The aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet, the two damaged aircraft carriers have left the formation and embarked on their way back home. However, the remaining six intact aircraft carriers continued to fight.

  The first batch of carrier-based air fleet has returned. After the plane landed, it was directly sent to the hangar by the elevator, and the operation of refueling and ammunition was carried out. At the same time, the pilots also took advantage of this time to take a good rest.

  The second batch of fleet also returned after half an hour. Compared with the first batch of carrier-based aircraft groups that suffered heavy losses, the losses of the second batch of carrier-based aircraft groups were much smaller. There were originally 350 fighter jets, dive bombers, and torpedo attack planes, but the number of return flights reached 280, and only 70 were lost. In addition to the first batch of more than 100 carrier-based aircraft returning to the voyage, the entire Atlantic Fleet aircraft carrier formation, there are still 380 carrier-based aircraft that can be dispatched.

   "How many aircraft carriers do the Americans have left?" Admiral Rolf Karls asked.

   "General, according to statistics, the Americans probably have 13 or 14 aircraft carriers that have not been sunk." Lieutenant General George Friedberg replied.

   "There are so many more? It seems that we have to work harder and sink as many aircraft carriers as possible." Admiral Rolf Karls said.

  If possible, they certainly hope to sink all the US Navy's aircraft carriers in one fell swoop in this naval battle. However, this is undoubtedly very difficult.


"Yes, General. The aircraft carriers left by the Americans are also a great threat to us. It would be great if we could keep them all in this sea area." George Fred Lieutenant General Berger replied.

   "Command our warriors, prepare for the second round of attack!" Admiral Rolf Karls ordered.

   "Yes, General." Lieutenant General George Friedberg replied.

  The fierce battle was also a great test for the German carrier-based aircraft pilots. After flying continuously, they have to face the enemy's intensive anti-aircraft firepower, which is a great test for the energy and will of the pilots.

   However, these pilots had no complaints about continuing to attack. Immediately after receiving the order, they were ready to go. For these pilots, although they knew that this was a very dangerous thing, and they might even die because of it, no one flinched. As soldiers of the empire, they worked hard to defeat the enemy. This was their accusation, even if they sacrificed their lives for this, they would not hesitate.

  The German Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet have successively dispatched carrier-based aircraft to carry out a second round of strikes against the US fleet. However, because the local fleet is far away from the aircraft carrier formation of the US fleet, it is already outside the strike radius of the carrier-based aircraft. This made them only able to give up the second round of blows.


   But even so, the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet launched a second round of strikes, and the total number of carrier-based aircraft dispatched has reached more than 500. This is also an irresistible attack on the American fleet that suffered heavy losses.

  Although, the U.S. fleet also cobbled together hundreds of fighter jets to intercept. However, under the expulsion of the advanced German fighter jets, these air defense fighters not only did not cause much danger to the German carrier-based aircraft fleet, but suffered heavy losses under the attack of the German carrier-based fighter jets.

  The aircraft carrier formation of the US military has increased its speed to the extreme in order to escape. However, in front of the plane, such a speed is still nothing. After the German carrier-based aircraft fleet caught up, the attack began again.

   "Order all ships to resist desperately! We must bring back as many aircraft carriers as possible!" Admiral Nimitz issued an order.

  The loss of 11 aircraft carriers, and the large aircraft carriers accounted for eight, which has caused the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation to lose more than half of its combat effectiveness. But if the remaining aircraft carriers can return to the United States and replenish carrier-based aircraft and pilots, they still have quite good combat effectiveness. Even, wait for a while, and when the shipyards of the US Navy work overtime to build more aircraft carriers, the strength of the US Navy can also be restored.

  However, if they lose too many aircraft carriers in this naval battle, it will make it difficult for the U.S. Navy to recover its combat effectiveness, and it will lose its qualifications to confront the German Navy.


   "Yes, General!" A staff officer conveyed Admiral Nimitz's order to every US warship.

   Fierce battles started again. In order to protect the remaining aircraft carriers, other warships of the US military also desperately. Anti-aircraft guns of various calibers fired crazily, launching dense shells into the sky. Formed a network of anti-aircraft firepower, trying to shoot down the German carrier-based aircraft.

  Perhaps because of the loss of too many aircraft carriers, the **** warships of those aircraft carrier battle groups have also joined the protection of the remaining aircraft carriers, making the protection of the remaining aircraft carriers of the US military even stronger.

   But even so, the attack of the German carrier-based aircraft group is still very sharp. A carrier-based aircraft walked through the rain of bullets, dropping bombs and torpedoes on the US warships.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The anti-aircraft guns fired wildly, and shells exploded in the air, leaving clouds of black smoke. Shrapnel was shot in all directions, trying to shoot down the German carrier-based aircraft.

  Some unlucky carrier-based aircraft were hit by anti-aircraft artillery shells, and fell into the sea with thick smoke. Some carrier-based aircraft were even torn to pieces directly in the air, and the pilots were killed before they could even parachute.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  On the sea, a violent explosion sounded. After the German heavy bombs or heavy torpedoes hit the US warships, they can always cause great trauma to these US warships.

   One after another American warships were sunk in the attack of the German carrier-based aircraft. Although they were very brave, the strength gap between the two sides was too great. U.S. warships were constantly sunk by German carrier-based aircraft, not only cruisers and destroyers, but even aircraft carriers were also hard to escape.

  During the pursuit of the German army, the U.S. aircraft carriers 'Enterprise' and 'Wasp', as well as the aircraft carriers 'Independence' and 'Monterey' which belonged to light aircraft carriers, were sunk. The loss of the US Navy aircraft carrier formation has increased to 15 ships. Among them, there are ten large aircraft carriers and five light aircraft carriers.
