
  After the commanders of the three army groups gave the order, the 13 German armies took the lead in attacking the Russian army on the outskirts of Moscow.

  15 armored divisions and 30 mechanized infantry divisions were all put into the offensive. For a time, more than 7,000 German tanks and a large number of armored vehicles formed torrents of steel and rushed towards the Russian positions.

   "Get into position, the Germans are attacking!"

  The officers on the front line of the Russian army, like driving cattle, drove the soldiers of the Russian army to the position to resist the German attack.

   "Tanks! Lots of tanks! Can we hold off the Germans?"

  A Russian soldier saw a large number of tanks rushing towards their position, he was so scared that he almost peed his pants.


   "Bastard, what are you still doing in a daze, go and bring up the anti-tank gun!" The officer cursed loudly.

  Although the officer saw so many German tanks, his heart was also a little chilled. However, he didn't want to sit still and was ready to actively resist.

   "Crunch, crunch!"

  The tank's tracks rolled on the ground, making that tooth-piercing sound. The turret of the tank is slowly rotating, searching for the most threatening target. One by one, the tank commanders even popped their heads out of the tanks. Although this is a bit dangerous, it is the favorite combat method of the commanders. After all, in that case, threatening targets can be found in the first place.

  In the sky, the German Air Force's FW-190 fighter jets, dive bombers and ground attack aircraft swept over the steel torrent of German tanks and armored vehicles, and rushed towards the Russian positions. Once they find that there are anti-tank firepower points in the Russian army's position, they will launch an attack to eliminate these threats.



  A Russian anti-tank gun fired, but the distance was too far, and the shell hit the armor of a "Tiger" tank and bounced off. Apart from knocking off a little paint, it didn't do much damage to the tank. Of course, the German armored soldiers in the tank were terrified enough. You must know that once the armor of the tank is penetrated, the tank soldiers inside are basically a dead end.

   "Bastard, at 1 o'clock, a Russian anti-tank gun hit us and almost killed us. Aim for me and blow them to the sky!" The tank commander ordered loudly.

   However, before the tank had time to fire, the dive bombers of the Luftwaffe in the sky launched an attack.


  Accompanied by a sharp and piercing whistling sound, a dive bomber directly dropped a heavy aerial bomb next to the anti-tank gun.

  A violent explosion sounded, and a huge crater appeared on the Russian army's position. As for the anti-tank gun, it had already been blown into parts. And the anti-tank artillery is already dead without a burial.


   "Damn it, I was preempted by those guys from the Air Force!" The tank commander was very annoyed when he saw this scene.

   However, the Luftwaffe assisted the armored forces in launching an offensive, and indeed provided a lot of protection for the armored forces. Many Russian anti-tank forces were destroyed by Luftwaffe fighters before they could fire.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The German tanks also launched an attack as the distance got closer. Start using the firepower of tank guns to clear out the firepower points on the Russian defense line. One after another Russian machine gun fire points, or anti-tank fire points, were destroyed by German tanks.

  In order to reduce the loss of his own tanks, General Zhukov did not deploy armored troops on the outskirts of Moscow, but withdrew all armored troops to Moscow. However, during the large-scale bombing by the Luftwaffe, the Russian armored forces also suffered considerable losses.

  When the tracks of the German tanks crushed the Russian defense line. Armored combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers also rushed towards the Russian positions. The heavily armed soldiers got off the armored vehicles and provided cover for the tanks.

"Da da da!"

  The machine guns of tanks and armored vehicles strafed the Russian soldiers who tried to attack them into honeycombs.

   But there are still more Russian soldiers, holding explosive packs and cluster grenades, rushing towards the German tanks and armored vehicles.

   "Go to hell, German!"

  A Russian soldier put an explosive package on a German armored vehicle.


  The explosive package exploded, and the armor of the armored vehicle was torn apart. The entire armored vehicle was on fire.

   Not far from here, a tank was blown off its tracks. But the tank's tank guns and machine guns continued to fire, strafing the surrounding Russian troops.

  Under the fierce attack of the German armored forces, the Russian defense line hardly played any role. One line after another was torn apart by the Germans. A large number of German tanks and armored vehicles, in cooperation with infantry, wiped out the Russian army on the line of defense.

  When a large number of German tanks and armored vehicles rushed to the Russian defense line, the Russian army was inevitably defeated. Countless Russian officers and soldiers were chased by German tanks and armored vehicles. They abandoned their positions, even lost their weapons and equipment, and fled to downtown Moscow like bereaved dogs.

   In just one day, the German army broke through the Russian army's defense line on the outskirts of Moscow and pushed the battle directly to downtown Moscow.

  The Russian army stationed on the outskirts of Moscow suffered heavy losses. More than 300,000 people were killed or captured by the Germans. The rest even gave up their positions and fled to downtown Moscow.

  Originally, the Russian army tried to rely on its positions in the outskirts to resist the German attack. No matter how bad it is, it will take ten days and a half a month. However, I didn't expect that the Russian army's position was broken through in just one day.

"Your Excellency Marshal, several of our armored divisions and mechanized infantry divisions have already broken through the Russian defense line. The follow-up infantry has also followed up and is clearing the Russian army on the ground. It is expected that when the sun goes down, the battle will be over. It can be over." Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert said.

  Marshal Guderian nodded with satisfaction, and the three German army groups dispatched a full 15 armored divisions and 30 mechanized infantry divisions to attack, more than 7,000 powerful tiger and leopard tanks and a large number of armored vehicles. If this is not enough to easily break through the Russian defense line, then what qualifications does the German armored force have to be called the best in the world?

   "Order the troops to enter the city of Moscow from tomorrow and start street fighting! In addition, let the armies of the slave countries get ready. After the street fighting starts, they have to go to the battlefield!" Marshal Guderian ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert replied.

  On May 15, the German army invaded Moscow, and brutal street fighting began immediately.
