Moscow, in the basement.

  The lights then dimmed and kept shaking due to vibrations. The dust kept falling down, so that the people hiding inside were made a little ashamed.

   Joseph sat on the sofa with a gloomy face. He smoked his pipe one after another, making the already stale air in the basement even more unpleasant. However, even so, he did not dare to accuse Joseph. As the supreme leader of Bu Russia, Joseph still has this privilege.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  When the bomb exploded on the ground, people hiding in the basement could still faintly hear the explosion. Even knowing that the basement is very strong, the people inside can't help but worry.

   "How's the situation outside?" Joseph put down the pipe in his hand and asked.

"Comrade Joseph, just had a phone call with the Garrison Command. The Germans are dispatching a large number of planes to bomb Moscow. Our air defense forces are engaged in a **** battle with the German Air Force. However, under the bombing of the Germans, our Air defense losses were not small."


   Joseph nodded: "Tell Comrade Zhukov, we must teach the Germans a lesson and let them know that the sky in Moscow is not something they can do whatever they want. We can shoot down as many planes as the Germans come."

   "Yes, Comrade Joseph." The secretary replied. However, in my heart, I was somewhat unconcerned. If the anti-aircraft firepower on the ground alone can withstand the bombing of the Germans, it would be a bit too self-righteous. But, of course, he didn't dare to say that in front of Joseph. Otherwise, once Joseph is angered, the consequences can be imagined.

  The Moscow Garrison Command, Zhukov's office, was also placed underground. After all, once the Luftwaffe bombs, the Garrison Command cannot escape either. If even General Zhukov, the garrison commander, was killed, how would the battle continue?

   "Comrade Zhukov, the Kremlin has called, hoping that our anti-aircraft firepower can withstand the bombing of the Luftwaffe." An officer said.

A trace of bitterness flashed across General Zhukov's face: "Our air defense forces have tried their best. They are now fighting the Germans desperately. However, it is very difficult to say whether they can withstand the German bombing. However, tell Comrade Joseph, we will Do your best!"

"Comrade Commander, we have noticed that the planes dispatched by the Germans are fighter jets and dive bombers. I am afraid they are coming towards our air defense position. Under the attack mode of the Germans, our air defense The loss of the position is very large. If this continues, I am afraid that it will be completely lost soon. At that time, it will no longer be able to stop the German bombing." A general said.


   General Zhukov couldn't help frowning, he really didn't notice this aspect.

   "So, do you have any suggestions?" General Zhukov asked.

   "Order the air defense positions to preserve strength as much as possible. Wait until the Luftwaffe's bomber fleet appears before opening fire! In this case, the Germans can cause greater losses." The general suggested.

  General Zhukov thought for a while, then nodded: "Just follow your plan!"

   It's just that it is not so easy for the Russian air defense positions to escape the attack of the German fighter jets and dive bombers. Especially those air defense positions that have already fired have become the targets of the Luftwaffe siege. Under the attack of the German Air Force, the Russian air defense positions were pulled out one by one.

  Although, in order to destroy the Russian air defense positions, the German Air Force also paid a lot of losses. Many fighters and dive bombers were shot down during the attack. But overall, such losses are still within an acceptable range. After suppressing these air defense positions of the Russian army, the bomber fleet of the Luftwaffe will be able to bomb with confidence and boldly.


  After 8 o'clock in the morning, hundreds of H-11 medium bombers and a larger number of H-21 heavy bombers from the Luftwaffe arrived in Moscow. Huge bombers covered the sky and the sun, making the ground seem to be in shadow.

   "Attention! Attention! We have arrived in Moscow. Start descending and prepare to drop bombs!"

   "The H-11 medium bombers dropped their bombs first, and the H-21 heavy bombers dropped their bombs later!"

   A frame of H-11 medium bombers began to descend. These planes were originally flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Now, in order to ensure the accuracy of the bombing, they need to descend to a height of less than three thousand meters. Even down to about a thousand meters.

  However, in order to ensure safety, the Luftwaffe fleet was ordered to drop bombs at an altitude of about 3,000 meters.

  Anyway, the scale of the bombers is huge, and they are intensively bombing the city of Moscow. The accuracy of bombing is not guaranteed. If so many planes bombed intensively, it would be enough to wipe out a large area of ​​the city.

  Besides, when bombs are dropped at a height of about 3,000 meters, it is difficult for ordinary ground air defense firepower to threaten these bombers. Unless it is a large-caliber anti-aircraft gun.

   "Damn! The German bombers are coming. So many bombers!"

   "The anti-aircraft positions fire quickly and destroy the German bombers!"

  The expressions of the Russian generals on the ground changed drastically after discovering the dense German fleet. Obviously, they all know very well what kind of damage will be caused to Moscow under the intensive bombing of such a large-scale fleet of the Luftwaffe.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   The anti-aircraft firepower on the ground is firing wildly. However, anti-aircraft machine guns and 20mm anti-aircraft guns basically pose no threat to the German fleet at this height. 85mm anti-aircraft guns and 40mm anti-aircraft guns can be threatened. It's just that the number of anti-aircraft guns of these two calibers is too small.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  An H-11 medium bomber was hit repeatedly by anti-aircraft fire, blowing into big holes one by one. Even the plane was on fire.

   "God! We were hit, the plane is burning, and it's out of control!" The pilot yelled in horror. But this is of no help to escape the current predicament.

  The plane lost control and fell to the ground. The fuel in the plane and the bombs in the magazine exploded and collapsed a building.

   "Start dropping bombs!"

  After the order was issued, the German bomber opened the magazine.

   "Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"

   One after another, the bombs hit the ground like dumplings.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Intensive explosions sounded, and a part of the urban area was completely shrouded in smoke and flames.

  When the gunpowder smoke cleared, the entire urban area was wiped out.
