After Emperor Qin Tian approved the navy's plan, the German navy immediately began to prepare around this plan. The operational staff members seized the time to fill in the operational plan this time, fully demonstrating the feasibility of each tactic.

   Due to time constraints, in less than half a month, the German Admiralty and the staff of the three major fleets jointly formulated a detailed combat plan. After Emperor Qin Tian reviewed the plan, he signed his name.

   On October 5, 1940, Marshal Raeder, Minister of the Imperial Navy, held a combat conference in the port of Kiel. The commanders and chiefs of staff of the three major fleets, as well as other generals above major general, all attended this meeting.

  Although, the German Navy has won the battle in the Azores. Established the German Navy's superiority in the Atlantic Ocean. It is even said that most of the command of the Atlantic Ocean has fallen to the German Navy. However, the U.S. and British navies still have a great advantage in the western Atlantic, or under the cover of shore-based aircraft. If the German Navy wants to defeat the U.S. Navy and the British Navy in this sea area, it will be very difficult.

  Of course, even if there is great difficulty, the German Navy must try its best to win. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Germany to launch a landing operation on North America. Especially now that the time for Germany to launch a landing operation on North America is getting closer and closer, the German Navy needs to get rid of the US Navy and the British Navy as soon as possible. Otherwise, the German army's landing plan will have to continue to be postponed, which will affect Germany's overall strategy.

   "Gentlemen, the specific combat plan has been distributed to all of you. I will give you an hour to read the plan, and then express your own opinions!" Marshal Raeder said to the generals.

   The generals of the German Navy present here, open the plan and read it carefully. Suddenly, the only sound in the conference room was the sound of flipping through documents. Although this battle plan has been drawn up, except for Marshal Raider and the commanders of the three major fleets, the other generals do not know the specific battle plan.


  This battle plan is mainly divided into two parts. The main forces attacking Bermuda will be served by the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet. The home fleet acted as a suspect, used to confuse the US Navy and the British Navy.

  According to the plan, the three major fleets of the German Navy will leave their home port in three days and enter the Atlantic Ocean for operations. The home fleet will go to the waters near Iceland, and if necessary, it will go to the waters southeast of Greenland, making it look like it is threatening Canada's Newfoundland. In this case, it will inevitably cause panic in the U.S. Navy and the Canadian Navy.

  Once the U.S. Navy and the Canadian Navy go to the waters near Newfoundland to deploy defenses, this will leave the southern United States empty of troops. And this will also create enough time for the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet and Mediterranean Fleet to capture Bermuda.

  By the time the U.S. Navy and the British Navy came to their senses, the German Navy had already captured the Bermuda Islands, and had really gained a firm foothold in this sea area. It will be very difficult for the U.S. Navy and the British Navy to defeat the German Navy and retake Bermuda. And the German Navy can even wait for work here, severely injuring or destroying the US Navy and the British Navy in one fell swoop.

  The local fleet will also quickly move south to reinforce the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet, which will play a decisive role in this naval battle.

  Although, in the last naval battle, the German Navy had aircraft carriers and capital ships that were sunk or damaged. However, after more than three months of emergency repairs, the damaged capital ships and aircraft carriers have all been repaired. Moreover, after the third batch of four "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers entered service, the local fleet was supplemented and restored to eight aircraft carriers again. Moreover, the Mediterranean Fleet has also obtained a "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier, making the Mediterranean Fleet have five aircraft carriers, and its strength has been greatly enhanced.


   It can be said that in addition to the sinking of one capital ship, there was one more aircraft carrier, which made the German navy stronger than in the naval battle of the Azores.

  In contrast to the U.S. Navy, after more than three months of hard work and repairs, those damaged battleships and aircraft carriers have recovered their combat effectiveness. However, there are only three new aircraft carriers in service. This made the strength of the U.S. Navy not recover much, with only 9 fleet aircraft carriers and 4 light aircraft carriers.

  The strength of the British Navy is not as good as that of the U.S. Navy in terms of aircraft carriers, but it is much stronger than the U.S. Navy in terms of capital ships.

   Judging from the comparison of the overall strength of the two sides, the German Navy is still weaker than the US Navy and the British Navy in terms of capital ships. However, it is stronger than the US Navy and the British Navy in terms of aircraft carriers. This will allow the German Navy to still have a great advantage in naval battles. In this case, the possibility of the German Navy winning this naval battle is still very high. Even, if it is calculated mentally or unintentionally, the possibility of the German Navy achieving this combat goal is very high.

   "Your Excellency, Marshal, what if the U.S. Navy and the British Navy are not fooled and refuse to send the navy north to Newfoundland?" Lieutenant General Weicks asked.

"This possibility is very small. They cannot remain indifferent. Newfoundland is threatened by us. If the US Navy and the British Navy are not fooled, then force them further. For example, launch carrier-based aircraft from the home fleet to bomb Newfoundland Island," said Marshal Lütjens.


   Lieutenant General Weikes nodded and sat back. He knew that if the German Navy really sent carrier-based planes to bomb Newfoundland, the U.S. Navy and the British Navy would definitely be fooled.

"Your Excellency, the Marshal, Bermuda is too close to the mainland of the United States. Bombers flying from the United States can bomb there. Fighters from the U.S. Army Air Forces can even **** those bombers all the way. In this case, we want to build Bermuda It may be very difficult to become a bridgehead to attack the United States."

Marshal Raeder nodded: "We will deploy heavy troops around the Bermuda Islands, and use this opportunity to strangle the bombers of the US Army Air Force. When their losses are large enough, they will only compromise. And ours The engineering troops are building airports and deploying fighter jets on the Bermuda Islands at the fastest speed."
