On the aircraft carrier "Poseidon", the flagship of the German Navy's home fleet, Fleet Commander Marshal Lütjens and Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Karl Weitzel are speaking.

  The home fleet lost an aircraft carrier in the last naval battle of the Azores, and it was also the only aircraft carrier lost by the German Navy. This is regarded as a shame by the naval officers and soldiers of the home fleet.

  Although, after the third batch of "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers entered service, the "Ares" aircraft carrier was assigned to the local fleet, so that the strength of the local fleet could be restored to eight aircraft carriers. Moreover, the severely damaged aircraft carrier "Aphrodite" has also been repaired. This has brought the strength of the local fleet almost back to the pre-war level. Of course, the battleship "Catherine" lost by the capital ship formation cannot be made up for. After all, the German Navy has not built battleships for many years.

  During the naval battle of the Azores, the Atlantic Fleet commanded by Admiral Rolf Karls stole the limelight and made great contributions. Even though Marshal Lütjens had been promoted to marshal first, he still had some taste in his heart. He hopes that this time the local fleet can make greater achievements in naval battles. This is why he insisted on letting the local fleet undertake the task of luring the enemy. Although this mission is a bit more dangerous, the military exploits achieved are also greater. What's more, Marshal Lütjens believes that if all aspects are prepared, the local fleet will actually not be in too much danger. Really, if the conditions are ripe, the German navy can use the local fleet as the core to defeat the US navy and even the British navy again. In this case, the local fleet will be able to make great contributions.

   "Your Excellency, we have just sunk a submarine. It is estimated that the news of our activities in this sea area has been leaked." Lieutenant General Carl Weitzer said.

Marshal Lütjens nodded: "Very well, we need to let the Americans and the British know the news. In this way, they will gather the main force of the navy to deal with us. This will give the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet enough opportunities. "

"Yes, Commander. As long as the main forces of the U.S. Navy and the British Navy are dragged by us in the North Atlantic. Then, with the strength of the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet, winning the Bermuda Islands will be a sure thing." Carl Wei Lieutenant General Zell said.


   You know, the troops sent by the German Navy to attack Bermuda included the 1st Marine Division in addition to the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet. With the support of a powerful navy, with the capabilities of the 1st Marine Division, there is no doubt that there is no problem in capturing Bermuda. In this case, the German Navy's plan this time is considered to be more than half successful.

   "Your Excellency, if the U.S. Navy and the British Navy really put the main force on our side, we will be relatively dangerous." Lieutenant General Carl Weitzer reminded.

   After all, the strength of the German Navy's home fleet is not weak. But it is undoubtedly very difficult to deal with the U.S. Navy and the British Navy with the strength of a fleet. Although the U.S. Navy has suffered heavy losses, it is still restored to the size of nine fleet aircraft carriers, four light aircraft carriers, and six capital ships. The British Navy has 8 medium-sized aircraft carriers and 10 capital ships. The combined strength of the U.S. Navy and the British Navy is far superior to the German Navy's home fleet. Especially in terms of capital ships, the German Navy is completely at a disadvantage.

The expression of Marshal Lütjens also became serious: "So in the next battle, we need to be more cautious. Send more light warships and seaplanes to search the nearby waters. At the same time, I will also ask the submarine force to strengthen Search. In this way, we can avoid danger as much as possible."

   Lieutenant General Carl Witzel nodded, and it was the only way up to now. With the strength of the local fleet, although it is difficult to defeat the US Navy and the British Navy. However, if you want to get out of your body, it shouldn't be too difficult. Anyway, their task is to attract the attention of the U.S. Navy and the British Navy, and to win opportunities for the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet to assist the Marine Corps in capturing Bermuda. As long as this task is completed, they can completely withdraw from the battle to ensure their own safety.

  Northern Canada, Bay of Fundy, Headquarters of the British Royal Navy's Atlantic Fleet.


  After losing its homeland, the British Royal Navy actually only has the Atlantic Fleet left. All other fleets have been abolished. This is also impossible. On the one hand, the Royal Navy no longer has enough financial resources to build a powerful navy divided into multiple fleets. On the other hand, apart from Canada, they have no other territory to defend.

  Admiral John Tovey is the commander of the Atlantic Fleet of the Royal Navy, but he is mainly responsible for the command of the capital ship formation. The deputy commander of the fleet, Admiral Andrew Cunningham, is in charge of commanding the aircraft carrier formation.

  General John Tovey is used to drinking a cup of afternoon tea while bathing in the sun in the afternoon. Even if the British lost their homeland and retreated to Canada. However, those flashy aristocratic fans from the bottom of their hearts have always been retained and are sought after by them. Compared with the pragmatic Germans, the British are much worse in this respect.

   However, Admiral John Tovey may not be able to enjoy the quiet afternoon tea this time.

  A staff officer walked quickly to the country. Admiral John Tovey, who was immersed in the tranquility, could not help but frown at the sound of footsteps.

"Your Excellency, one of our submarines was sunk in the waters southeast of Greenland. Before they were sunk, they sent back a telegram. They claimed to have found a large number of German warships there!" the staff officer reported. road.


   "What? The German fleet? In the waters southeast of Greenland?" Admiral John Tovey jumped up from his chair with a look of surprise.

  Although, the British Navy has also entered a state of emergency combat readiness. However, Admiral John Tovey did not think that the German Navy was coming for them. After all, compared with the US Navy, the British Navy is relatively weaker. The U.S. Navy is the main opponent of the German Navy. Therefore, even if the German Navy wants to launch an attack, it should be directed at the US Navy.

  But now, the German fleet has just appeared in the waters near Greenland, which is obviously aimed at the British Navy!
