The U.S. Naval Operations Department, Chief of Operations Harold Stark, Fleet Commander James Richardson, and Atlantic Fleet Commander Ernest King, all gathered in Harold Stark. Admiral Tucker's office.

  There is only one purpose for them to gather here, and that is to hope to get news from the front line as soon as possible. They all know very well that this decisive battle between the American fleet and the German navy is related to the life and death of the United States.

"Overall, the Germans are stronger than us. Especially when they can also get shore-based aircraft support from the Azores, their advantage is undoubtedly even greater. However, if our strength is not Weak, if luck is better, it is not impossible to make the Germans pay a higher price." General James Richardson said.

  Although, they all know that it is very difficult to defeat the German Navy. However, everyone must admit that the current U.S. Navy already has enough strength and qualifications to challenge the German Navy. As long as you are lucky, even defeating the German navy is not impossible.

   After all, there are too many non-subjective factors in naval battles. For example, if an aerial bomb dropped by a dive bomber directly penetrates the deck and several layers of bulkheads, and explodes in the ammunition depot, thus triggering the detonation of the ammunition depot, then, for an aircraft carrier, this will cause serious damage. fatal injury. Or, hitting the oil tank can also have the same effect. Although, it's not easy. However, the same will happen. With a little luck, anything is possible.

   It is precisely because of this that the U.S. Navy certainly believes that they are not fully prepared yet. However, after President Roosevelt asked for war against Germany, the U.S. Navy still chose to obey the order. They also have great expectations for this naval battle. If luck is a little bit better, this will undoubtedly defeat the German Navy in one fell swoop.

"Yes, Your Excellency Minister, I completely agree with your Excellency Commander's analysis. The German navy has dominated the world's oceans for more than 20 years, and they are indeed very powerful. However, we are not bad. What we lack is nothing but luck That's all. Just like in the last world war, the German navy was actually not much stronger than the British navy. However, their luck was much better than that of the British. Therefore, they won the naval battle and defeated the British navy in one fell swoop , Snatched the position of supremacy of the sea from the hands of the British. If our luck is better, it is not impossible to replace the Germans." Admiral Ernest King also said.


Admiral Harold Stark nodded: "Although, we do have the possibility of defeating the Germans. However, we'd better prepare for the worst. If we fail, the consequences will be disastrous. If we want to compete with the Germans for maritime supremacy in the Atlantic Ocean, it will be impossible. Even defending the east coast will become very difficult.”

"Yes, Your Excellency. However, our shipbuilding capabilities are gradually being released. In major shipyards, more than 12 'Essex-class' aircraft carriers are under construction. And, the new batch of 'Essex-class' aircraft carriers The additional construction plan for the Sykes-class battleship has also been submitted. I believe that His Excellency the President will not refuse. In this case, we will have more aircraft carriers soon. If the shipyard can further compress the If the construction time of the Sykes-class aircraft carrier is lower, then we will be considered a failure, and we will recover our strength soon." Admiral James Richardson said.

  'Essex-class' aircraft carrier, the US Navy plans to build 32 ships. Now the U.S. Navy has eight "Essex-class" aircraft carriers in service. On the berths of major shipyards, there are still 12 "Essex-class" aircraft carriers of varying progress. This time, the plan they submitted is to start construction of the next 12 "Essex-class" aircraft carriers as soon as possible, which will further increase the strength of the US Navy.

"The major shipyards are already working overtime on the construction. With the further progress of the technology, and the workers are becoming more and more skilled. The construction period of the 'Essex-class' aircraft carrier is constantly shortening. This is certain. On the contrary, according to the information we have, the construction period of German aircraft carriers is generally longer. In this case, we still have an advantage in supplementing new warships." Admiral Ernest King also said.

  They are still optimistic about the development of the US Navy. After all, the United States has strong industrial strength, and the shipbuilding industry is particularly strong. Although it is not as good as Germany, the gap is not very big. After entering the wartime system, these powerful industrial strengths will gradually transform into war power.

Admiral Harold Stark nodded: "In addition to the 'Essex-class' aircraft carrier, more than half of the design work for the subsequent new class of aircraft carrier has been completed. It is expected that construction will start early next year." It has been built. Our next-level new aircraft carrier should be no worse than the Germans' Lord-class aircraft carrier, or even stronger. It would be great if it could match the Germans' Nordic God-class aircraft carrier. gone."


"The Germans were on the aircraft carrier and developed much earlier than us. But now we have caught up. Soon, we will be able to surpass the Germans. Just like the Germans surpassed the British, they will also be trampled on the soles of their feet Yes!" Admiral Ernest King said confidently.

   At this moment, an American Navy general opened the door and walked in.

   "Minister, General Nimitz has sent a telegram." The general said.

   "Have we won?" Admiral Harold Stark asked immediately.

  General James Richardson and General Ernest King also looked at the general helplessly.

  The general shook his head: "Your Excellency, we have failed. Our fleet suffered a disastrous defeat in the decisive battle with the Germans!"


   "Fiasco?" Admiral Harold Stark fell down on the sofa as if his bones had been pulled out in an instant.

  James Richardson and Ernest King were also shocked by the news.

   Just before, they were full of confidence in the US Navy. But now, reality slapped them hard. Their naval dream has only just begun, and it has already failed.
