On the aircraft carrier "Poseidon", the flagship of the German Navy's home fleet, the commander of the fleet, Marshal Lütjens, looked ashen. Lieutenant General Carl Witzel, the chief of staff of the fleet, also had a very ugly expression on his face. In the entire war room, all the officers dared not even vent their anger, for fear of offending Marshal Lütjens who was in a rage.

  Several anti-submarine frigates are attacking a sea area. Depth charges one after another were dropped into the sea, and then water jets shot up into the sky. The sonar soldiers on the anti-submarine frigate listened intently to the sounds under the sea.

   "Sir, the noise has died down. The target should have been sunk!" a sonar soldier reported.

  The officer nodded: "Report to the flagship, we have sunk the enemy's submarine."

   It's just that although they sank the enemy's submarine, everyone was not happy at all. Because the previous radio monitoring can be very clear that the enemy's submarine has sent a telegram. There is no doubt that the position of the fleet has been exposed, which undoubtedly poses a huge threat to the local fleet. Even if you are a little careless, you may face a catastrophe.

   "Your Excellency, the anti-submarine team reports that the enemy's submarine has been sunk." A staff officer reported.

  Marshal Lütjens nodded: "Now sink the enemy's submarine, but our position must have been exposed. Next, what should we do?"


   There is no doubt that the local fleet is now in crisis. After the US and British fleets discovered their traces, they would inevitably encircle and suppress them. Even, the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets have now begun to take off, and will soon fly over their heads.

   "Your Excellency, the Americans and the British may still be far away from us. Even if they know our location, they cannot pose a threat to us." Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.

Marshal Lütjens shook his head: "No, Chief of Staff, you are too optimistic. We must prepare for the worst. Otherwise, if the situation is very unfavorable to us, we may not be able to deal with it. gone."

   "Your Excellency, Commander, can we launch an attack? Although we don't know the location of the Americans and the British. But they should be in our west or southwest." Lieutenant General Hans, commander of the aircraft carrier formation of the local fleet, said.

   "I haven't even figured out the position of the British. It is a waste to launch an attack at this time. It will even weaken our air defense force." Marshal Lütjens categorically rejected this suggestion.

  Of course, fully dispatching carrier-based aircraft to attack the US and British fleets may severely damage the US and British fleets. But at the same time, the local fleet will also pay a heavy price under the attack of the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets. Even, when the US and British fleets already have a huge advantage, the local fleet may be completely wiped out.


   All the generals of the local fleet frowned. Obviously, no matter what to do, the local fleet will face a great crisis this time. There is no way to do this. Who makes the overall strength of the US and British fleets much stronger than the local fleet? If the two sides are evenly matched, perhaps they can choose to fight hard, even if it is a fight that hurts both sides, it is also beneficial to the German Navy.

   "Gentlemen, is there any way for everyone to get out of the current predicament?" Marshal Lütjens continued to ask. As time goes by, the local fleet will become more and more dangerous, which makes Marshal Lütjens a little anxious.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, I have a way to get out of the current predicament." Lieutenant General Gerke, the commander of the battleship formation, said.

   "General Gerke, what can we do?" Marshal Lütjens asked.

"Your Excellency, the aircraft carrier formation and the capital ship formation immediately separate. The capital ship formation maintains its course and continues to head south. The aircraft carrier formation turns to the east and distances itself from us at the fastest speed. In this case, the Americans and the British Once human carrier-based aircraft find our capital ship formation, they may be attracted by us and attack the capital ship formation instead. In this case, the aircraft carrier formation will be safe." Lieutenant General Gerke said.

   After hearing this suggestion, everyone fell silent. Everyone understands that Lieutenant General Gerke's solution is to sacrifice the capital ship formation to preserve the aircraft carrier formation. Although, the 7 capital ships of the capital ship formation are also very valuable. But compared to the 8 aircraft carriers in the aircraft carrier formation, the value is undoubtedly much smaller.


  Marshal Lütjens also frowned, telling him to abandon the capital ship formation and instead preserve the aircraft carrier formation. Such an order was difficult for him to utter. After all, this is undoubtedly very cruel to the many officers and soldiers of the capital ship formation. They are very likely to be buried in the sea under the siege of American and British carrier-based aircraft.

"Your Excellency, Commander, we don't have much time. Please issue an order immediately. The Americans and British are bound to attack aggressively this time. If there is any further delay, both the capital ship formation and the aircraft carrier formation will be dead. Moreover, after we make such a choice, we may not necessarily lose the naval battle. We can also use carrier-based fighter jets and fleet anti-aircraft firepower to consume the carrier-based aircraft of the Americans and the British. As long as their carrier-based aircraft are lost If it is serious, then our aircraft carrier can also launch a counterattack, which will severely damage the U.S. Navy and the British Navy in one fell swoop." Lieutenant General Gerke said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency, Commander. For us, this is also an opportunity to turn defeat into victory." Lieutenant General Carl Weitzer also said.

   "If the Americans and the British did not attack our capital ship formation, but instead searched for our aircraft carrier formation and launched an attack, then our plan would be useless." Marshal Lütjens said.

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander. If that's the case, then God has not blessed us. We can only try our best to resolve this meeting. As for whether it will be successful, we don't know. I hope God will bless us Let's go!" Lieutenant General Gerke said.

   Marshal Lütjens nodded, he also made up his mind at this moment.

"The fleet immediately separated, the capital ship formation continued to move south, and the aircraft carrier formation accelerated to move eastward. The air search radar is ready. The carrier-based fighter jets are ready to take off to meet the enemy at any time. Be careful not to let the Americans and British follow our carrier-based aircraft. The position of our aircraft carrier formation!" Marshal Lütjens immediately issued an order.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Commander." The local fleet immediately began to move.
