"Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"

  Bombs fell from the sky one after another and exploded in the city of Chelyabinsk. One after another buildings were destroyed in the explosion. Houses were blown down and streets were reduced to rubble.

  Facing the bombing of the Luftwaffe, the Russian army chose to remain silent and did not fight back. This provides a better opportunity for the Luftwaffe fleet, allowing them to launch attacks unscrupulously.

   "What are the Russians doing? Are they really prepared to resist?" a German pilot muttered.

   "It doesn't matter whether they resist or not. Anyway, the whole of Chelyabinsk will be turned into ruins!"

   The first to start dropping bombs was the H-11 medium bomber. These bombers carry relatively few bombs, and at the same time have a short range, and the time in the air is not as good as that of the H-21 bomber. Therefore, after these H-11 medium bombers dropped their bombs, they began to return.

  The H-21 heavy bomber is entering the bombing. These heavy bombers carry much more bombs. A kilogram-heavy aerial bomb can carry dozens of pieces. Often an H-21 heavy bomber drops a bomb, which can turn a street into ruins.


   After the bomber group of the Luftwaffe launched an attack, Chelyabinsk began to turn into ruins little by little.

  In the basement of the General Staff of the Russian Army, Marshal Shaposhnikov, Kalinin and Mikoyan all looked a little unhappy. The large-scale bombing by the Luftwaffe also scared them enough.

   "Comrade Shaposhnikov, can this place withstand the bombing of the Germans?" Kalinin asked worriedly, stuck on the trembling ceiling.

"Don't worry, Comrade Kalinin. If this place is blown up by the Germans, then the whole of Chelyabinsk will cease to exist. There is no place safer than here." Marshal Shaposhnikov said Appears very confident.

"That's good. Comrade Shaposhnikov, after this round of bombing by the Germans, I believe that Comrade Andreyev's attitude will change. In the next meeting, I hope you can support us! " Mikoyan said.

  Marshal Shaposhnikov thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I will support you when the time comes!"


  Although Marshal Shaposhnikov wanted to remain neutral before. However, after learning that Molotov had the support of the Germans, Marshal Shaposhnikov immediately made a decision. This also made him need to stand with Molotov and the others in the next meeting.

   Kalinin and Mikoyan couldn't help being very happy when they saw Marshal Shaposhnikov's statement. With the support of the Germans, and the support of the army. Then, it is obviously impossible for Andreev to compete with Molotov for the position of supreme leader.

   On the other side, in the basement where Andreyev and others were hiding, several members of the Politburo also had panic that could not be concealed.

  The ceiling was vibrating, and the dust kept falling from the ceiling, making the people below feel ashamed. But at the same time, they were even more worried, for fear that the place would be blown up. In that case, they would be buried alive in it.

   "Comrade Andreyev, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop the Germans. If we refuse again, the Germans will continue to bomb. At that time, how can we resist them?" Zhdanov said.

A trace of anger flashed across Andreev's face: "The Germans are trying to persecute us in this way! But even if they blow up Chelyabinsk to ruins, so what? It's a big deal for us Just continue to retreat eastward. With the logistical supply capabilities of the Germans, can they continue to advance eastward?"


  The faces of several members of the Politburo were not very good-looking. Andreyev's words seemed to be grudge. But doing so doesn't make any sense at all. The Germans have already won this war. If they continue to resist, they will only pay a higher price and lose more and more. At that time, how will they negotiate with the Germans? If you wait until all the chips in your hands are lost, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with the Germans?

  The bombing of the Luftwaffe lasted for an hour and ended. However, when the Luftwaffe fighter planes left, the entire Chelyabinsk had been completely bombed into ruins. There are ruins everywhere, and the whole city has been razed to the ground.

  When the German bombing ended, the leaders of the Russian Provisional Government came out of the air-raid shelter. When they saw the devastated city, they felt very sad. After all, such a city was easily destroyed by the Germans. This shows how powerful the Germans are. If they continue to fight against the Germans, can they still bear the anger of the Germans?

  Even though Andreyev was still stubborn, he was also shocked.

   Subsequently, the leaders of the Russian Provisional Government held a meeting again. The place where the meeting was held was a house in the suburbs that had not been bombed. Although it was a bit crude, it was still much better than those ruins.

"Comrades, the despicable Germans have just blown up Chelyabinsk to rubble. They are trying to intimidate us into agreeing to their harsh terms. But the Russians will not be easily If we are defeated, we will not succumb to the threat of force from the Germans!" Andreyev said impassionedly. As if he wanted to encourage other people to support his opinion.

  But in fact, after this round of bombing by the Luftwaffe, the attitudes of these Russian leaders have changed a lot. Even Andreyev's supporters were shocked.

"Comrade Andreyev, your point of view is wrong. We have already lost the war and are no longer capable of fighting the Germans. Therefore, we need to admit defeat now. If we continue to fight, it will only make us pay a greater price Yes!" Kalinin said.

"Yes, Comrade Andreyev. We no longer have the qualifications and capital to bargain with the Germans. Under such circumstances, if we continue to fight against the Germans, the Germans will continue to attack us. At that time, We will pay a greater price!" Mikoyan also said.

  Andreyev saw Kalinin and Mikoyan jumping out, and was about to refute. However, Marshal Shaposhnikov, who was present at the meeting, spoke.

"Comrades, there is a piece of news that needs to be communicated to everyone. In addition to the Germans dispatching the air force to bomb Chelyabinsk, their ground forces have also begun to set off from Moscow and Joseph Grad. The target, directed at Chelyabin said !"
