On the morning of October 17, when the U.S. Army Air Force dispatched a large fleet to prepare to attack Bermuda, the U.S. fleet and the British fleet also joined in the waters south of Newfoundland.

  The U.S. Navy has nine fleet aircraft carriers, four light aircraft carriers, and six capital ships, and the British Navy has eight medium-sized aircraft carriers and 10 capital ships, plus a large number of cruisers and destroyers. This has formed a huge fleet with a total of more than four hundred ships. Even facing the three major fleets of the German Navy in the Atlantic Ocean, they still have the power to fight.

  Of course, compared with the German navy, even if the U.S. Navy and the British Navy are united, they are still at a disadvantage. Even because of the performance gap of carrier-based aircraft, it is very difficult for the US and British navies to win. However, if it is only to deal with the German Navy's local fleet, the US and British navies are undoubtedly at an advantage.

  On the aircraft carrier USS Essex of the US Navy, senior generals of the US Navy and the British Navy gathered here. Admiral Ernest King, commander of the US Atlantic Fleet, was appointed as the commander of the US fleet this time. At the same time, after the U.S. Navy gained command of the British Navy, he also logically became the commander of the United Fleet.

   British Navy, British Navy Atlantic Fleet Commander John? Tovey Admiral as the deputy commander of the combined fleet. Admiral Andrew Cunningham served as the deputy commander of the aircraft carrier formation.

  Although, the navies of the United States and Britain formed a joint fleet. But in fact, they still command their own fleets. It's just that when fighting the German navy, they need joint operations. There is no way to do this. No matter which side the navies of the two countries are, they will definitely not be the opponent of the German fleet if they act alone. Therefore, they can only unite. Only in this way can we have a chance of winning.

"Gentlemen, the Germans have taken Bermuda. They are trying to establish a bridgehead in the western Atlantic Ocean that threatens the whole of North America. To this end, they have set a trap and moved the main force of our navy away from the southern area. However, This also gave us a chance. According to the information we have, the German navy that captured Bermuda was the German Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet. The one that appeared in the Greenland waters was the German home fleet.” Ounes Special? Admiral Kim.


"Yes, General Kim, this is a good opportunity for us. If we can seize this opportunity and severely damage or even wipe out the German home fleet in one fell swoop, then we will be able to occupy the entire fleet in the next battle." A bigger advantage." Admiral John Tovey said.

  The British Navy is also ambitious in this respect. They hope that through this battle, they can severely damage the German navy, because only in that way can they ensure their own safety. Even, there will be a chance to counterattack the British mainland.

   "General Tovey, then, we have reached an agreement on this issue." Admiral Ernest King said with a smile.

  John? Admiral Tovey nodded.

   "Very well, then our two navies need to work together. I believe that with our strength, we will be able to defeat the Germans." Admiral Ernest King said.

   "Yes, General Kim, we will definitely be able to defeat the Germans!" Admiral John Tovey said.


  The admirals of the U.S. Navy and the British Navy knew that the German Navy was too powerful for them. It is very difficult to defeat the German Navy. And, the chances are few and far between. This opportunity may be the last chance for the U.S. Navy and the British Navy. Therefore, they must seize this opportunity. Otherwise, if this opportunity is missed, they will never have a chance to defeat the Germans. In the end, it will only be eliminated step by step by the Germans.

  If the U.S. Navy and the British Navy completely fail. Then, the Germans will not only have complete control over the entire Atlantic Ocean. It can even further attack the east coast of North America. In the end, the mighty German Army landed in North America. As far as the U.S. Army and the British Army are concerned, it is even more difficult for them to resist the attack of the German Army, or even defeat the German Army. Therefore, the only way to preserve their country is to win the naval battle. Only in this way will they be able to defend their country. Even, there is still power to turn defeat into victory and defeat the German Navy in one fell swoop.

   "General Kimmel, tell everyone about the strength of the German Navy's home fleet!" Admiral Ernest Kim said.

    "Yes, General." Husband Kimmel Admiral replied.

"Generals, the German Navy's Home Fleet has a total of eight aircraft carriers and 8 capital ships. During the Battle of the Azores, one aircraft carrier and one battleship in the German Navy's Home Fleet were sunk. However, now they add An aircraft carrier was built, making the German Navy's home fleet have 8 aircraft carriers and 7 capital ships.

  The aircraft carriers of the German Navy are large fleet carriers. Four 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers, each capable of carrying 120 carrier-based aircraft. Four 'Constellation-class' aircraft carriers, each capable of carrying 103 carrier-based aircraft. These two aircraft carriers are stronger than our "Essex-class" aircraft carriers. Not to mention other light aircraft carriers and medium aircraft carriers. The capital ship of the German Navy is the capital ship that served after the last world war. The hull is already relatively old. But after modern modification, it still has good combat effectiveness! said General Husband Kimmel.


   "The capital ship of the German home fleet was built with the hull of the unfinished capital ship that captured us!" Admiral John Tovey said through gritted teeth.

   This has always been a shame for the British Navy. After Germany captured the British mainland, it also captured a large number of unfinished warships in the shipyard. This made the German Navy have more than 20 capital ships at once.

   "Even if the German capital ships have been modernized, we can still sink them in this naval battle!" Admiral Andrew Cunningham said.

  The 10 capital ships of the British Navy are two "Nelson-class" battleships, four "Lion-class" battleships and four "Hood-class" battlecruisers. These battleships are cutting-edge battleships with very powerful performance. The generals of the British Navy have great confidence in these capital ships.
