Flores Island, the airfield of the German Navy. The airport runway that was originally destroyed by the battleship of the US Navy has been repaired thanks to the efforts of the ground crew. Although it looks very simple, it does not affect the take-off and landing of the aircraft. Airplanes of this era are not as expensive as those of later generations, and the poor runway conditions will not affect the take-off of the aircraft.

  A plane drove out of the underground hangar and cavern and came to the ground. Seeing the bombed and devastated airport, the pilots of the German Navy trembled with anger. For pilots, the airport is their second home. They work and live here. But now, Americans have destroyed their homes.

   "Damn Yankees, I must send you to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!" A bomber pilot looked angry.

   "Last night, it was their home court. But now, it is our home court. This time, we will definitely kill them all."

"Fighter brigades, dive bomber brigades, and torpedo attack brigades will start to take off in five minutes! The target is located in the sea area 260 kilometers west of us, and is fleeing westward. This time, we must not let them go!" The commander's voice sounded from the loudspeaker at the airport. After the U.S. fleet withdrew, the German Navy dispatched light cruisers and destroyers to track and ensure that it could determine the position of the U.S. fleet after dawn, strike and point out the direction for its own aircraft.

   "Yes, sir!" All the pilots replied.

  Subsequently, the planes at the airport began to take off one by one. The first to take off were torpedo attack aircraft with heavy aviation torpedoes. The 533mm heavy-duty torpedo under the belly of the aircraft emitted a cold light under the rising sun.


   After the torpedo attack planes, the dive bombers, and then the fighter jets.

  In order to strengthen the combat power of the Azores, the fighters deployed by the German Navy on the Azores are all FW-190 fighters. This makes the combat strength of the Yar Islands even stronger.

  After the fleet took off, it flew west immediately. On the way to the target of the attack, they will be organized into groups.

  The size of the aircraft fleet is not very large. A total of 5 squadrons of fighter jets took off from the two islands, namely sixty FW-190 fighter jets, three squadrons of dive bombers and three squadrons of torpedo attack aircraft.

  In addition to the airports on Flores Island and Corvo Island, several islands located in the central waters of the Azores also took off fighter planes to participate in this attack. The German Navy also has many airports in the central waters of the Azores. Moreover, these airports were not attacked by the capital ships of the US Navy. So, more planes take off.

  A total of 8 squadrons of fighter jets, 6 squadrons of dive bombers and 6 squadrons of torpedo attack aircraft took off from the airport in the central island. Such strength is enough to submerge the capital ship formation of the US fleet.


  Even if the "Montana-class" battleship is very powerful, it will still be severely damaged or even sunk under the overwhelming attack of aerial bombs and torpedoes. In this world, it is impossible to have an unsinkable battleship. As long as the damage is large enough, the same will be sunk.

  As for the aircraft carriers of the three major fleets of the German Navy, they stood still. Although the U.S. Navy's capital ship formation is powerful, among the commanders of the three major fleets, the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier formation is the biggest threat. The German Navy dispatched shore-based aircraft to attack the U.S. Navy's capital ship formation, and it was impossible for the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier to turn a blind eye to this. They will definitely launch a carrier-based aircraft to support them. The three major fleets of the German Navy can use this opportunity to find out the location of the US Navy's aircraft carrier. In this case, it will be able to launch an attack on the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation in one fell swoop.

  If the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation can be severely damaged or even eliminated, the German Navy will completely win this naval battle.

   For this reason, the German Navy has specially dispatched a large number of light cruisers and destroyers, and has already patrolled the waters west of the Azores with submarines, using air search radar and sea search radar to look for the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation.

  At this moment, as another protagonist of this naval battle, the battleship formation of the US Navy is fleeing for its life like a bereaved dog.

  Five "Montana-class" battleships and three "Iowa-class" battleships are all scattered, and they are surrounded by cruisers and destroyers, ready for air defense.


  The officers and soldiers of the U.S. Navy are very clear that once dawn, the German Navy will launch revenge. At that time, they will have to face the attack of the fighter planes of the German Navy.

   The air search radars on each fighter plane of the U.S. Navy capital ship formation are turned on to ensure that they can be accurately found after the arrival of the German Navy fighter planes.

   On the battleship 'Montana', Admiral Hasburn Kimmel looked a little tired. On the one hand, he didn't sleep all night, so he could only drink coffee to refresh himself. On the other hand, it was because the fleet suffered a disastrous defeat, which was undoubtedly a blow to Admiral Hasben Kimmel.

   "Your Excellency, the fleet is ready for air defense operations. With the anti-aircraft firepower on each ship, if the Germans dare to send planes to attack us, they will definitely pay a heavy price." Rear Admiral Cowell said.

Admiral Hasben Kimmel nodded: "I hope so! The aircraft carrier formation will also take off carrier-based aircraft to **** us. No matter what, we will send the last eight capital ships Bring back."

   "Your Excellency, we will succeed." Major General Kevil said.

   "Woo! Woo!"

  At this moment, the shrill air defense siren sounded. Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

   "General, the air search radar found a group of aircraft attacking from Dongdong, and it was determined to be the aircraft of the German Navy. The number is about 120!" An officer reported.

"The Germans' revenge has finally come! Now, for us, it will be a test of life and death. Order all ships to prepare for air defense." Admiral Hasben Kimmel cheered up and issued an order combat order.

   "Yes, General!"

  All warships in the U.S. Navy's battleship formation have received combat orders. Although the enemy is still more than two hundred kilometers away, it does not prevent them from making preparations in advance. One by one, the air defense soldiers rushed to their posts. A series of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns have been aimed at the sky.
