On July 5, 1940, German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and Russian Politburo member and People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Molotov, representing Germany and Germany, signed their names on the peace treaty, representing the relationship between the two countries. The war is over.

  This treaty, because it was signed in Moscow, is also called the "Moscow Peace Treaty". The "Treaty" stipulates that from the date of signing the treaty, Germany and Russia will end the state of war. Russia cedes territory south of the Don and Volga to Germany. At the same time return the territories belonging to the Kingdom of Belarus. Russia recognizes the establishment of a democratic Russia. Russia and Democratic Russia each paid Germany 50 billion marks in war reparations, and all of these war reparations would be paid off within twenty years. In addition, the "Treaty" also stipulates that the military strength of Russia and Democratic Russia must be limited. No navy is allowed, and the air force can only have a small number of fighter jets and transport aircraft. The strength of the army shall not exceed 500,000 troops.

  The signing of the "Moscow Peace Treaty" marks that Germany has completely won the victory against Russia. The victory of this war made Germany finally relieve the threat to the mainland. And it allowed Germany to gather all its forces to deal with the remaining enemies without interference. Moreover, Germany also obtained huge benefits from Russia, which further strengthened Germany's power.

   It can be said that the fall of Russia left no doubt that Germany won this war. In the face of a powerful Germany, the United States, the island countries, and the United Kingdom can no longer defeat Germany. As long as Germany does not seek death by itself, Germany will win this battle.

  Russia, which was originally powerful, lost a complete defeat in this war. Not only lost most of the army, but also lost a large area of ​​territory. The next Russia can only linger east of the Ural Mountains and the Ural River.

  After Molotov returned to Chelyabinsk, he quickly took control of the overall situation. In the following Politburo meeting, he established his position even more. With the support of other leaders, he successfully served as the supreme leader of Russia. And Marshal Shaposhnikov also entered the Politburo as he wished, and at the same time served as the People's Commissar of National Defense and the Chief of the General Staff, firmly controlling the army. Kalinin and Mikoyan, who had always supported Molotov, also stepped up to a higher position. On the contrary, Andreyev, although still holding the position of a member of the Politburo, was gradually marginalized.

  After Molotov became the supreme leader of Russia, he began to find ways to develop people's livelihood and industry. But the huge war reparations made them bear a heavy burden. In order to pay huge war reparations, Russia had to sell a lot of natural resources to Germany. Although this made them no longer have to worry about war reparations, it also made them become vassals of Germany step by step industrially and economically.


  As for Democratic Russia, Germany wants to support a pro-German government here. In this case, even if Russia wants to become an enemy of Germany one day, democratic Russia will become a barrier for Germany.

  After the signing of the "Moscow Peace Treaty", Kaiser Qin Tian began to consider the issue of the leader of democratic Russia.

"Gentlemen, our war with Russia is over. The Russians have surrendered. Then we can start to build a democratic Russia. We need a German-friendly democratic Russia, put them between us and Russia, as the Our barrier!" Qin Tian said.

   "Your Majesty, the establishment of a democratic Russia is indeed very beneficial to us. Not only can it greatly weaken Russia's strength, but it can also contain Russia and defend us against Russia!" said Prime Minister Vachter.

   "So, do you have any suggestions for the leader of Democratic Russia?" Qin Tian asked.

   "Your Majesty, the leader of Democratic Russia must be someone who is close to us. Otherwise, this will affect our control of Democratic Russia." Ribbentrop also said.


   "Your Majesty, I do have a candidate who may be qualified." Marshal Manstein said.

   "Oh? Who is it?" Qin Tian asked.

   "Commander of the Russian Liberation Army, General Timoshenko!" Marshal Manstein said.

"In the battle against Russia, the Russian Liberation Army led by General Timoshenko was still very tenacious. Their performance on the battlefield was even better than those of the elite Russian troops. It can be seen that General Timoshenko led troops to fight. It's very good. In addition, General Timoshenko, the commander of the Russian Liberation Army, already has irreconcilable conflicts with the Russian side. In other words, in the eyes of the Russian side, General Timoshenko is a traitor. In this way Under such circumstances, Timoshenko has no other choice but to continue to hold our thighs tightly. If he is allowed to be the leader of Democratic Russia, he will continue to be loyal to us." Marshal Manstein continued Said.

  Qin Tian nodded, and he also admitted that General Timoshenko was a very suitable candidate.

   "Everyone, do you have any other candidates?" Qin Tian asked.


  A group of people shook their heads, and they all believed that General Timoshenko was indeed the best candidate.

   "In this case, let Timoshenko be the president of democratic Russia!" Qin Tian finally said.

   "Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone replied.

"However, even if Timoshenko is loyal to us. But at the same time, we must strengthen our control over democratic Russia. Government agencies and the military at all levels must have our talents. Make sure that even if Timoshenko has If one day betrays us, we can easily control Democratic Russia, and there will be no surprises!" Qin Tian exhorted.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." The ministers of the empire agreed deeply.

  Afterwards, Qin Tian summoned Timoshenko in person to show his trust in him.

   Timoshenko never thought that he would have the chance to be the president of democratic Russia. When he learned that this piece of pie fell on his head, Timoshenko was also flattered. However, Timoshenko did not get carried away. He knew that if the Germans could make him the president of democratic Russia, they would be able to bring him down. Therefore, after becoming president, he must also hug the thighs of the Germans tightly. Only in this way can he continue in this position for a long time.

   In front of Qin Tian, ​​Timoshenko also patted his chest and promised that he would always be loyal to the German Empire and His Majesty the Emperor. Of course, in this case, Qin Tian certainly wouldn't fully believe it.

   So far, Russia has split into two countries.
