When the high-speed torpedo boats of the German Navy launched an attack, the submarines of the German Navy ambushing in this sea area were also waiting for an opportunity. They took advantage of the fact that the U.S. fleet was dodging torpedoes and the U.S. fleet on the sea was already in chaos, so they launched an attack.

   "Torpedoes! God! There are so many torpedoes!" The American sailors on the battleship "Ohio" screamed in fright after discovering the few torpedoes that were coming quickly.

   "Damn, dodge torpedoes! Dodge torpedoes!"

   The battleship 'Ohio' is already in chaos. A total of six torpedoes were coming at them, and they were only spotted so close. This will undoubtedly pose a fatal threat to the battleship "Ohio".

  The battleship 'Ohio' immediately began to turn, but for a huge battleship with a length of 280 meters, it was very difficult to turn, and it took a lot of time.


  A 533mm heavy torpedo hit the waterline armor of the battleship 'Ohio'. Touching the fuze detonated the warhead of the torpedo, and the high explosive inside exploded immediately.


  The waterline armor of the battleship 'Ohio' is as thick as 409 mm. Moreover, there is also a special lightning protection compartment.

  The violent explosion tore apart the waterline armor of the battleship 'Ohio'. However, the powerful mine protection capability of the battleship 'Ohio' was still shown. After the explosion of this heavy torpedo, it only made a small hole in the waterline armor of the battleship 'Ohio'. For the huge battleship 'Ohio', such injuries are nothing at all.

   However, this is just the beginning.

  Among the six torpedoes, four were hit. Explosions occurred on or below the waterline armor of the battleship 'Ohio' respectively. The huge power blasted a series of holes on the battleship 'Ohio'. However, these openings are not big.

   "Damage control! Immediately perform damage control!" The captain of the battleship "Ohio" ordered.

  Although these injuries are not serious, if they are not dealt with, once more and more seawater pours into the hull, it will also cause huge damage to the battleship 'Ohio'.


   "Boom! Boom!"

  The torpedoes launched by other torpedo boats and submarines of the German Navy also began to hit the target.

  One after another, US Navy battleships, cruisers or destroyers were hit.

  'Montana-class' battleships can also withstand these torpedoes with their strong protection capabilities. Even if the waterline armor is penetrated, it will not cause much loss. However, those cruisers and destroyers are different. Whether it is a cruiser or a destroyer, in front of a 533mm heavy torpedo, once it is hit, it will either be sunk or severely damaged.

  A'Fletcher-class' destroyer was hit by a 533mm heavy torpedo in the midship. The destroyer with a displacement of 2,500 tons broke in two and sank quickly.

   Destroyers are almost powerless in the face of these heavy torpedoes. Once hit, the consequences will be irreversible.


  A "Cleveland-class" light cruiser was also hit. Even though this was the heaviest light cruiser built in the history of the U.S. Navy with a displacement of 12,000 tons, it was still severely damaged. The torpedo easily pierced through its underwater armor, blasting a big hole, and sea water poured into the hull frantically. Damage control personnel immediately carried out damage control, but it still ended in failure. There is no other way but to close the watertight compartment. However, due to too much water entering the hull, the battleship has tilted. How long it can last on the sea is very difficult to say.

   Even the "Baltimore-class" heavy cruiser with a full load displacement of more than 17,000 tons, after being hit by a 533mm heavy torpedo, couldn't afford to go around.

  The attack by the torpedo boats and submarines of the German Navy caused the US fleet to pay an unimaginable price.

   "General, the Germans not only sent torpedo boats to attack us, but also submarines under the sea!" Major General Kevill's face was ashen.

"This is predictable! Since the Germans have prepared torpedo boats, it is impossible for them not to take the opportunity to dispatch submarines. Only in this way can they pose a greater threat to us!" Admiral Hasben Kimmel looked pale Black as the bottom of the pot.

  Although none of the five "Montana-class" battleships were sunk. However, without exception, they were all torpedoed. The injuries can also be mild or severe, and have more or less affected the battleship's combat effectiveness.

  Those cruisers and destroyers were more severely damaged. After all, these cruisers and destroyers do not have the same powerful mine protection capabilities as the 'Montana-class' battleships, and after being hit, they will be severely damaged if they are not sinking.

  After the initial chaos, the US fleet began to counterattack in an orderly manner. Like hounds, the destroyers searched for the submarines of the German Navy. After discovering suspicious targets, they fired depth charges to sink them.

   After the submarines of the German Navy ambushed the US fleet, several submarines were also sunk. However, compared to the results they achieved, such a small loss is nothing at all.

  After discovering that they could not take advantage, the submarines of the German Navy also withdrew from the battle one after another.

   "What about our losses?" Admiral Hasben Kimmel asked after the battle on the sea subsided.

"General, all five battleships were hit by torpedoes, with varying degrees of injury. The 'Ohio' was a little more serious, suffering four torpedoes. However, other than the decrease in speed, the rest of the combat power was not affected. As for the cruisers, one heavy cruiser was severely damaged, one light cruiser was sunk, and one was severely damaged. Three destroyers were sunk!" Major General Cowell reported.

   Admiral Hasben Kimmel nodded. The loss was not too great, and he was relieved. At least, the combat effectiveness of several capital ships has not been affected, which means that even if they encounter the main fleet of the German Navy, they can still fight.

   Admiral Hasben Kimmel believed that the German Navy dispatched torpedo boats and submarines to ambush them, and it was certainly impossible to just let it go. In the next step, the German Navy will definitely have other actions.

   "General, the 2nd capital ship formation, the 3rd capital ship formation, and the 1st heavy cruiser formation report that they were also attacked by torpedo boats and submarines of the German Navy, and the losses were not small." A staff officer reported.

   "Trap, this is clearly a trap set by the Germans." Admiral Hasben Kimmel's face was livid.
