"Boom!" The sound of the tank's engine gathered together, as if it was thunder. Hundreds of tanks from both sides are approaching.

   "Baga! The German tanks are really big! At least twice the size of ours!" A commander of a Type 95 light tank couldn't help sighing after seeing the German Tiger and Leopard tank.

  Compared with the tanks of the German army, the tanks of the Japanese army are indeed too small. Their tanks are also called "bean chariots". As the name suggests, they are chariots the size of soybeans. It is conceivable that compared with the mainstream tanks in Europe, the tanks of the island army are not only small in size, but also have very weak armor. It may be able to show off its power against infantry without anti-tank capabilities. However, in an armored duel with world-class tanks, the consequences can be imagined.

   "Attention all companies, keep your distance, and deal with the islanders' tanks at a long distance!" A German heavy tank battalion commander issued an order. This battalion is equipped with Tiger tanks.

   "Yes, sir!" The commanders could directly hear the orders from the battalion headquarters through the radio.


   A 'Tiger' tank opened fire. The 88mm tank gun shot out an orange-red flame, and an armor-piercing projectile had already roared and fired at the island tank more than 1,000 meters away.


  In the blink of an eye, the island tank exploded into a ball of fire. The weak armor of the tanks in the island country simply cannot withstand the powerful tank guns of the German tanks. Whether it is the 88mm tank gun of the "Tiger" tank or the 75mm tank gun of the "Black Panther" tank, they can easily break through the weak armor of these tanks of the Japanese Army. In front of the powerful tanks of the German army, these tanks of the Japanese army are really no different from paper. It can be said that the tanks of the two sides are not at the same level at all.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The German tanks fired one after another at a long distance, smashing the island tanks one after another into fireballs.

  It can be said that the tanks of the Japanese army cannot withstand the shelling of the German tank guns at all. Unless it is a miss, otherwise it will be destroyed.

  In less than ten minutes, the 2nd Division of the Japanese Army Tanks lost more than fifty tanks.

   "Baga! How could this be? How could our tanks be no match for the Germans at all?" Lieutenant General Yoshiharu Iwamaka, head of the 2nd Tank Division of the Japanese Army, looked angry.


  He can feel that in front of the German tanks, their tanks have no power to parry at all.

   "Your Excellency, Division Commander, the German tanks are too powerful. They can easily destroy our tanks at a distance of more than one kilometer!" The brigade commander of the 3rd Tank Brigade reported.

   "Damn! We must find a way to defeat the Germans, or at least resist them. Otherwise, we will lose this battle. Once we lose, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Lieutenant General Iwanaka Yoshiharu ordered.

   "Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!"

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Facing the attack of the German armored forces, the tanks of the 2nd Army Tank Division of the Japanese Army also launched a counterattack. But unfortunately, the distance of thousands of meters is too far for them, and it is difficult for them to hit the target. Even if it hits the target, the 37mm tank gun of the Type 95 light tank and the 57mm tank gun of the Type 97 medium tank can't do anything about the thick armor of the German tank.


   "Baga! What's going on? We obviously hit the German tank? How come nothing happened?" The commander of an island tank looked stunned. The armor-piercing shells they fired clearly hit a German Tiger tank. However, there was nothing wrong with that tank and it was still moving.

  The armor-piercing projectiles fired by the 57mm tank gun are indeed useless to the armor of the later generations of the "Tiger" tank. At most, it leaves a shallow dent on the armor.

  In contrast, the German "Tiger" tanks and "Black Panther" tanks, once they hit the tanks of the Japanese army, they are often destroyed, and there will be absolutely no exceptions.

  This tank battle has completely become an asymmetrical battle. With its excellent tank performance, the German tank troops continued to destroy the tanks of the Japanese army.

  As the losses are getting higher and higher, the 2nd Division of the Japanese Army Tank is on the verge of collapse.

   "Your Excellency, Division Commander, I can't hold back anymore. We have lost more than half of our tanks!" Lieutenant Takahashi Kiyogo, the commander of the 6th tank regiment, reported with a horrified expression.

   "Baga!" Lieutenant General Iwamaka Yoshiharu cursed. He felt deeply humiliated. Because the tank troops under his command were completely vulnerable to the German armored troops. Such a result made him completely unacceptable.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, we must retreat. Otherwise, we will all lose here!" Lieutenant Kazuo Harada, the commander of the 10th tank regiment, reported.

   "Baga! Even if it's all pieces of jade, you can't retreat!" Lieutenant General Iwanaka Yoshiharu ordered.

  Subsequently, Lieutenant General Iwanaka Yoshiharu gave the order for the 2nd Chariot Division to fight to the end. At the same time, a telegram was sent to the 14th Front Army Headquarters to let Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma make early preparations. Because he knew that even if the 2nd Chariot Division tried its best, it probably wouldn't last long.

   There is no suspense in the next battle. The 23rd Armored Division of the German Army eliminated all the 2nd Army Tank Division of the Japanese Army at a small cost. Those Type 95 light tanks and Type 97 medium tanks were all destroyed. A large number of armored vehicles and trucks were either destroyed or captured.

  At the same time, the German 221st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 222nd Mechanized Infantry Division attacked the 1st and 10th Divisions of the Japanese Army. Although the mechanized infantry divisions of the German army possessed far less armored forces than the armored forces. But for pure infantry, it is still irresistible.

  The torrent of steel composed of tanks and armored vehicles of the two mechanized infantry divisions of the German army easily broke through the defense lines of the 1st and 10th Divisions of the Japanese Army.

  After that, the German army, relying on tanks and armored vehicles, massacred the 1st Division and the 10th Division of the Japanese Army, and easily defeated these two divisions.

  A large number of broken troops retreated eastward along the coastal road, but the speed of their retreat was simply not comparable to the German tanks and armored vehicles. Although the soldiers of these island armies are also very brave, after being chased, they will often fight to the end. But this also cannot undo their defeat. The fate of the 14th Front Army and the 7th Front Army of the entire island country seems to have been doomed.
