In the southwestern waters of the Azores, a large fleet of eight aircraft carriers of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet and a large number of cruisers and destroyers is sailing in this sea area. The direction of the fleet is exactly northwest. Although the speed of the fleet is not fast, they are going deep into the ocean little by little, hoping to find the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation from the vast Atlantic Ocean, and then launch an attack.

  Like the Atlantic Fleet, the carrier formations of the Home Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet are also sailing westward. When fighter jets taking off from the Azores attacked the U.S. capital ship formation, attacking the U.S. aircraft carrier formation became the primary task of the aircraft carrier formation of the three major fleets of the German Navy. Even if the entire battleship formation of the U.S. Navy is killed, it is not considered a victory in this naval battle. Only by severely injuring or even destroying the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation in one fell swoop can it be regarded as a victory.

  The eight aircraft carriers of the Atlantic Fleet are all ready for battle. The fighter jets, dive bombers and torpedo planes have all been filled with fuel, registered bombs and torpedoes, and are ready to take off.

   Even in the hangar below the deck, the fighters inside are ready. Once the planes on the deck take off, the planes in the hangar can be lifted to the deck by elevators to attack as the second wave of fighters.

  Aboard the aircraft carrier Zeus, the flagship of the Atlantic Fleet, Admiral Rolf Karls seemed a little anxious. Although, in the battle last night, the battleship formation of the Atlantic Fleet solved the four battleships of the US fleet at the cost of a heavy damage. However, this did not make Rolf? Carls Admiral happy long. In the eyes of Admiral Rolf Karls, the US Navy's aircraft carrier is their real goal.

  The capital ship formation of the US Navy has suffered heavy losses after experiencing a duel with the capital ships of the German Navy. And now, the U.S. Navy's capital ship formation is caught in the siege of the German Navy's shore-based aircraft. You don't need to think about it to know that the US Navy's capital ship formation is over. Even if the entire army is not wiped out, the situation will not be much better.

   At this time, the German Navy must make persistent efforts to find out the location of the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation and annihilate it.


   "General, I just received news that the US Navy's aircraft carrier may be 350 kilometers northwest of us!" said Fleet Chief of Staff Lieutenant General George Friedberg.

   "What? That place? Is it so close to us? Admiral Rolf Kars couldn't believe it.

   Indeed, the distance of 350 kilometers seems relatively far. But for an aircraft carrier, this is not far away, and it is already completely within the strike radius of the carrier-based aircraft. Even after the carrier-based aircraft takes off, it only takes less than an hour to launch an attack.

"The air search radar of one of our light cruisers tracked the U.S. fighter planes providing air defense cover for the capital ship formation. It was determined that those U.S. carrier-based aircraft descended and landed. From this, the position of the U.S. aircraft carrier was deduced." George ? Lieutenant General Friedberg said.

   Admiral Rolf Karls nodded. If this is the case, then the credibility of this news is undoubtedly very high.

   "General, do you want to send a plane to investigate? Anyway, the distance is not far, and the investigation will not take much time." Lieutenant General George Friedberg suggested.


"Forget it, don't waste time. Order our carrier-based aircraft to take off! This is an opportunity for us. We must not let this opportunity go!" Lieutenant General Rolf Karls made a decision in his heart. choose.

"Order all the carrier-based aircraft to take off except for the air defense fighters. The spare fighters are also added to the air defense fighters! This time, we must make the Americans pay the price!" Rolf Karls said will order.

  He knows that if a carrier-based aircraft is sent to launch an attack, the Americans may follow the direction of the German carrier-based aircraft, find their position, and then launch an attack. But now, he couldn't care less about it. If you can launch an attack first, and use the detection range of the American air search radar, if you want to release a large number of carrier-based aircraft to attack them, it is simply impossible.

   "Yes, General." Lieutenant General George Friedberg replied.

   "In addition, after the two batches of carrier-based aircraft have taken off, the fleet will turn to the southwest." Lieutenant General Rolf Karls then ordered.

  In order to avoid the enemy's carrier-based aircraft, it is best for the aircraft carrier formation to turn away from the original sea area after releasing the carrier-based aircraft. In this case, even if the enemy searches in the direction of its own carrier-based aircraft, it may not be able to find it.


  A carrier-based FW-190 fighter jet took off from the "Zeus" aircraft carrier.

  On the other seven aircraft carriers, combat aircraft also began to take off. It's just that the carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets took off from the four "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers. The four "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers took off with carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets.

  The eight aircraft carriers of the carrier formation of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet, the first wave can take off 96 fighter jets, 144 dive bombers and 120 torpedo attack aircraft. The fleet of the second wave can also take off so many carrier-based aircraft. In addition, 96 fighters remained to provide air defense protection for the fleet. In addition, among the spare aircraft of each aircraft carrier, 28 fighter jets can also be raised for air defense. This means that even if it is attacked by the enemy's carrier-based aircraft, the aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet still has more than 120 fighter jets to meet the enemy.

   This time, in order to severely damage the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation in one fell swoop, the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet has gone all out. After the first wave of aircraft takes off, the second wave of aircraft will be lifted from the hangar and then take off.

   "Whoo! Whoo!"

   One after another, the planes slid quickly on the flight deck, and then rushed into the sky. This scene makes people excited.

  The first to take off is the fighter jet, followed by the dive bomber, and finally the torpedo attack plane. At the same time, the aircraft in the hangar also began to be lifted to the deck by elevators to prepare for the second wave of takeoff.

   "Send a telegram to the Home Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet, and ask them to dispatch their carrier-based aircraft!" Lieutenant General Rolf Kars suddenly demanded.

   Lieutenant General George Friedberger on the side was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect that Lieutenant Rolf Karls would issue such an order.
