"Your Excellency, Commander, we have won. The second wave of carrier-based aircraft fleet has begun to return. According to the news they reported, all the large fleet aircraft carriers of the US Navy have been sunk!" Han, the commander of the local fleet aircraft carrier formation Lieutenant General Si, with a smile on his face.

   "Very good, very good. It is worthy of such a big loss for our capital ship formation!" Marshal Lütjens also showed a smile on his face. The capital ship formation almost suffered a devastating blow, which made him feel very distressed. But now, their counterattack has eliminated nine large fleet aircraft carriers of the US Navy. It can be said that from the perspective of this battle damage ratio, the German Navy undoubtedly has an advantage.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the Americans lost nine large aircraft carriers. Then, they only have four light aircraft carriers left. Although the British still have eight medium-sized aircraft carriers, they are no longer a threat to them. We have already won this naval battle." Fleet Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Carl Witzel also said with a smile.

   "Yes, we have already won!" Marshal Lütjens said heavily.

  Although, the local fleet suffered a lot in this battle. But the results obtained are undoubtedly greater than their losses. What's more, although the German Navy's home fleet suffered heavy losses, the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet undoubtedly still have very strong strength. Once these two fleets are also involved in this naval battle, the German Navy will easily win the final victory.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, there are still three hours before dark. We can still continue to launch attacks and further cause heavy damage to the Americans and British." Lieutenant General Hans suggested.

   Marshal Lütjens nodded: "Have the first wave of returning carrier-based aircraft been ready again?"


   "Yes, Your Excellency Commander." Lieutenant General Hans replied.

"Well, order the first wave of aircraft to take off again and launch a third round of attacks. At the same time, let the second wave of aircraft return at an accelerated pace, and strive to launch a fourth round of strikes. This time, we will severely damage the US Navy and the United Kingdom in one fell swoop. Navy!" Commanded Marshal Lütjens.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Commander." Lieutenant General Hans immediately went to make arrangements.

   Soon, the eight aircraft carriers of the German Navy began to take off carrier-based aircraft again. The carrier-based aircraft, which had been refueled and replenished with ammunition, flew away from the aircraft carrier and rushed towards the US and British navies, preparing to cause them further losses. After the nine large fleet aircraft carriers of the U.S. Navy were sunk, it was the turn of the eight medium-sized aircraft carriers of the British Navy.

  When the air search radar of the US and British fleets once again discovered the attacking German navy's carrier-based aircraft group, the generals of the two navies all turned pale. Especially the generals of the British Royal Navy, their faces were even more ugly. No need to think about it, the Germans will target them this time.

   But, besides ordering the fleet to prepare for air defense and face the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group, do they have other ways? Although the US and British fleets still have some fighter jets left. But the number is running out. In addition, the pilots were already scared out of their wits. Now if they are allowed to continue to fight in the air, I am afraid no one will be willing. Instead of that, it is better to devote the whole army to air defense operations.


  Although the number of carrier-based aircraft launched by the German Navy in the third round of attack is far less than that of the first round of attack. However, it is still not to be underestimated.

  During the first round of attacks, the carrier-based air fleet included 144 carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets, 144 dive bombers and 120 torpedo attack aircraft. But now, there are only 108 carrier-based FW-190 fighters, 104 dive bombers and 76 torpedo attack aircraft left in the carrier-based fleet.

   "Attack, target the medium-sized aircraft carriers of the British Navy, and sink them all!" The commander of the German Navy's carrier fleet issued an order.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The anti-aircraft firepower of the Royal Navy also opened fire, and the 127mm anti-aircraft guns were the first to attack. When the distance between the two sides was further shortened, the 40mm anti-aircraft guns and 20mm anti-aircraft guns also started firing immediately. Dense shells roared and exploded in the sky, forming dense air defense firepower nets.



   There was a shrill howl, and the dive bombers of the German Navy, under the cover of fighter jets, began to attack the **** warships of the Royal Navy. It is still the same tactic, sinking the outer **** warships first, and then attacking the core aircraft carrier.

   "Fire, shoot down the German plane, hold on. Otherwise, it's all over!"

   "Boom! Boom!"

  A violent explosion sounded, and a destroyer was broken into two pieces during the explosion, and soon sank into the icy Atlantic Ocean.

  As destroyers and cruisers were sunk one after another, the aircraft carriers at the core of the fleet began to be attacked.

The first to be sunk was the British Navy's 'Brave' aircraft carrier. This aircraft carrier with a displacement of 22,500 tons was hit by more than a dozen heavy aviation armor-piercing shells. There was a raging fire. In addition, as many as eight heavy aviation torpedoes hit the aircraft carrier. Such a severe injury caused the aircraft carrier to sink into the sea very quickly.

   Immediately after the "Brave" aircraft carrier was sunk, it was the "Victory" aircraft carrier. The displacement of this aircraft carrier is as high as 23,000 tons. However, under the siege of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet, there is still only one life to be sunk.

  The carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy shuttled among the anti-aircraft firepower. Some fighters were unlucky and were shot down by the anti-aircraft firepower. However, some fighter planes were luckier and successfully dropped the bomb on the enemy's aircraft carrier.

  Countless warships were hit, burning and sinking slowly.

   "Damn it! Will all our aircraft carriers be sunk by the Germans?" Admiral John Tovey looked ugly.

    Andrew? Admiral Cunningham, not a word. But from his tightly clenched fists, one could see how nervous he was.

   Under the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group, the British Navy's aircraft carriers were sunk one after another.

  Although their anti-aircraft firepower also shot down many carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. However, it could not prevent their aircraft carrier from being sunk. Judging from the current battle situation, the British Navy has also lost.

  The German Navy, after experiencing the initial heavy losses, has begun to reap their victories.
