"Report, Your Excellency, a telegram from Bermuda." A communications officer reported.

   Marshal Lütjens took the telegram and read it carefully. However, when he finished reading the telegram, his expression became very solemn.

   "Your Excellency, what happened?" Lieutenant General Karl Weitzel asked.

   "Look for yourself!" Marshal Lütjens handed over the telegram.

   Lieutenant General Carl Witzel took the telegram and read it. After he finished reading the telegram, his complexion also became very ugly.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the Americans actually dispatched a large number of planes to bomb the Bermuda Islands. Don't they know that under the protection of our carrier-based planes, their attempts will not succeed? Not only that, but they will also have to pay A heavy price." Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.

   "Of course the Americans know this. However, they still chose to attack Bermuda regardless of the cost. Obviously, they have other plans!" Marshal Lütjens said coldly.


   "Another picture?"

Marshal Lütjens nodded: "Obviously, the Americans are here for us. If they continue to attack the Bermuda Islands, the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet will be dragged by them in the waters near the Bermuda Islands. It is impossible to go north to join us. The U.S. Navy and the British Navy can seize this opportunity and attack us."

   Marshal Karl Witzel was taken aback suddenly: "Your Excellency, aren't we in danger?"

  Although the strength of the local fleet is not weak, it is obviously not enough if it is to deal with the US Navy and the British Navy on its own. The US Navy and the British Navy combined have nine fleet aircraft carriers, 8 medium-sized aircraft carriers and 4 light aircraft carriers. In addition, there are as many as 16 capital ships. Whether it is in terms of aircraft carriers or capital ships, the US Navy and the British Navy have absolute advantages. If the local fleet wants to defeat the US Navy and the British Navy, it will be very difficult.

   "Indeed, we are in a dangerous situation. It can be expected that the U.S. Navy and the British Navy will definitely rush towards us now. If we don't avoid it, then we will have to face a hard battle." Marshal Lütjens said.

"Your Excellency, Commander, we can speed up and sail eastward, as long as we return to the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Then, we can get support from shore-based aircraft. At that time, it will be enough to defeat the US Navy and the British Navy." Lieutenant General Carl Witzel suggested.


  The German Air Force and Navy have deployed a large number of aircraft on the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, including Iceland, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Although in the case of the German navy dominating the Atlantic, these forces are temporarily unavailable. However, once the U.S. Navy and the British Navy get close, they will definitely be able to rely on these shore-based aircraft to deal a devastating blow to the U.S. Navy and the British Navy.

   Marshal Lütjens shook his head: "Even if we retreat to Dong, do the Americans and British have the courage to go east?"

   Lieutenant General Carl Witzel was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Indeed, Commander, the Americans and British probably don't even have the guts to enter the eastern Atlantic waters."

"In addition, although the U.S. Navy and the British Navy are powerful, how can we be intimidated by them? Our strength is also not weak. If we seize the opportunity, we can also cause a devastating blow to the U.S. Navy and the British Navy !” said Marshal Lütjens.

  Though, evacuating to the east, retreating to the protection of shore-based aircraft is the safest plan. However, Marshal Lütjens was unwilling to choose such a plan. Because of that, the U.S. Navy and the British Navy will inevitably shrink back again. This also made it more difficult for the German Navy to destroy the US Navy and the British Navy in one fell swoop. Marshal Lütjens also hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to completely eliminate the US Navy and the British Navy in one fell swoop.

   "Your Excellency, what are you going to do?" Lieutenant General Carl Witzel asked.


   "Order the fleet to speed up to the south, and fight a decisive battle with the US and British navies in the mid-Atlantic waters!" Marshal Lütjens said.

   "Your Excellency, with our strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to completely overwhelm the US and British navies." Lieutenant General Carl Weitzer reminded.

Marshal Lütjens nodded: "Of course I know this. However, the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet can also participate in the war? Or, let the Atlantic Fleet stay in the waters near Bermuda and the Mediterranean Fleet come to reinforce us .As long as we have the support of the Mediterranean Fleet, our strength can still crush the US and British navies!"

  The strength of the local fleet is indeed slightly weaker than that of the US and British navies. However, with the addition of the Mediterranean Fleet, it is completely different. In particular, the Mediterranean Fleet, which has obtained a "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier, has become even stronger. If these two fleets join forces to suppress the US and British navies, the problem will not be very big.

   "Your Excellency, is this too risky?" Lieutenant General Karl Witzel was a little worried. After all, although the German navy has an advantage in the Atlantic Ocean. But if they lose this battle, their advantage will be wiped out. Even, it will affect the subsequent series of operations.

   You know, both the Kaiser and the German military have planned to launch a landing operation on North America by the end of the year. A strong navy is an important guarantee to ensure the successful landing of German troops in North America. Once the naval power is damaged, the landing plan may be affected. It even makes the entire strategy problematic. At that time, they will assume even greater responsibilities.

   Marshal Lütjens understood what Lieutenant General Karl Weitzel meant. However, at this point, he no longer wants to retreat.

"I know that this is very risky. However, I still want to give it a go. If it really fails, I will take all the responsibility. But if we can win, then our landing in North America , It will be a smooth road. The Americans and the British will no longer be able to prevent us from landing." Marshal Lütjens said.

   "Well, Commander, I support your decision." Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.

  Marshal Lütjens nodded: "Order the fleet to speed up south. Also, take off the seaplane to Iceland, and send a telegram from Iceland to Bermuda!"

   "Yes, Your Excellency Commander."

   Doing this is naturally to continue to maintain radio silence, so that the traces of their fleet continue to be kept secret.
