On November 23, at two o'clock in the morning, the aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy's home fleet was less than 200 kilometers away from Newfoundland. However, the aircraft carrier formation will not continue to move forward. This distance is undoubtedly a relatively safe distance for them.

   But the huge amphibious fleet is still moving on. In order to provide sufficient fire cover for the landing of the Marine Corps, the Home Fleet specially dispatched a fleet of cruisers and destroyers to accompany them in action. When the Marine Corps lands, they will provide the Marine Corps with the most direct naval gun fire support. Even after nightfall, they will enter the Gulf of St. Lawrence to prevent the British from sending reinforcements to Newfoundland at night.

   Now the British Army does not have many troops on Newfoundland. So what is certain is that once the British side learns that the German army will attack Newfoundland on a large scale, it will definitely try its best to increase troops to Newfoundland.

   During the day, it can also be intercepted by the carrier-based aircraft of the local fleet. But at night, you can only count on the navy's warships.

   It was 6 o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still not bright. However, the formation providing fire support to the Marine Corps has already arrived off the coast of Newfoundland. However, the British army on Newfoundland was not clear about this. Although, the British army built air search radars and sea search radars on Newfoundland. But the area of ​​Newfoundland is not small, and it is impossible for the British to build sea search radars everywhere.

   This time, the place where the German marines landed first was not St. John, the largest city on Newfoundland, but Tripesy in the south of the Avalon Peninsula.

  Although St. John has a large port, if the German army takes St. John, it will be easier to land. But at the same time, the British army directly deployed an infantry division in St. John's. In Tripesy, the British army had only one infantry brigade, with a total strength of just over 4,000 troops.


  British infantry divisions do not have regiments. Below the division is the brigade, and below the brigade is the battalion.

  Tripesi also has a small port. If the German army captures this place, they can easily disembark from here. Even all kinds of large equipment can be disembarked. If necessary, the German Marine Corps can also expand the port of Tripesi, so that the port can meet the needs of the German landing.

   In addition, Tripe West is only 50 kilometers away from St. John's. Once the German marines landed at Tripesy, they could easily follow the road to St. John's and take it in one fell swoop. At that time, the port of St. John's will naturally fall into the hands of the German army.

   "How long will it take for the Marine Corps to arrive?" asked Rear Admiral Charles, commander of the artillery formation.

   "General, the Marine Corps will arrive here in an hour." A staff officer replied.

   "Very well, order the ships to start attacking and destroy the British military installations near Tripesi!" Major General Charles ordered.


   "Yes, General."

  After the order was conveyed, the artillery formation immediately began preparations. The entire formation consists of 6 heavy cruisers, 9 light cruisers and 16 destroyers. Although, the artillery formation does not have large-caliber naval guns. But the target they have to deal with is not the fortress. Therefore, the cruiser's 210mm main gun and 150mm main gun are actually enough. Even the destroyer's 105mm naval gun is barely enough.


  With the order of the gunner, the artillery formation began to attack.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Orange red flames shone at the muzzle, and the shells roared and hit the beach one after another.


  Six heavy cruisers began to attack the coast with 210mm main guns.

   Soon, the 150mm main gun of the light cruiser and the 105mm naval gun of the destroyer were also joined.

  For a while, the sound of artillery rumbled on the sea, as if it was thunder.

  The entire coast of Tripesi has been engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

  The sudden and violent shelling completely confused the British troops stationed here. It probably never occurred to them that the shells would fall on their heads.

   "God! We are under attack. The Germans are shelling us heavily, and we need reinforcements!" The commander of the 2nd Infantry Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division of the British Army stationed here yelled in horror.

  The artillery shells falling from the sky are destroying their positions, and even the barracks have become the target of heavy shelling by the German fleet. Many British soldiers were bombed to death in their sleep.

  The surviving British soldiers scattered and fled before they even had time to put on their clothes and trousers. The entire British infantry brigade fell into chaos, let alone organized a powerful counterattack, preparing to prevent the German army from landing.

  Under the firepower of the German Navy's artillery formation, the British infantry brigade suffered heavy losses.

  Of course, there are quite a few people who were actually killed or injured by the bombing. But within an acceptable range. More people were frightened and fled in all directions. If the British army wants to reorganize resistance, it may be very difficult and even take a long time.

  At 7 o'clock in the morning, the 3rd Division of the German Marine Corps rushed to the battlefield first.

  Helicopters began to take off from the amphibious assault ship and the dock landing ship. The first to take off are armed helicopters. Dozens of armed helicopters flew to Tripesy and began to use heavy machine guns and rockets to continue to attack the British troops stationed there.

   At the same time, the Marine Corps dispatched a large number of landing craft and began to rush towards the shore.

  Aboard amphibious assault ships and dock landing ships, utility helicopters and transport helicopters are also starting to take off. They will adopt the method of air landing to cooperate with the landing operations of the Marine Corps.


  A helicopter gunship was firing at a stronghold garrisoned by the British army, and several rockets hit the stronghold accurately. The entire stronghold was blown up into a sea of ​​flames.

   "God! The firepower of the Germans is too strong, we can't resist their attack at all!"

   "We are under fire from sea and air, we need reinforcements!"

  The British troops garrisoning Tripesy quickly began to fail.

  Utility helicopters and transport helicopters of the German Marine Corps began to send the Marines to Tripesy.

  At the same time, the landing craft also washed up on the beach. A large number of marines, under the cover of their own helicopter fire, attacked Tripesi.

   Farther away, the tank landing ship is also heading to the coast. Amphibious tanks are ready for landing.

   Under the three-dimensional offensive of the German Marine Corps, the British army could not resist it at all.
