Chapter 210: Just A Bit Weird  


Chapter 210: Just A Bit Weird  


There was something then there was nothing. That's the perfect description of what took place.

There was a magnificent cavern. It was painted in numerous brilliant colors. Then the cave was no more.

The scarlet sphere painted with dark lines was the cause of such a thing.


The moment it made contact with the stone bowl, the latter instinctively tried to devour it, and it responded back.

The scarlet sphere was small. Yasuo was able to hold it in his hands. However, It became small no more as the sphere instantly expanded, encompassing tens of miles of space all around.

It happened in the blink of an eye, and after that meager period, the colossal sphere vanished, disappearing just as fast as it expanded.

However, with its disappearance came a spectacle capable of bringing terror to even the mightiest of beings.

Tens of thousands of literary space vanished from existence, never to be seen again.

A significant portion of the forest was erased in the blink of an eye. The erasement was absolute as not even the atoms that make up that portion was left.


It was a thorough and absolute erasement of matter from reality, 'Yup, It's way too cool no matter how many times I watch it in action.

The embodiment of destruction is also pretty neat. Perhaps I should try it on something else... I happened to know exactly what I should try it on.'

Yasuo's eyes shone with brilliance as he turned his head, gazing in a specific direction.

He was looking in the same direction Medusa was looking at, still with wariness in her numerous snake eyes.

However, Yasuo first looked at the object floating next to him. The half-sphere artifact that doesn't seem affected by the erasement of its creator.

Of course, it's not that surprising as it persevered even though its creator died long ago, leading Yasuo to believe its power can still work, and that it doesn't work solely by the existence of the devouring God.


"I still can't escape the conditions of another ability if those conditions get fulfilled. I will definitely suffer under your curse if I make a wish... But I don't need to.

I have no interest in making any wish, studying you, on the other hand, is something I'm quite interested in. I couldn't analyze Epithymías' power as It was simply impossible, but I can study yours." Yasuo then brought the only thing in his backpack out, a half-moon device engraved with exquisite inscriptions.

That's his small storage device, it can also function as a teleportation device because that's exactly what it's.

The device simply teleports things throw within it to Yasuo's lab, and all he did is to throw the artifact of desires within before closing the device.

"The power of Devourment, something that interests me.

I was working on mimicking Morena's ability, specifically just the parts I want from it, but it's really not up to my standards. That is a perfect alternative until the final phase."

A smile of amusement surfaced on his face directly after, he was amused and in anticipation picturing the future where he will slowly dissect the artifact until he unveils all of its secrets and gets what he wants from it.

"I'm looking forward to it. Slowly but surely, I will analyze even your soul. After all, according to my sense, the artifact is made of normal metal."

Then he faded into the horizon, going through a portal that leads to his next destination. Some of the Aeroeye threads that he was manipulating to spread all around the forest are looking directly at it after all.

He appeared in a normal-looking part of the jungle, just as normal as most portions of it.

However, Medusa who was cautiously observing the ground seemed to beg a difference, knowing full well the extent of the danger there.

Yasuo frowned looking at the scene changing before him as he appeared in a bizarre location deep beneath the ground.

Yasuo gazed at his surroundings. Caution was apparent in his eyes. In fact, he has never been this cautious as his sense of danger rang like never before.

He felt like the things walking around were capable of actually touching him, seemingly able to breach the constraints of time to reach him.

Yasuo observed as those things slowly turned their faces towards him, staring directly at him.

That was extremely strange for Yasuo because he knows the extent of his abilities, especially perfect plan which allows him to be invisible even against the strongest of creatures.

In fact, even the most sensitive of creatures would find it hard to even feel his touch upon them as that's the extent of his ability.

However, those things were directly staring at him as if he's the light at the end of the tunnel, seemingly a beacon in the middle of an inky night.

What lies before him is an especially bizarre sight. The sight of a massive city that stood the test of time, in fact, the city looked as if it's untouchable by time.

Yasuo could see houses as far as the eyes can see. The strange thing is that he could only see them because the dark isn't a problem for his eyes.

He can clearly see and sense everything as there was not even a speck of light in the city, it was completely dark.

The houses were well designed, having a sense of ancientness that makes them look even more exquisite than they already are, especially with their medieval-like designs.

The houses had a timber frame. Panels that did not carry loads were filled with wattle and daub. Wattle was made by weaving twigs in and out of uprights.

They felt cold, damp, and dark. It was too cold outside but even colder inside as if the cold was their inhabitants' guardian angel.

They were very few windows on the houses if any at all, and they were but simple small openings with wooden shutters that were mostly closed. That level of coldness shouldn't exist underground, especially at this depth. It should be extremely hot and Yasuo knows it because he explored the depths of this planet many times.

In all of those time, he found that the rules of his old world regarding this subject also applies in this world yet here is a place that contradicts his previous conclusion.

This of course isn't that strange considering the weirdness of this world and its magicalness.

However, even for such a world, this place is especially unique even among the most bizarre of cases.

The air is extremely chilly or at least, that's how it feels. Yasuo however knows that there is no air in this god-forsaken location.

The city hidden deep underground with no exits has no air yet it was extremely chilly, threatening to freeze and shatter the indestructible bones of Yasuo hidden deep below numerous barriers of pure resistance.

Furthermore, even with that bones-freezing cold, Yasuo saw no signs of ice anywhere, there is no water or air for ice to consume.

Yasuo's domain had bombarded him with numerous pieces of information the moment he set foot in there, one of them is the absence of food and many human necessities within the place.

That's especially weird once one considers the abundance of humans in the city.

The strange thing about them is that even the humans that were far away, so far away they couldn't possibly see Yasuo.

Yet the moment he emerged in the city, they started heading in his direction, looking at him through the buildings that should in theory hide his existence from their dark eyes.

Everything about them was normal except for their eyes, inky eyes. Even the emotions that appear on their faces resembled that of a human being.

Yasuo however can see much more and even he was weirded out by what he can see. There is just something too bizarre and freaky about how they behave.

It looked as if they were wearing a mask, hiding the utter horrifying reality beneath, a reality which Yasuo can see.

They have bones, normal bones just like any other human being. They have skin, normal skin, and hair growing on it, and that's it.

That's pretty much their entire composition as what's beneath their mask; what's beneath their skin is nothing but darkness.

The dark energy was not ominous in the least, nor was it like the dark energy his scarlet eyes produces.

It felt more like an energy of pure desperate obsession. That obsession seems to be the unending fuel keeping them going and what dictates their purpose in existing.

Yasuo remained standing in the middle of a large playground within the city.

He kept observing the people of the town as they all assembled together and in return, they all stared at him with a bizarre gaze as if they're looking at an alien.

None of them even spoke a word until everyone in the town assembled and they all laid their eyes on the uninvited guest.

Their assembly seemed to trigger something in them as each and every one of them spoke the same exact words.

"Welcome to our small humble town, may you tell us what you want and where exactly did you come from?"

From children to the old ones, every one of them uttered those same words.

Only a second passed before they seem to realize what just happened, what they just did as one of them walked to the front with a hint of apology on his face in contrast to the weird look they all had before.
