"Planes! German planes!"

  The Russian soldiers on the train saw the German planes circling above the train, and shouted in horror. Anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were also set up, ready to attack the German aircraft in the sky.

  In order to ensure Joseph's safety, this seemingly ordinary train has actually been modified. Anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns are deployed on many carriages in order to guard against attacks by Luftwaffe fighter planes.

  In Joseph's compartment, Joseph, who had stayed up all night, was resting on the sofa. As he gets older, his energy is also not as good as before. However, when his compartment door was opened roughly, Joseph was awakened immediately.

   "What happened?" Joseph asked, looking at Marshal Voroshilov who broke into his carriage.

   "Comrade Joseph, something is wrong. A German plane appeared above our heads." Marshal Voroshilov reported in a panic. Originally, they all thought that this operation was very secret and would not be exposed. However, in such a short time, the German Air Force has already found it.

  The expression on Joseph's face also became very ugly. Although he thought about it, his whereabouts might be leaked. However, he has always had a fluke mentality, thinking that it will not be exposed so easily. However, the current result is tantamount to a heavy blow to him.


   "Traitor! There must be a traitor. Otherwise, how could our whereabouts be exposed?" Joseph was very angry.

  Marshal Voroshilov was silent. When Russia is about to perish, it is undoubtedly very normal for someone in Russia to betray Joseph. After all, not everyone wants to fight to the end and die together with Russia. In order to keep their own glory and wealth, some people will definitely choose to cooperate with the Germans, which is inevitable.

   "Comrade Joseph, what should we do now?" Marshal Voroshilov asked.

  Before Joseph had time to speak, the Russian anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were ready and began to attack.

   "Boom boom boom! Da da da!"

   Anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns started firing crazily, shells and bullets shot at the German fighter planes above the train.


   "Shit! I'm under attack. The Russian trains are equipped with anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns!" The German fighter planes in the sky swayed from side to side, avoiding those shells and bullets. At the same time, it also began to pull up, preparing to return to high altitude.

   "Hold on, we're coming soon!" said the squadron leader.

   "Okay, I'm going to start a counterattack. Let those Russians know that we are not easy to bully!" said the German pilot.

   "Permission to fight back!"

   "Go to hell, Russians!" The German pilot cursed loudly, and then drove the plane to attack the train.

  When the fighter plane passed the Russian train, two bombs hanging under the wing were dropped.


   "Boom! Boom!"

  Two bombs fell on the train and one on the land base. The bomb went off and an anti-aircraft gun on the train was blown away. At the same time, a fire was lit.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  After the bombs were dropped, the German fighter planes began to fire with cannons. The shells hit the train, easily tore the train carriage, and exploded inside. The Russian soldiers in the train carriages were turned upside down by the bombers, and many were killed.

   "Bastard!" Joseph felt that the train was under attack, and couldn't help cursing. Although the carriage he was riding in was specially reinforced, it still couldn't withstand the blow from the sky. If he was hit, he would surely die.

   "Let our anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns fire with all their strength and shoot down the German planes!" Marshal Voroshilov ordered with a serious face.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Although the anti-aircraft guns of the Russian army were firing violently, there was still nothing the German fighter planes could do.

  At this time, other German fighter planes also arrived, a total of as many as 12 FW-190 fighter jets, 12 Stuka dive bombers and 12 ground attack planes.

   "Damn, how come there are so many fighters?"

   "We are finished, the German fleet is coming, how can we resist them!"

  The Russian soldiers were desperate when they saw such a large-scale fleet.


  Two dive bombers attacked the train one after the other. The shrill scream made the Russian soldiers on the train cover their ears.


  A heavy aerial bomb was thrown onto the railway in front of the train, and the huge power immediately blasted the railway into a huge crater.

  The train driver saw this scene and immediately began to brake urgently. However, it was still too late. The front of the train rushed into the crater, and the whole train turned over at once.

   Joseph in the carriage fell down suddenly, his head was bleeding.

  Other Russian soldiers also got out of the fallen carriage.

  However, what greeted them was the attack of German fighter planes.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  Several ground attack aircraft dropped bombs on the heads of these Russian soldiers. The bomb exploded, reaping the lives of these Russian soldiers.

   "Da da da! Boom boom boom!"

   Aviation machine guns and machine guns fired wildly, and countless Russian soldiers were knocked to the ground.

  Under the fierce attack of German fighter planes, the Russian troops on the train suffered heavy casualties.

  Some Russian soldiers who didn’t have time to get out of the train, seeing this scene, couldn’t help being frightened, and didn’t dare to get out of the train again.

  However, hiding in the train is also not safe. The train that fell on the railway also became the target of the German fighter planes.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  Two dive bombers dropped aerial bombs weighing 500 kilograms onto the Russian train. The violent explosion immediately destroyed several carriages. Most of the Russian soldiers hiding inside were killed.

  The rest of the people got out of the train quickly. However, it was still hit by intensive firepower from German fighter planes.

  It can be said that in the face of the German air attack, the Russian army has no power to fight back and can only bear it passively. Their anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns are all installed on the train. After the train fell on the railway, they could no longer use these anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns to fight back against German fighter planes.

   "Ah! Ah!"

   There were screams one after another, and many Russian soldiers were shot dead by German fighter planes with aviation machine guns. Some Russian soldiers were even torn to pieces.

  Facing the massacre by German fighter planes, these Russian troops were completely incapable of counterattacking.
