Besieged by four battleships of the German Navy and at the same time ignited a fire, the fate of the battleship "Illinois" seems to have been decided. Although this battleship has a displacement of up to 58,000 tons, is equipped with three triple-mounted 50-caliber 410mm main guns, and is also wearing thick armor, but under the intensive firepower of the four battleships of the German Navy, I am afraid that I can't stand it anymore.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  With the help of the automatic loading machine, the rate of fire of the four "Helgoland-class" battleships of the German Navy has reached one round per minute. This also caused 36 heavy armor-piercing shells to hit the battleship 'Illinois' fiercely every minute. Guided by the artillery sighting radar and the fire on the battleship 'Illinois', shells hit the battleship 'Illinois' almost every minute.

  Although, the side armor belt of the "Illinois" battleship is as thick as 307 mm, the frontal armor of the turret is as thick as 495 mm, and the armor of the conning tower is also as thick as 445 mm. It can be said that even if the 380mm main gun of the "Helgoland-class" battleship of the German Navy hit the front of the turret and the conning tower of the "Illinois" battleship, it would be difficult to penetrate the thick armor. However, the defense of other parts of the battleship is not so strong. Once hit, it will still cause great casualties to the battleship.

  Among the second capital ship formation of the U.S. Navy, not only the battleship "Illinois" is in danger. The battleship "Kentucky" at the rear of the battle line is also in a bad situation. The three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy are besieging it.


  A 380mm artillery shell fired from the battlecruiser 'Goeben' scored a hit, hitting the main turret Z on the rear deck of the battleship 'Kentucky'. However, unfortunately, the shells were not able to penetrate the 495 mm thick turret armor.


  But less than two minutes later, another shell fired from the battlecruiser 'Sedlitz' hit the battleship 'Kentucky' again. The shell hit the superstructure of the battleship Kentucky. The violent explosion blew a big hole out of the superstructure of the battleship 'Kentucky'. At the same time, a fire was also ignited.

  The American sailors on the battleship 'Kentucky' hurriedly began to control losses. They attempted to extinguish the fire on the battleship 'Kentucky' in the shortest possible time.

  The tragedy on the battleship 'Illinois' has proved that once the battleship burns, it will give the enemy clear guidance. The enemy's hit rate will also increase a lot.

   However, all this is over. The three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy quickly seized this opportunity and fiercely opened fire on the "Kentucky" battleship. Moreover, the hit rate is getting higher and higher.


   Another shell hit the battleship 'Kentucky'. The shell hit the waterline armor of the USS Kentucky. The waterline armor with a thickness of 307 mm cannot withstand the 380 mm armor-piercing shells of the German army. The shell tore through the waterline armor, blasting a large hole there. What's more terrible is that several loopholes that were hit by torpedoes of the German Navy before had already been blocked. But in the violent explosion, it was once again leaked. This makes the situation of the battleship 'Kentucky' even more dangerous.


  The U.S. Navy sailors on the battleship 'Kentucky' couldn't help feeling aggrieved. The triple-mounted 50-caliber 410mm main gun they are equipped with is full of power. If it hits, it will be enough for the battlecruiser "Moltke" of the German Navy to go away. But the problem is that the battle has been going on for so long, they didn't get a single hit, instead they were hit again and again. In this case, even if the main gun is powerful, what is the use?

   Now the sailors of the U.S. Navy probably have truly realized the aggrieved feeling of the officers and soldiers of the island nation's navy. The same is true when the capital ship formations of the combined fleets of the island nations fight against the capital ship formations of the German Navy's Pacific Fleet and Indian Ocean Fleet. The 410mm main gun of the Japanese navy is full of power. However, they had no way to hit it, and could only watch their battleship be fired by the German Navy's 380mm main gun, and then sink into the sea.

   Moreover, the defense of the battleships of the Japanese navy is generally not high. Even 380mm artillery shells can pose a fatal threat to it. This is why the navy of the island country lost so quickly and so badly.

  The seven capital ships of the Mediterranean Fleet of the German Navy seemed to perform very well in this naval battle. The two "Iowa-class" battleships besieged by them are now in danger. It wasn't even far from being sunk.

"General, the situation of the 'Illinois' and 'Kentucky' is very bad. The Germans used four and three capital ships to besiege them respectively. If this continues, they will probably be sunk soon." A military officer reported with a worried look on his face.

  If the battleships "Illinois" and "Kentucky" are both sunk, then they will have to use four battleships against the Germans' 15 capital ships. That would make their situation even worse.


   "How long will it take for the first capital ship formation to arrive?" Admiral Ingersoll asked.

  Now, he can be said to have put all his hopes on the reinforcements.

   "General, the first capital ship formation is already speeding up. However, it will take at least half an hour."

   "Half an hour! This is not long, we must persist. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll ordered.

  However, in the face of the fierce attack of the main fleet of the German Navy, it is not so easy for them to resist.

   However, luck is not always in favor of the Germans.

  Two minutes later, the U.S. Navy's "New Jersey" battleship scored the first hit in this naval battle, which was also the first hit of the U.S. Navy's 2nd capital ship formation in this naval battle.

  A 410mm artillery shell hit the side of the German Navy's "Katherine" battleship, not only blowing up a 120mm dual-purpose gun, but also detonating a bunch of artillery shells. Suddenly, the side of the battleship 'Catherine' ignited a raging fire.

   "Very well, gather all the firepower and open fire on the third German battleship! It is extremely important to sink him!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll was shocked and gave the order excitedly.
