"Gentlemen, Your Excellency the President has issued an order to let our fleet set off immediately to go north to reinforce the Royal Navy and fight against the German Navy." After the White House meeting, Admiral Harold Stark hurried back to the Navy The War Department, said to the admirals gathered here.

   Obviously, President Roosevelt has already made a decision to send the navy to reinforce the British navy. This is already a foregone conclusion, and no one can stop it. Therefore, the generals of the U.S. Navy can only find a way to follow the orders and ensure that the U.S. Navy can win the next battle.

   Admiral Harold Stark had just finished speaking, and the generals of the US Navy could not help but frown.

"General, the British can't be sure that the main force of the German navy is in the waters east of Greenland, right? If this is a trap set by the Germans, once our main force is transferred away, the consequences will be disastrous." Nimitz said the admiral.

  Although the U.S. Navy failed in the naval battle of the Azores, Admiral Nimitz, as the commander of the fleet, was not held accountable. The top and bottom of the U.S. Navy and even high-level U.S. officials believe that Admiral Nimitz is impeccable in command. The main reason for the failure is that the strength gap between the two sides is too great. Otherwise, the U.S. Navy would not have been defeated.

   "Yes, General. This is too risky. Once our main force goes north and the German navy raids our east coast, our losses will be great." Admiral Ernest King also said.

   Admiral Harold Stark nodded: "Everyone's concerns are not unreasonable. However, Your Excellency has decided to let the Army Air Force and Navy's shore-based aircraft be responsible for the defense of the east coast."


"General, I don't deny that the Army Air Force is very powerful. But it is very difficult for them to defend against the attack of the German Navy. Even if we have the help of air search radar, it can only detect a distance of 300 kilometers That’s all. For the carrier-based aircraft of the Germans, it only takes more than half an hour or even less than half an hour to fly the 300 kilometers. At that time, even if the Army Air Force mobilizes troops, it will be far too late.” Admiral Nimitz said with a serious face.

  The east coast of the United States has too many important things. Among other things, once the shipyards on the east coast are attacked by the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy, it will deal a heavy blow to the US Navy.

"I understand everyone's concerns. However, this is the decision of the President. We can only obey! In addition, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. Our strength alone is not enough to defeat the Germans. Therefore, We must unite with the British Navy." Admiral Harold Stark said.

  The generals of the U.S. Navy fell silent for a moment. Everyone knew that the U.S. Navy, which suffered heavy losses, had lost its ability to fight against the German Navy. This made them have to join forces with the British Navy. If the British Navy suffered heavy losses this time, they would be completely unable to withstand the German Navy. At that time, the entire east coast of North America will face the attack of the German navy.

"One more thing, Admiral Marshall believes that the German Navy's target is likely to be Newfoundland. If the Germans occupy Newfoundland, then we will be even more dangerous." Admiral Harold Stark continued Said.

  Suddenly, the expressions of the generals of the US Navy became more serious. They all know the importance of Newfoundland. Once Newfoundland fell into the hands of the Germans, they would be even less able to keep the Germans out of North America. The powerful German Army will land in North America more easily. At that time, whether it is the United States or the United Kingdom, it may be very difficult to resist the German attack.


   "Can you be sure that the Germans have dispatched the Marine Corps or the Army?" General James Richardson asked.

Admiral Harold Stark shook his head: "I can't be sure now. But we have to guard against this. The defense of the British on Newfoundland is very weak. Therefore, we cannot give the Germans a chance. "

  The generals couldn't help but nodded, and the British ignored the defense of Newfoundland. This made it necessary for them to dispatch the navy to buy time for the British to send army reinforcements to Newfoundland.

   "Order the fleet to assemble. Tonight, our main fleet will go north. Join the British Navy in the waters south of Newfoundland, and prepare to deal with the Germans!" Admiral Harold Stark ordered.

   "Yes, general." All the generals replied.

   At 8 pm on October 14th, a large number of warships of the US Navy left the military port on the east coast and began to sail north. Among these warships, almost all the remaining assets of the US Navy are included. Nine "Essex-class" aircraft carriers, four "Independence-class" light aircraft carriers, and a large number of cruisers and destroyers are all here. It can be said that the remaining warships on the east coast of the United States, except for a small number of cruisers and destroyers, there are not many ships.


  In order to resist the attack of the German navy this time, or to further defeat the German navy, the U.S. Navy has done its best.

  At the same time, the main force of the British Navy was also gathering. Six battleships, four battlecruisers, eight aircraft carriers, and a large number of cruisers and destroyers were all assembled in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. After the main force of the U.S. Navy goes north, they will join the U.S. Navy, and then look for the German Navy for a decisive battle.

  If only relying on the British navy's own strength, then they obviously don't have the guts to go to the German navy for a decisive battle. Because the British Navy knows that if the German Navy really comes together with the main force, the strength of the British Navy alone is not enough for the German Navy to squeeze its teeth.

   It is impossible for the main force of the U.S. Navy to go north to hide. After all, shipping on the East Coast of the United States has historically been very busy. Even if they were strangled by German submarines, there are still a large number of ships traveling between the east and west coasts of the United States or the east coast of the United States and South America.

   And this also gave the German intelligence agencies the opportunity to plant spies.

  A merchant ship sends a coded telegram after catching sight of the actions of the U.S. Navy.

   A few hours later, the German fleet in the Atlantic already knew that the main force of the US Navy had gone north. There is no doubt that Americans and Brits have taken the bait. Everything is moving in favor of Germany.
