Chelyabinsk, the seat of the Russian Provisional Government.

  After fleeing to Chelyabinsk, Russian leaders refused to go north to Yekaterinburg. For them, there is no difference between Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. If the Germans call, they may only have to continue to escape eastward.

  In addition, Joseph died, and the defenders of Josephgrad and Moscow surrendered to the Germans successively. These successive news also dealt a great blow to these Russian leaders.

  Andreev, as the longest-serving person in the Russian Politburo, is now doing his part as the supreme leader after Joseph. Of course, if he wants to truly become the supreme leader of Russia, he has to defeat one opponent after another.

  Although the struggle for power within the Russian government is very serious, the most important thing before them is undoubtedly this war. After Germany occupied Josephgrad and Moscow, it was obvious that it would not stop. Especially the German army that captured Josephgrad, if they continue to attack northeast, they will soon be able to reach Chelyabinsk.

"Comrades, General Zhukov failed Comrade Joseph's trust. At this most critical moment, he actually surrendered to the Germans. This is a complete traitor to Russia! I suggest that Zhukov be expelled from the party." Andreyev said in Said at the Politburo meeting.

"Comrade Andreev, this is very inappropriate. Comrade Zhukov made such a decision because he had no choice. They were completely surrounded by the Germans in Moscow. They were surrounded by superior forces several times their own, making They could not resist the German attack at all. In addition, the supply was almost cut off. Under such circumstances, Comrade Zhukov had no choice but to surrender." Marshal Shaposhnikov who attended the meeting said.


   Although, Marshal Shaposhnikov is not a member of the Politburo. But now he controls the vast majority of the remaining Russian troops. This allowed him to still have a detached position in the Russian Provisional Government. What's more, anyone who wants to take a higher position cannot do without the support of Marshal Shaposhnikov.

  After Andreyev heard Marshal Shaposhnikov's words, his face suddenly became very ugly. Originally, he wanted to win over Shaposhnikov. But now, Shaposhnikov's performance is obviously not the same as him.

   "However, Zhukov's surrender to the Germans completely damaged Russia's interests!" Andreyev insisted.

   "Just got the news that Comrade Zhukov has committed suicide. It can be seen that the reason why he surrendered to the Germans was that he didn't want to see more people die." Marshal Shaposhnikov continued.

  Everyone didn’t know what to say when they heard that General Zhukov committed suicide. It seems a little inappropriate to put a **** basin on General Zhukov's head again.

   "Okay, let's not talk about Comrade Zhukov. Anyway, the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to talk about it." Zhdanov smoothed things over.


  So, this topic was ignored.

"Comrades, the most important thing before us now is how do we deal with the German attack? After the Germans occupy Moscow and Josephgrad, once they attack east again, how can we resist?" Ann Dreyev asked.

  Marshal Shaposhnikov didn't say a word, although he was the chief of staff of the Russian army and he also controlled the troops. But he knew that it was almost impossible for the remaining troops to resist the German attack.

   "Marshal Shaposhnikov, can our army hold off the Germans?" Kaganovich asked.

Marshal Shaposhnikov shook his head: "After the surrender of the defenders of Josephgrad and Moscow, our remaining troops were only more than three million. Moreover, these troops are almost all second-line troops, many of which have even just They were just formed, and they don’t even have enough weapons and equipment, let alone resist the Germans’ attack. If you let them go to the battlefield, it will be no different from sending them to death.”

  A group of members of the Politburo couldn't help but look ugly after hearing such words.


   Obviously, what Marshal Shaposhnikov said was very clear. That is, it is impossible to resist the German attack. Well, they obviously should consider other options.

"Since we can't resist the Germans' attack, we can only think of other ways. Comrades, it is impossible for us to be the opponents of the Germans at this point in the war. If we continue to fight, it will only make us Pay a higher price. It may even lead to extinction. Therefore, we can only admit defeat and end this war," Molotov said.

"Yes, Comrade Molotov's opinion is very good. It is indeed time for us to end this war with the Germans. This war was wrong in the first place. If Joseph hadn't insisted on going his own way, our war with the Germans might not have happened It broke out. Our country will not suffer such a heavy loss." Mikoyan also said.

  After Joseph's death, the members of the Politburo who were originally suppressed by Joseph can't wait to overthrow Joseph's thoughts and decisions. As if to establish their authority in this way.

   "That's right, it's time for this war to end!" Kalinin also said.

  With the German army already occupying an absolute advantage in this war and even about to win soon, these Russian leaders don't want to fight anymore.

   "Marshal Shaposhnikov, if we negotiate peace with the Germans, what will the army's attitude be?" Molotov then asked.

   "The army has no opinion!" Marshal Shaposhnikov said.

  As the chief of staff of the Russian army, he is more aware that the Russian army cannot be the opponent of the German army. Under such circumstances, ending the war through peace talks has become the last option.

   "If everyone has no opinion, then make a unanimous decision and talk to the Germans!" Andreyev said.

  A group of Politburo members expressed support for this.

   "Comrade Molotov, you have served as the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs for a long time. This time, you will be in charge of the negotiations with the Germans." Andreyev said.

   Molotov nodded without refusing.

   "However, Comrade Molotov, in the peace talks with the Germans, you must ensure our interests as much as possible!" Andreyev continued.

  Molotov's face suddenly became a little ugly. It was obvious that Andreyev was digging holes for him.
