"Comrade Zhukov, starting today, the party and government organs will withdraw from Moscow and retreat to Yekaterinburg. The Moscow Garrison Command will arrange a retreat plan to ensure the safety of those comrades on the way to retreat!" Joseph said.

   Joseph summoned General Zhukov early in the morning and gave him orders.

   Obviously, while the German army's encirclement of Moscow has not been completely closed. This is undoubtedly a good opportunity to retreat. Once the German encirclement is closed, even if they want to retreat, they will have no chance. At that time, if you want to retreat, you have to mobilize a large number of troops to attack the German encirclement, which is not only dangerous, but also arouses the vigilance of the Germans.

   "Yes, Comrade Joseph, I will arrange it right away." General Zhukov replied.

   "However, Comrade Joseph, when will you evacuate? The longer the time is delayed, the more dangerous it will be." General Zhukov continued.

  In General Zhukov's view, Joseph's ability to agree to the withdrawal of Moscow's party and government agencies is already a big improvement. But now time is running out, and he also hopes that Joseph can evacuate as soon as possible.

   "Comrade Zhukov, are you reliable?" Joseph asked suddenly.


  General Zhukov was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "Comrade Zhukov, I swear to you with my life, I am absolutely loyal to you!"

   Joseph also knew that General Zhukov was loyal to him. Just wanted to make sure again.

   "Comrade Zhukov, I can feel your loyalty. This is very good. It is not in vain that I have always valued you." Joseph said.

   "If I leave Moscow, can you stabilize the situation and ensure the continuation of the fighting here?" Joseph then asked.

   Joseph wanted to leave Moscow, but he didn't want the fighting in Moscow to stop after he left. He still hopes that the defenders of Moscow can persist to the end and hold the German army here so that the German army can pay heavy casualties in Moscow. Similarly, this will buy him enough time so that he can escape to Yekaterinburg safely. It will also give him enough time to rectify the interior to ensure that he continues to control the country.

   General Zhukov immediately understood what Joseph meant. Although, General Zhukov knew that if he stayed in Moscow, it would probably be a dead end. But, at a time like this, does he have any other option than to show his determination?


   "Comrade Joseph, please rest assured that I will lead the troops to persist in Moscow to the end. Moscow's defenders will persist until the last soldier, and will never surrender to the Germans!" General Zhukov assured Joseph.

  Joseph looked at General Zhukov for a while, and then nodded: "Comrade Zhukov, I believe in you. Well, I will leave Moscow in three days. The specific evacuation plan is up to you to arrange."

   "Yes, Comrade Joseph." General Zhukov left and replied.

  From the daytime on this day, Russian party and government agencies and leaders began to withdraw from Moscow one after another. However, in order not to attract the attention of the German army, they adopted a small-scale evacuation method. Although such an evacuation method is safe, it is very slow in efficiency. It is not so easy for Russia's huge party and government organizations to withdraw from Moscow.

  That night, Zhukov submitted an evacuation plan to Joseph.

"Comrade Joseph, we are going to deploy an elite infantry division to cover your evacuation from Moscow. The three infantry regiments under this infantry division will be divided into three directions, leaving Moscow, passing through Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod Luo, Kazan, Chelny on the Kama River and arrive in Ufa. From Ufa, cross the Ural Mountains and arrive in Chelyabinsk. As for whether to stay in Chelyabinsk or go north to Yekaterinburg, it is up to you The situation at that time will make a decision." General Zhukov said.


   Joseph nodded. General Zhukov was able to dispatch an infantry division to **** him out of Moscow under tense battle conditions. This is undoubtedly very good. It can also be seen from this that General Zhukov is indeed loyal to him.

"Comrade Joseph, **** your infantry division. We initially selected it as the 4th Guards Infantry Division. Of the three infantry regiments under its jurisdiction, the most elite 1st regiment will leave by train with you. The 2nd regiment and the 1st regiment The 3rd regiment will take cars and **** you one after the other. Make sure you can reach Yekaterinburg safely." General Zhukov continued.

  The infantry divisions of the Russian Army, the units that can be named Guards, are undoubtedly the elite among the elite. These troops are also loyal to Joseph. Let these troops protect him from leaving, which also made Joseph feel relieved.

   "Very good, Comrade Zhukov. I am still very satisfied with your arrangement." Joseph said.

"Comrade Joseph, as long as you can safely evacuate to Yekaterinburg. Then, Russia still has hope. We still have the possibility of defeating the Germans. After you arrive in Yekaterinburg, you must continue to lead the Russian people to continue fighting. We absolutely will not It will be defeated by the Germans just like that," General Zhukov said.

   "Don't worry, Comrade Zhukov. Russia will not be defeated. We will persist in this war to the end and win the final victory!" Joseph looked confident.

  In the next two days, Russian party and government agencies are still withdrawing from Moscow in small batches and multiple batches. Usually several trucks form a team. After leaving Moscow to a safe place, they change to other means of transportation and head to eastern Russia.

   The German side is also well aware of the actions of the Russians. The spies of the German intelligence agency in Russia also took action. The German side doesn't care about the departure of some small shrimps and small fishes. What they are really targeting is the big fish.

  Although, the news of Joseph's evacuation from Moscow is kept under high secrecy. Only a very few high-level people know. However, with the efforts of the German intelligence department, some clues were still detected. However, it is not yet possible to determine whether Joseph will evacuate Moscow.

  On the evening of June 17, an ordinary train departed from Moscow Railway Station, left Moscow, and headed for Vladimir. On this train, except for the two carriages for Joseph and his entourage to rest, the rest of the carriages were full of heavily armed infantry. At the same time, an infantry regiment left Moscow in trucks and trains.
