"Empire shall prevail! His Majesty the Emperor onboard!"

   "Kill all the Germans!"

  The officers and soldiers of the island country army shouted slogans loudly, and launched an attack on the German positions like a rainbow. Since there was no need to launch a night attack, they naturally wanted to show their bravest side. As if this can give yourself courage.

   "Your Excellency, the islanders' offensive has begun!" Major General Abraham reported to Lieutenant General Otto Schneewendt.

   "Order the ships to fire! Let the islanders have a good taste of our strength." Lieutenant General Otto Schneewendt ordered. Lieutenant General Otto Schneewent naturally had no objections to the islanders coming to die. In this case, on the contrary, they can earn a lot of military exploits.

   "Yes, General!"

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


  The battlecruiser 'Blücher' took the lead in shelling, and three triple-mounted 380mm main guns began to roar.

  The other battlecruisers, heavy cruisers, light cruisers and destroyers, followed suit and began shelling.

   All of a sudden, hundreds of artillery pieces from dozens of warships opened fire one after another.

  On the artillery positions of the German Army, howitzers and field guns from door to door also started shelling one after another.

  Although it is night, the accuracy of shelling will be greatly affected. However, firing according to the calibrated shooting elements can also cover the frontline positions very well. This will allow the German artillery to completely cover the front line.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


  The shells exploded in the ranks of the island army, and countless island soldiers were instantly torn to pieces. Especially those large-caliber naval guns are even more powerful. One shot down, a large number of island soldiers were killed.

  The sudden and violent German shelling caused great damage to the attacking island army. If the shells falling like raindrops frantically reaped the lives of the officers and soldiers of these island countries.

  The observers of the German Navy on the front line are constantly observing the effect of the bombardment, and then notify the warships on the sea to change the direction of the bombardment, so as to cause as much damage as possible to the army of the island country.

   This is still because it is during the day. If it is at night, the German bombardment will be more powerful. The casualties caused to the Japanese army will also be greater.

   Lieutenant General Masahiro Homma and Lieutenant General Shizuo Tanaka, who were watching the battle, as well as other generals of the Japanese Army, gradually changed their expressions.

   "What's going on? How did the German artillery fire become so fierce?" Masahiro Homma asked, frowning.


   "From the sound, it seems that there are large-caliber heavy artillery inside. Hasn't the German 23rd Heavy Artillery Brigade been withdrawn?" Lieutenant General Tanaka Shizuo's face also became very ugly.

   "Your Excellency, the two commanders, it seems that it is not the army's cannon, but the navy's large-caliber naval gun!" An artillery officer reported.

  Suddenly, the faces of Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma and Lieutenant General Tanaka Shizuo became even uglier.

   "Baga! The German navy is shelling our troops?" Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma was shocked and angry.

   "Nothing is impossible. When the Germans eliminated the 18th Front Army, their navy also participated. Otherwise, the 18th Front Army would not have been defeated so quickly." Lieutenant General Tanaka Shizuki said.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, is this a conspiracy?" A division commander asked.

  Obviously, if this is another conspiracy, then the island army may be in danger again this time.

   "Conspiracy? I don't know. But maybe the German navy is here just to help them resist our attack!" Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma is still imagining on the bright side.

   It's not that Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma doesn't know how big the risk is, it's that he doesn't want to think about it. People seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and they all hope that the situation will develop in their favor.

   "I hope so! However, we must prepare our army!" Lieutenant General Tanaka Shizuo said.

   Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma nodded: "Let the 4th Tank Division, 1st Division and 10th Division build a defense line to the west of us."

   "Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!" Lieutenant General Maeda Masami immediately went to make arrangements.

  These three divisions can be called the main force of the 14th Front Army. When the battle was fierce before, none of them went into battle. It was originally intended to be used to launch a fatal blow to the German army in Brunei. But now, it has to be used to guard against the Germans.

  If all this is really a German conspiracy, then the only threat undoubtedly comes from the west. The elite troops withdrawn by the German 23rd Army are very likely to kill a carbine.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The heavy shelling by the German army continued. The army's hundreds of cannons, together with the navy's dozens of warships, caused unimaginable damage to the island army.

   "Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"

   Flares rose from the German positions, and night turned into day.

  The officers and soldiers of the island army who finally broke through the German artillery blockade were revealed under the strong light of the flares. What awaited them was the intensive firepower on the German positions.

   "Da da da! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Light and heavy machine guns, mortars, and grenade launchers all started firing crazily. The more intensive firepower directly made the attacking island country army seem to have hit an invisible wall, and the head was broken and bleeding, and it could not move forward.

  Although the island army invested more than 50,000 people in the attack at night.

  However, under the intensive firepower of the German army, the casualties of the island army began to soar and became larger and larger.

   Many troops were even wiped out by the bombing directly in the shelling. Squads, squadrons and even brigades were wiped out by the powerful firepower of the German army. Such a result is simply unimaginable for the officers and soldiers of the Japanese army.

   Lieutenant General William Adam, commander of the German 23rd Army, and Major General Erwin Vilo, chief of staff, went to watch the battle not far from the front line.

   "How is the situation on the front line?" Lieutenant General William Adam asked.

"General, report from the front line that the island country's army is attacking very violently. However, after the weakening of artillery fire, there are not many troops that can really attack our defense line. Therefore, the pressure is not too great, and we can fully persist Hold on!" Major General Erwin Willow said.

   Lieutenant General William Adam nodded in satisfaction.

   "Where's our armored unit? Have they returned? After dawn, it's up to them."

   "General, the 23rd Armored Division, the 221st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 222nd Mechanized Infantry Division are returning, and they have made it clear that they can launch a counterattack on time."
