There is no doubt that the German Navy has achieved extremely amazing results in this naval battle. Through this naval battle, they have defeated the main force of the US Navy in one fell swoop. Although, the remaining strength of the U.S. Navy is still very strong, and through its strong shipbuilding capabilities, it will become stronger and stronger. However, in comparison, the German Navy is even more powerful. This allows the German Navy to continue to maintain its advantage in the following wars. If all goes well, the advantage can even be maintained until the end of the war.

  The United States originally wanted to reverse the situation in the Atlantic Ocean through this naval battle, and even pose a threat to Europe, so that Germany had to withdraw troops from the Russian battlefield to ease the pressure on Russia. However, the result of this naval battle made all the hopes of the United States come to nothing. Germany, which has won the command of the sea in the Atlantic Ocean, can concentrate its forces to attack Russia step by step. After winning the Russian battlefield, it can deal with the United States on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. It can be said that in this war, Germany has been invincible.

   "How big is our loss?" Marshal Lütjens asked.

  Although the German Navy's results in this battle were very good, but similarly, their losses were not small. This is undoubtedly normal in such a large-scale naval battle. It is simply impossible to win such a large-scale naval battle with zero casualties.

"Your Excellency Marshal, in terms of the aircraft carrier formation, one of our aircraft carriers was sunk and three aircraft carriers were severely damaged. All the losses were the 'Main God-class' aircraft carriers. The American carrier-based aircraft were obviously staring at our 'Main God-class' aircraft carriers Come to fight." Marshal Karl Witzel said.

  Marshal Lütjens nodded. Among the aircraft carriers currently in service in the German Navy, the "Lord God" aircraft carrier has the largest displacement and carries the most carrier-based aircraft. The carrier-based aircraft force of the U.S. Navy will of course stare at this class of aircraft carriers of the German Navy. Fortunately, only one "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier was sunk, and the other three damaged "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers can be repaired soon after being repaired by the shipyard. In this case, the strength of the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation will soon be restored.

   "In terms of cruisers and destroyers, the losses were not large. A total of two anti-aircraft cruisers were severely damaged, three heavy cruisers were sunk, nine light cruisers and 14 destroyers were sunk." Lieutenant General Carl Weitzel said.


   Marshal Lütjens was not surprised by this loss. Losses in cruisers and destroyers, although not small. But overall, it is still within an acceptable range. In addition, in the German Navy's shipyard, there are also a large number of cruisers and destroyers under construction, and these losses will soon be replenished.

   "What about carrier-based aircraft?" Marshal Lütjens then asked.

  Carrier-based aircraft is the only way for aircraft carrier formations to attack the enemy. It is not so easy to sink those aircraft carriers that are escorted by warships. Under the intensive anti-aircraft firepower of the Americans, the losses paid by the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft formation must not be small.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the loss of our carrier-based aircraft formation is indeed not small. Especially on the side of the Atlantic Fleet, their first batch of carrier-based aircraft groups, which fought hard against the US air defense fighters, suffered a great loss. The loss of the carrier-based aircraft of the three major fleets According to preliminary statistics, more than 700 carrier-based aircraft have been lost.” Lieutenant General Carl Weitzer said.

  Although he has made good preparations, Marshal Lütjens still feels a little uncomfortable when he hears that so many carrier-based aircraft have been lost. There are a total of 20 aircraft carriers in the Home Fleet, the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet. If all the carrier-based aircraft are added up, there are about 2,100 aircraft. The current loss has reached one-third. Obviously, this is undoubtedly an extremely heavy loss for the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation.

   "Send seaplanes and destroyers as much as possible to rescue those parachuted pilots." Marshal Lütjens ordered.


  More than 700 carrier-based aircraft were shot down, and there must be many pilots who parachuted to escape. In the vast sea, the possibility of these pilots being rescued after parachuting is not high. Therefore, rescue must be arranged as soon as possible. Compared with the lost carrier-based aircraft, the pilot is the most precious. As long as those pilots can be rescued, the losses can be reduced as much as possible. There is no shortage of carrier-based aircraft in Germany. With Germany's strong industrial strength, enough carrier-based aircraft can be produced soon.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal. We have dispatched many seaplanes and destroyers to rescue those pilots." Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said. Of course he knew the importance of those pilots. After the battle, many seaplanes and destroyers set off.

   "What about the losses on the capital ship formation?" Marshal Lütjens then asked.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the loss of the capital ship formation is not small. According to the information we have received, one of our battleships has been sunk, and another five battleships have been damaged. The capital ship formation has also lost one four heavy cruisers, three light cruisers and four destroyers," Lieutenant General Carl Weitzel said.

  The loss of the capital ship formation of the German Navy is indeed not small. However, such a small loss is insignificant compared with the results they achieved. After all, only one battleship was sunk. Those damaged capital ships can also continue to serve after repairs. This also makes the strength of the German navy somewhat damaged in a short period of time. But it will be restored soon.

   "What about the shore-based aircraft in the Azores?" Marshal Lütjens asked.


  During this naval battle, the shore-based aircraft force in the Azores also did their best. They not only dispatched a large number of shore-based aircraft to attack the US Navy's capital ship formation, but also dispatched fighter jets to reinforce the Atlantic Fleet's aircraft carrier formation. Otherwise, the Atlantic Fleet's aircraft carrier formation will definitely suffer even greater losses.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the shore-based forces in the Azores have lost more than 400 aircraft. More than 150 of them were destroyed by US naval gunfire on the airport last night. The rest of the aircraft were lost in the He was shot down by anti-aircraft fire when he was fighting with US fighter jets and launching an attack on the US Navy's capital ship formation." Lieutenant General Carl Weitzel replied.

  Marshal Lütjens nodded. It can be seen that although the German Navy won this naval battle, its own losses were not small.

   "Send a good news to Berlin. I believe that His Majesty the Emperor and the ministers are already waiting for our good news." Marshal Lütjens said.
