronger than others after his evolution but he was still part human. His body had a limit and he had reached that limit.

Ray at most would be able to use the Mana and Ki for five minutes.

Sir K had just run out of Ki himself. Ray could see that Morfran was planning to teleport directly behind Sir K and finish him. At the same time, Ray activated as many of his cells in his legs as possible and pushed off them blasting off like a rocket.

The speed was similar to someone teleporting, the next second Ray too was directly behind Sir K. As soon as Morfran's body had appeared it was met with a huge fist to the stomach. The speed, the power, everything, managed to send Morfran flying through the Sky.

But Morfran had half expected this, he knew that the man wouldn't have run away. As Morfran was flying through the air he had changed the lightning he had gathered in his hand into a solid lightning bolt. It was purple in colour and almost resembled a sword.

Morfran then stabbed the lightning bolt hard into the ground. The strike was powerful though and Morfran continued to be dragged back eventually stopping just before hitting the arena wall.

Ray wanted to move in again to get another strike before Morfran could recover but when he tried, something was wrong. His legs wouldn't move.


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