Chapter 81: Optimization  


Chapter 81: Optimization  


He poured the liquid into the large tube then sat down in a meditative position as he started studying the liquid and it's much more than it seems...

He created an amplification domain around the liquid while sacrificing most of his domain until his senses expanded to a level small enough to allow him to see the molecule that carries genetic instructions in all living things.

The DNA molecule consists of two strands that wind around one another to form a shape known as a double helix which is what he is observing now.


He is observing the DNA molecules of the red liquid, and interestingly the DNA appears to be a little bit different from how it was before going through the genetic device though the dark energy is still enveloping most cells in its embrace not letting them go.

The change in DNA is the result of the genetic machine and its function is quite simple, Optimization, that's its sole function though it's quite a bit more complicated than that.

After Yasuo got a new inscription a long time ago and studied it, its function turned out to be quite useful and helped in creating the machine quite a lot.

The inscription's function is quite simple, it amplifies the already existing function of something else depending on the engraver's intent when inscribing it but its range of application is too limited and the amplification was negligible... Until he mixed it with the strengthening inscription which increased its effectiveness significantly.

As a result, making the machine ended up being easier than predicted, he just had to inscribe the new inscription with the intent to optimize DNA and also restricting himself to a few conditions basically making it a Hatsu similar to Greed Island though much simpler.

The optimization is quite significant especially with the conditions he set, he can only use it up to seven times and he already used it three times, after that it will self-destruct.


The consumption is enormous making it hard for anyone to use it especially on bigger targets such as human bodies and the stronger the target the higher the consumption becomes. And these are quite strict considering it took him months to completely visualize it on his internet and be able to inscribe something similar to a Hatsu and this is another limiter.

He visualized it specifically for a few targets he had in mind so he knows that's it's unlikely to work on things aside from them.

It optimizes DNA into a better form and combines DNAs if more than one is available and optimize them to genetic perfection though the machine is limited by the DNAs it's given.

If Yasuo provided two-level zero DNAs then he will get a level 1 DNA or lower so it follows the rule of two trash will only result in a little bit better trash or trash of the same level.

Of course, if he provided something better than trash then the result will obviously change and he already knows who's the last four spots are for...

Yasuo ignored the dark energy as he solely focused on studying its DNA, memorizing how it's shaped.


It's every detail and he made sure to check every molecule ignoring the passage of time and it took quite a while even with his amplification domain at play.

He continued doing so until he put its DNA construct to heart, and only then did he start the next phase.

He created a few extremely small Aeroeye threads that went through his right eye until they reach the optic nerve and the blood vessels.

After which, the threads started circling them with the Aerothreads as a guide, then he instantly applied full force on them cutting them cleanly and used his control domain to stop the bleeding.

His right eye flew out leaving a bottomless abyss in its place, it hovered above his hand as a small amount of the red liquid started to surround it.

It's important to note that even with how big the body is, after going through the genetic machine, it only resulted in about 500 ML of the red liquid and this is another limitation of the machine.

His amplification domain shrinks to only surround the eye and the red liquid around it then the flow of times seemed to flow differently as several days passed with the eye changing slowly across that time, It started to slowly deconstruct with the red liquid margin with it.

The DNA of both the liquid and the eyes change slowly across the days taking a hint of the red liquid's DNA and Yasuo's.

It kept the kurta clan's optimized DNA that's necessary for the dark energy to work and giving it Yasuo's DNA to avoid a situation where the dark energy attacks his cells which is something that shouldn't possible if not for a theory Yasuo has about The kurta clan's ancestors.

In his absolute focus, more than twenty days passed before the eye's final form appeared.

He waited until his Aura regenerated and at that instant, the dark purple crow standing on his shoulder blinked and Yasuo instantly control the eye back into his empty right eye socket and connected the optic nerve and the blood vessels back.

Then started allocating his Aura over his left hand then strikes towards his right eye, 'Hatsu -Violet Rose- M=-1, T=0.2'

He let his eye heal for a second before creating an amplification domain over his body and just observed how the dark energy behaves and interacts with his cells. There was only a low quantity of dark energy in the eye but once his blood started flowing into the eye.

As he got his vision back, the dark energy started spreading through his body as it seems to infinitely spurt from his eye.

It started enveloping his cells though it didn't attack them, instead, it consumes his Nen continuously.

Yasuo felt his Nen draining quickly no showing any signs of slowing down as he started feeling the horrifying pain spreading all over his body that made even someone like him let a groan as his face spasmed, pain not only from his body but also from his soul.

'This is annoying... The repercussions are bigger than I thought but it even affected my soul... Something I can't sense as of yet.'

Yasuo frowned sensing something else, 'Just as I thought, changing DNA has certain repercussions the higher quality the DNA is so I'm right, I will need to take a detour when the time comes.

If I don't get them then I'll be as good as dead if I decided to continue on with my plans... But for now, I think I can handle the repercussions.'

What Yasuo noticed is how the eye he just transplanted behaves how its cells behave.

It started consuming his Aura continuously at a rate higher than the dark energy, the new cells seem to be devouring his Nen satisfying their hunger and coming to life and it continued to consume his Nen for quite a while as Yasuo started to get used to the pain.

This is something Yasuo found a while ago, he changed the DNA of one cell of his and the same thing happened, that particular cell started to consume his Aura though the consumption was nowhere as it is now due to the DNA's difference in quality.

And if he controlled his Aura not to flow into it, the cell starts dying and even if he feeds it his Aura, his Immune system will obviously go after it until it destroys the foreign cell completely.

The dark energy and cells in the eye basically devoured his Aura almost completely and they still didn't stop as Yasuo just closed his eyes and... his face couldn't help twitch noticing that even after they drained all of his Nen, they still continued to consume something else... his life span.

While he can't exactly sense something intangible like life span, he can still feel his body getting weaker and his cells aging much faster than normal.

All of the precious happened in the span of a few minutes and this is the moment the scene changed as Yasuo's right eye socket became empty again with the eye he constructed still flowing above his hand as if non of the previous happened except his Aura is completely drained.

Yasuo retracted the dark crow canceling the Vision ability after noticing that he saw far into the future until his Aura was consumed completely.

He then looked at the strange eye letting out a sigh, the beautiful eye with the shiningly silver Iris in contrast to its original pitch-black color.

The sigh he released was one of relief since he noticed what he wants to do is doable, he will just have to sacrifice a bit of his lifespan and he is okay with that since it won't matter in a few years anyway.

Once he regenerated all of his Aura, he again controlled the eye into his eye socket and started repeating the same previous process except his bearing seems much more relaxed now...
