"Comrade Joseph, in addition to asking the Americans to join the war in advance, we'd better ask the Americans to provide us with more fighter planes and tanks. Although, the current fighter planes and tanks of the Americans may not be comparable to our Yak-1 Fighter planes and T-34 tanks, but we have been strategically bombed by the Germans in the past few days, and our production capacity has been greatly limited. Therefore, if we can get a large number of fighter planes and tanks from the Americans, it will be very helpful for us to resist the Germans The attack will be very helpful!" Marshal Shaposhnikov reminded.

   Joseph nodded, the current American weapons are not the most advanced in the world. Even in terms of aircraft and tanks, there is still a gap compared with Russia's most advanced aircraft and tanks. But the production capacity of the United States is strong! Tens of thousands of aircraft and tens of thousands of tanks can be produced in one year. There is even a lot of room for improvement. And this is something that Russia cannot compare with. If Russia could have such a large production capacity, perhaps they would have withstood Germany's attack long ago, and even had room for a counterattack.

   "Our intelligence personnel claim that the United States is developing more advanced aircraft and tanks. And, it is about to succeed. It would be even better if those advanced aircraft and tanks could be obtained." Joseph said.

Shaposhnikov shook his head: "Comrade Joseph, this is almost impossible. The Americans will never equip us with the most advanced weapons. The Germans are very powerful, so they have to cooperate with us. However, the Americans are also guarding against us. If we can really defeat Germany in the war, I am afraid that as soon as Germany falls, it will be time for us to start confrontation. In addition, the Americans are also actively preparing for war. Among them, they defeated the Germans. Therefore, they are also desperately producing new weapons to arm the troops. Unless they can meet their own needs first. Otherwise, they will never give those weapons to us.”

   "Those despicable capitalist countries are unreliable. So, in the final analysis, we can only rely on ourselves! I believe that after we defeat Germany, we will be able to have the strength to compete with the United States!" Joseph said.

   Shaposhnikov nodded. If Germany can really be defeated, then Bu Russia will replace Germany and become the hegemon of Europe. In addition, they can also obtain more advanced technology from the defeated Germans, thereby enhancing Russia's own technological strength. At that time, Russia is fully capable of competing with the United States for world hegemony.

"By the way, Comrade Joseph. The Northwest Front, the Southwest Front and the West Front, the German army they encountered was too strong. Several of our front armies suffered heavy losses. Especially the Southwest Front Army, they faced three times their own German army and their servants The attack is about to fail. The commanders of several front armies are asking for reinforcements." Marshal Shaposhnikov continued.


  Suddenly, Joseph's face turned dark again. The bad situation on the front line made him very dissatisfied. However, he has no other way. Who made them really unable to compare with the Germans?

   "Do we still have troops to reinforce the front line?" Joseph asked.

   If possible, of course he wants to send reinforcements to the front line to strengthen the line of defense. The farther the war is from Moscow, the longer they can hold out. Likewise, he will be safer. And the common people in Russia will support them in continuing the war. If the Germans approached Moscow, or even approached Moscow, it would be completely different. Once Moscow is lost, it will be a fatal blow to Russia.

"Comrade Joseph, the situation of our various front armies is not very good, and they are all asking for reinforcements. Our main force of tens of millions, after deducting the strength of several front armies, there is not much left. Although we are still continuing to mobilize more More troops. But those troops need time to arm. They also need time to train," Marshal Shaposhnikov said.

  The Russian Army's Northwest Front, Western Front, Southwest Front, Southern Front, Caucasus Front and Reserve Front, these six fronts add up to more than 8 million troops. Although there are still more than 2 million troops left, the huge Russian land also needs to be garrisoned. After deducting the troops stationed in various places, there are not many troops that can be mobilized.

  Although the mobilization of the Russian army is still continuing, after the old people and children are forcibly recruited, they can mobilize another five million or more troops. However, even the equipment of the frontline troops has not been satisfied. It is undoubtedly very difficult to arm these millions of troops again. In addition, the training of these troops also takes time. You can't send these untrained, even bare-handed troops to the battlefield. In that case, it will only add more victories to the Germans.


"Damn it! We're still short of time! If there was enough time, it wouldn't be like this. It's the **** Americans who tricked us into making us go to the Germany is at war. Otherwise, it would never be like this!" Joseph roared angrily.

  Shaposhnikov remained silent. When Bu Russia declared war on Germany, it seemed very hasty. None of this would have happened if Joseph had not strongly demanded war on Germany. Of course, the initial demagogy of the Americans was indeed a very important factor for Joseph to make such a wrong decision. The most important factor is the threat of Germany. After all, according to the information obtained at the time, even if Bu Russia did not take the initiative to declare war on Germany, Germany would probably go to war against Russia.

  So, in order to avoid being caught off guard by Germany, Russia took the lead in launching an attack on Germany. It's just that what I didn't expect was that Germany was so powerful that Russia hit the iron plate all of a sudden, and its head was broken and bloody, causing heavy losses. Even the country has the possibility of being destroyed.

"Comrade Joseph, I have noticed that there are many people applying to be transferred to Siberia from both the government and the army. In addition, the family members of many people have left Moscow and went to Siberia." Marshal Shaposhnikov said .

  In Joseph's eyes, a murderous intent flashed: "Moscow is blocked, no one can leave Moscow without my order! Everyone, stay and live with Moscow!"
