Chapter 19: Violet Rose  


Chapter 19: Violet Rose  



Then The purple lines started to spread all over his body and before he can even react, He disintegrated into nothingness.

"Beautiful...." I remarked in pure fascination.


My first time seeing my ability In action And beautiful is the perfect word for describing it.

The beautiful purple line glowing as they spread bringing with them a pure atmosphere of stillness, the lines are able to make even the vilest and the most disgusting of scenes look stunning and exquisite.

A smile crept out onto my face as I turned around and left leaving the room in silence as no voice could be heard, not from the commentators nor the speechless audience. I left the 991-meter tower as I headed to my house, had lunch, and sat down to think back about the fight.

The first thing I should note down is that even though I didn't wear the weighted clothes which means I was at my top speed, I still needed 0.5 seconds to fulfill the condition of my ability which is much better than what I predicted.

If my speed was even faster I could've fulfilled the condition in a much shorter time and with my relatively massive Aura pool, I can ignore the limitations of category compatibility to a certain extent.

Especially considering the ability isn't just an enhancement ability, a big part of it is specialization as well though enhancement is a necessary part due to the future sub-ability I'm planning to make.


For now, I have to think about how to optimize the use of my ability and what kind of experiment I'll do on my next test subject.

--Violet Rose--

Once I activate the ability, a purple tattoo appears all around my arms and especially my hands as my fingernails turn purple.

There are two primary components of the ability. First is the multiplier which I set as 6 previously so even though 0.5 seconds appears to be long to fulfill the required condition, it's actually not as if I chose a lower multiplier, I can fulfill it in a much lower time.

That multiplier will simply multiply the damage dealt though no damage will be visible on the opponent until the timer ends.

That brings us to the second component, the timer which is quite simple, I can only choose a timer no higher than 5 seconds or lower than 0 and the damage will only be inflicted after the timer ends.


The condition is quite simple, for every multiplier, there is a requirement in the damage he needs to fulfill else the ability won't work.

The higher the multiplier, the higher requirement though it doesn't seem to be a problem for Yasuo to fulfill it.

Especially considering he really just needed a multiplier of 1 to completely evaporate his opponent and all he needed is one attack to a fatal area and the damage will spread throughout the opponent's body.

This is another advantage of the ability, no matter how hidden the target's weakness is, the ability will reach it, even going as far as dealing damage to one's soul, literary. This is an ability that can damage concepts as this is why he created it, the target can be anything, he just needs to fulfill the requirement.

So even obscure concepts such as the soul are within his reach, this ability will be quite useful in the dark continent where creatures such as Ai exist, creatures that are possibly immune to physical damage.

Also, If he hits the target's neck with the purpose of cutting the target's head then my hand will pass through the target leaving a purple line, specialization plays a major role in making this part possible and it's the most important part of the ability.

This is what makes targeting concepts possible. Time exists, we know it's all around us but it's intangible so if he believes that time is everywhere then he can just attack the air before him with time as a target.

That however will be useless considering the unknown infinite expanse that is time, the damage will spread through it but it will be so negligible it will have no effect... For now.

Once he activates the ability, in the event that the target successfully strikes him within the timer (what he subconsciously considers a strike), the ability backfires and all the accumulated damage is instead dealt to him instantly.

The cautious person he is, he prepared and will prepare numerous plans and perhaps other abilities to make sure that never happens especially since he will mostly use this ability against concepts or inanimate things.

There is something else one might find interesting, what happens if Yasuo chooses to set the multiplier to a negative number?

The positive number in contrast to the norm actually insinuates destruction and nothingness, simply annihilating the target as if it has never existed no matter what it is.

The negative numbers or number is to a certain extent the opposite of that. It insinuates Restoration, healing, or creation.

An ability so versatile it acts as means of pure destruction and pure healing and restoration and this part also applies to concepts so one can only let their imagination about the vast infinite expanse that's its applications.

However, with it comes to negative numbers, he can only choose -1 as a multiplier which is a limit set for obvious reasons, annihilation provides resistance while restoration will likely not.

Not that it mattered to him, as long as he's strong enough, he can extinguish or restore anything and the last part applies to himself as well.

Yasuo closed his eyes as he sat in a meditative position in pure tranquility and relaxation, then 'Ren'...
