"Send a telegram to the hunting formation, telling them that we have been besieged by the Germans. Now that all the capital ships are in danger, let them find a way to escape the blockade of the German navy and return home!" Ernest King The general ordered.

  Although, the hunting formation only has three battleships and four battlecruisers. In such a large-scale naval battle, it has been useless. As all the aircraft carriers and most of the capital ships of the US and British navies were sunk, the remaining 7 capital ships would at best cause some minor troubles to the German Navy.

   But even so, Admiral Ernest King still hopes that the hunting formation can successfully escape back to the United States. After all, this will also be the last remaining part of the US Navy and the British Navy. Although these capital ships could not help the United States and Britain defeat the German Navy. However, when the German navy attempts to land in North America, it may be able to cause them some trouble.

   Of course, on the whole, the U.S. Navy and the British Navy still lost in this naval battle. Through this victory, the German Navy has completely controlled the Atlantic Ocean.

  The capital ships of the US and British fleets were sunk, and the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet stopped attacking them. Although there are still some cruisers and destroyers, the Mediterranean Fleet does not have many carrier-based aircraft, so it is unwilling to waste on these small and medium-sized ships.

   "What's going on? How come there are only nine capital ships? Don't the US and British navies have 16 capital ships? Where are the remaining seven capital ships?" Admiral Herman Boehm asked with a frown.

  Although, sinking four light aircraft carriers and nine capital ships is undoubtedly a very good result for the Mediterranean Fleet. However, Admiral Herman Boehm was still not satisfied.


"Yes, General, there should be seven capital ships. However, since the beginning of the battle, we have not found those seven capital ships. Perhaps, those capital ships had already left last night." Cramer said the lieutenant general.

   "General, the Americans and the British suffered heavy losses yesterday, so they sent some of the fastest capital ships to leave. The purpose may be to deal with the local fleet." Lieutenant General Gremel guessed.

Admiral Herman Boehm nodded: "Perhaps it is possible. Send more seaplanes to search the nearby waters. Once you find this fleet of the US and British Navy, you must find them and solve the problem. In this way, we will be able to eliminate all the aircraft carriers and capital ships of the Americans and the British in one fell swoop through this naval battle."

   "Yes, General." Lieutenant General Cramer immediately went to make arrangements.

  Not only is the Mediterranean Fleet sending seaplanes to search for the hunting formations sent by the US and British fleets, but the German Navy's home fleet is also doing the same thing.

   Especially after learning that the Mediterranean Fleet had sunk four light aircraft carriers and nine capital ships of the US and British fleets, the local fleet also focused on the remaining fleet of the US and British fleets.


   However, the search of the two major fleets of the German Navy has not been able to achieve results. The seven capital ships of the US and British fleets seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

   It is Admiral Hasben Kimmel who is in charge of commanding the hunting formation. Originally, he was also full of confidence in hunting down the aircraft carrier of the German Navy's home fleet. However, when it was almost dawn, they still had not been able to find the aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy's home fleet, which made Admiral Hasben Kimmel a little worried.

   After all, as soon as it is dawn, the aircraft carrier of the German Navy can take off the carrier-based aircraft. Even though the seven capital ships he led were very powerful, under the siege of the German navy's carrier-based fleet, there was only one dead end.

   It is precisely because of this that Admiral Hasben Kimmel ordered the formation to abandon the mission and turn to escape.

   Admiral Hasben Kimmel did not lead the fleet to sail west, because he knew that the German navy would definitely attack the US and British fleets after dawn. If they sailed west, they would only fall into the hands of the German navy.

    Hasben? Kimmel Admiral ordered the fleet to sail southeast. Wait until after dark to turn south and then turn west, eventually heading back to the Caribbean. The United States has military bases on those islands in the Caribbean Sea. As long as you return to that sea area, you will be safe.


Especially after receiving a telegram from Admiral Ernest King, learning that another fleet of the German Navy also participated in the battle and sank the remaining four light aircraft carriers and nine capital ships of the US and British fleets, Haas Admiral Ben Kimmel was more cautious.

   It is precisely because of this that the hunting formation of the US and British fleets was able to escape the pursuit of the German Navy and successfully return to the United States. However, even if they fled back, it would not have any impact on the overall situation of this naval battle. Even, it will have no impact on the German Navy's maritime hegemony in the Atlantic Ocean. The German Navy is already at an absolute advantage in the Atlantic Ocean.

   "Your Excellency, the American fleet seems to have disappeared. Could they have sailed further west last night and fled back to North America?" Lieutenant General Carl Weitzel asked.

Marshal Lütjens shook his head: "It's unlikely. They must still be in the Atlantic Ocean. However, the Atlantic Ocean is too vast. If we want to find such a fleet in the vast ocean, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Especially Now it's dark again. The American and British fleet can escape further under the cover of night. It will be even more difficult to find them."

  Marshal Lütjens was a little regretful. If all the aircraft carriers and capital ships of the US and British fleets could be sunk in one fell swoop, then the German navy would undoubtedly win the most glorious victory. But unfortunately, several capital ships escaped.

"Your Excellency, the American and German capital ships cannot be found, and we have no other way. Fortunately, we have won this battle. The Americans and the British can no longer turn the tables Already." Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.

Marshal Lütjens nodded: "Indeed, the overall situation is settled now. Escaped a few American and British capital ships, and it will not affect the overall situation. When we landed in North America, we always There will be a chance to get rid of them too!"
