"Your Excellency, the Chief of Staff, the Germans have assembled quite a strong force in Bermuda. Their Atlantic Fleet and Mediterranean Fleet have already appeared in the nearby waters. According to the information we have obtained, at least one Army Group Army has already landed. In addition, more troops are embarking in western European ports. It can be concluded that their target is still Bermuda. There are all signs that the Germans will soon launch an attack on the Caribbean Sea." Admiral MacArthur looked worried.

  Before, Admiral MacArthur served as the commander of the US military in the Philippine Islands. However, after the United States voluntarily ceded the Philippine Islands to the island country, the US troops stationed in the Philippine Islands by Admiral MacArthur withdrew home. Now his position is the commander of the US military in the Caribbean.

  Although, the army under the command of Admiral MacArthur is already very large. But when the German army made the appearance of attacking the Caribbean Sea, he still felt that he did not have enough troops and was not strong enough, and he was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the German attack.

   Admiral Marshall frowned tightly. They originally judged that the German army would not launch an offensive until next spring. But now, the actions of the German army have exceeded their expectations.

   "Are the Germans really planning to attack the Caribbean? Will this be another German trap?" Major General Eisenhower asked.

"Trap? How is that possible? The Germans have already deployed heavy troops on the Bermuda Islands. If they don't want to attack the Caribbean Sea, they want to directly attack our homeland. However, it is too difficult to attack our homeland. Germany People also know that we have deployed heavy troops along the Atlantic coast. Therefore, it is certain that they chose to attack the Caribbean Sea." Admiral MacArthur said.

"Bermuda is not close to the Caribbean Sea. It is not so easy for the Germans to land on those islands in the Caribbean Sea. Especially since we have deployed millions of troops in the Caribbean Sea, and there are more than 2,000 aircraft Combat aircraft," Admiral Arnold said.


"Yes, we have indeed deployed heavy troops in the Caribbean Sea. But don't forget, these troops are scattered on various islands. Among them, more than half of the troops are deployed in Cuba. The rest of the troops are scattered on various islands .Once the Germans launch an attack, we are very likely to be defeated by them one by one." Admiral MacArthur insisted.

   "Everyone, is it possible for the Germans to launch an attack in the Caribbean?" Admiral Marshall asked.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, we have to guard against this. If the Germans win in the Caribbean Sea, then they can use those islands in the Caribbean Sea as a springboard to launch a landing operation on the Florida Peninsula or the southern United States. In that case , they will face much less difficulties." Lieutenant General Delos Emmons said.

   Admiral Marshall frowned and thought for a while, and then said: "If this is the case, then we will send another 500,000 reinforcements to the Caribbean Sea. The Army Air Force will find a way to send another 1,000 combat aircraft to the Caribbean Sea."

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Chief of Staff." The generals replied.

  Admiral MacArthur had a happy expression on his face. After adding 500,000 troops and thousands of combat aircraft, this will greatly increase his strength. If the German army really wants to launch an offensive in the Caribbean, he also firmly believes that it can withstand the German attack. Even, it was able to defeat the German offensive in one fell swoop. In this way, he can become an American hero. Obtaining further promotion and stepping up to a higher position is no longer a dream!


"Your Excellency Chief of Staff, if we deploy another half a million people to join the Caribbean Sea Defense Zone, then we will have assembled more than 2.5 million troops in the Caribbean Sea, the Florida Peninsula and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, which will almost account for our Half of the current strength is reached. And our Atlantic line of defense has not yet been completed." Major General Eisenhower reminded.

  The expression on Admiral Marshall's face suddenly became more serious.

   "Is our recruiting going well?" Admiral Marshall asked.

  The news of the disastrous defeat of the U.S. Navy was not able to hide it in the end, and it was soon known by the entire American society. This caused an uproar in the entire American society. Everyone believed that the United States might lose in this war.

  However, under the government's vigorous propaganda, there are still a lot of American youths flocking to the conscription points, signing up to join the U.S. Army and the Army Air Corps, and contributing their strength to the next war.

"Your Excellency Chief of Staff, the recruitment work is going very smoothly. In the past two weeks, we have recruited 1.5 million soldiers. However, they still need to receive systematic training before they can truly join the army. In addition, The production of weapons and equipment must also be stepped up. We lack large-caliber artillery, tanks and armored vehicles, etc..” General Marin Craig, chairman of the Army Reserve Committee, said. They are responsible for the recruitment and training of recruits in the U.S. Army.


   "Speed ​​up the training and equipment of the troops. Try to let the major military enterprises speed up the production. Provide us with more weapons and equipment!" Admiral Marshall said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Chief of Staff." Admiral Marlin Craig and Lieutenant General Brian Somerville, who was in charge of logistics, replied.

"Everyone, in view of the fact that the Germans are very likely to launch a landing operation on North America earlier than we expected, we must further intensify our preparations. We must not only reinforce the Caribbean Sea, but also speed up the construction of the Atlantic defense line. In addition, the construction of new armored units must also be accelerated. By then, we must have enough armored units to withstand the torrent of steel from the Germans!" Admiral Marshall ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Chief of Staff." All the generals replied.

  Although, the strength of the U.S. Army has been greatly improved compared to before the war. But there is undoubtedly still a long way to go before resisting the German attack. Especially in terms of armor strength, the M26 heavy tank has already started mass production, and the matching M5 light tank has also started mass production. However, the main force of the US Army's armored forces is still a large number of M4 medium tanks, M3Lee medium tanks and M3 light tanks. It is undoubtedly very difficult to fight against the "Tiger and Leopard Tank" of the German army.

  Facing the threat of the German army's imminent landing operations, the entire U.S. Army and Army Air Forces, as if they were facing an enemy, tried their best to prepare for war.
