Chapter 204: Perhaps Too Complicated?  


Chapter 204: Perhaps Too Complicated?  


However, what that sacred radiance caused is nothing if not pure darkness.

"Yeah, no matter how much I see such similar scenes, you never make much sense... Unless a variable exists."

His vision ability is too convenient, and it allowed him to see similar scenes to the spectacle before him many times before.


The scene of reality getting distorted under the sphere's ominous light. It was as if the fabric of space and time were getting twisted.

The ominous light was simply the accumulation of an insane amount of Yasuo's Aura over time.

Well, it's not just his pure aura since it was transmuted into the sinister light it is today, the light of misfortune.

He was accumulating and compressing that small sphere of light for months, and with his Nen capacity, one can only imagine what it's capable of.

Or just observe the scene before Yasuo's radiant eyes. The spectacle of the statue and the crimson expanse's very roots and destiny getting bent under the unimaginable amounts of misfortune shining upon them.

After all, misfortune and fortune are a part of the great power called destiny or fate, and a concentration big enough of either of them will affect the very fabric of reality.


Though Yasuo avoided using that power on himself due to various reasons, the most important one being it's not completely under his control.

Specifically, the concept of destiny is still far from being under his grip. It's actually one of the vaguest concepts Yasuo knows of, and it's been bugging his mind for quite a while.

It's a power that can affect reality and every other concept in the universe. It's a concept Yasuo can see or at least, see its effect on the world.

By sensing the concepts of fortune and misfortune, he can see those strings spreading throughout the world, akin to a tree branching out infinitely albeit slowly.

To Yasuo, it seems as if there is a barrier standing before those branches, not halting the process of branching out but slowing it down.

It was as if destiny was seeking to consume the whole world dry using those concepts as a conduit, and Yasuo is using that conduit to affect reality.


That power was affecting their very existence and creation, seemingly manipulating certain events in the past, leading to them never existing in the first place.

The distortion of reality was starting to calm down. However, what that entails is a change in reality and the unexistence of the statues and the expanse.

The change of reality happens instantly, meaning everything will change in the blink of an eye. However, something or someone doesn't seem to wish for that to happen as another voice reverberated throughout the expanse, again.

It was the same voice Yasuo heard before and knowing the owner of the voice's power and ability, this was within the realm of possibilities.

"Cylindrical Bullets Of Patience. They will always reach their target, one just needs to be patient"

The calm voice traveled through time to reach him like all the small faint bullets that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Their source didn't seem to be the statues but something else from somewhere far away, perhaps from the past or the future.

In a certain timeline, someone sensed the disorder in reality and its potential effects, so he sought to stop it, and his ability happened to allow him to reach his target ignoring all obstacles, even time.

His words might sound more like a mockery than an incantation. How can someone not have the patience to wait for the bullets to reach their target? It's simply impossible.

The bullets traveled through time and space and reached Yasuo instantly before tearing him to shreds.

The bullets were incredibly small, but their numbers and combined power seem to be even capable of tearing the whole world apart.

Yet even with the numerous bullets tearing him apart, he was still standing there intact as that was but a mere vision of his.

After a cylinder hits the target, it disappears. That seems to be a condition of the ability, so all the faint bullets that hit Yasuo had disappeared.

Yet, numerous other bullets still remained in the future he saw, and they broke through reality and common sense just to reach him and again tear him to shreds.

No matter how much Yasuo persisted and continued trying to evade them, they always appear before him and erase him.

He was continuously looking into the future and changing his location accordingly to avoid them, yet, the results are always the same.

He was their target, and they were able to follow him everywhere, to the depths of hell and even to the heights of heaven.

He acts according to their movement to evade them, but they also act accordingly as well, and they're much faster than him, so no matter what he does, the bullets are always numerous steps ahead of him.

It was a hopeless endeavor. In fact, it was almost completely impossible to even use his vision eye at this point.

So one has to wonder, how is he still alive? The bullets can follow him through time and erase him, and they did so numerous times, yet, it's always just his vision eye form.

Well, while he can't do this when looking into the past, when looking into the future, he can still use his vision eye in that future.

So technically, he can infinitely look into the future through the future he's seeing, and that's exactly what he did.

The bullets can only kill him once they reach his original form, his real form which exists in contrast to the future he sees, but to do that, they need to reach it.

The Yasuo they follow is the one in control, the one that actually exists at a certain point in time.

Aside from the Yasuo in control, every other version of him could be considered nonexistent, even his original form which means at a point of time and space, only one Yasuo exists.

When he activates his vision eye, time halts for the original form and starts in the future he's seeing, or he simply sees that future instantly. The cylinders need a viable timeline to travel to where he actually exists, so they will never be able to ignore it and travel directly to his original form.

The only risk left for Yasuo is for how much can he hold on? How deep in his vision ability he currently is?

He tried everything to fight death and used many of his ability but little of them worked against such monstrous force.

He always dies. Even his portals ability which can grant him minor invulnerability wasn't able to stop the cylinders.

They didn't seem to exist in space and seemed to move in a different dimension to attain their target.

Yet, Yasuo's expression remained unchanged through death and blood, true death didn't faze him at all.

He continued to fight against it and working ways he can stop them in his mind or erase them, most importantly, he was trying to react to them and sense them more clearly.

He was training in the midst of adversity and torture, something he's used to from his early days in this world.

His genes seemed to have sensed the danger and his agony and started accelerating his infinite evolution, especially focusing on his brain and soul.

That shouldn't be possible since anything that happens in the future he sees doesn't affect his original form except for the additional information of that future.

Yet, he truly felt himself evolving across all the timelines, ignoring time limitations.

His soul was ascending to a higher stage and his brain was changing with it, going as far as affect the very fabric of reality itself.

The process continued for what could be estimated to be nearly an hour, and with the speed of the two monstrous forces, it's too long of a time.

His domain reached an unparalleled height by the end transcending even his previous record after using his debt collector ability.

All of this was happening while his mind was working on something else. He was calculating all the variables with his evolved mind, going beyond what's humanly imaginable.

He was also using his vision eyes ability again whenever he can and though it didn't help much, it led to an interesting conclusion.

Yasuo's original form with his shining scarlet eyes looking directly at the faint cylindrical bullet targeting his heart.

Just like always, he wasn't able to stop it nor did he try to. He allowed the last cylinder to go through his chest, his exoskeleton, then his heart before disappearing after exiting his back.

"An ability that perhaps wasn't strong at the start but has grown with him to become what it is today, and can possibly go further, much further."

Those were Yasuo's calm words as the fatal wound on his chest close fully, and almost instantly.

A smile surfaced on his face as he added, "It sounds familiar. My control domain was nowhere near as remarkable as it is today, and I could do little back then with it."

A smirk followed directly after, satisfaction was apparent in his eyes, "Now, even reality is near my grasp. Time and space are under my control.

My sense within my absolute domain is unrivaled, that sense with the combination of few other things allowed me to manipulate reality indirectly and direct the odds to my favor."

Yasuo then lightly touched his now spotless skin, the wound nowhere to be seen or even left a mark of its existence.

He sensed the remnants of that force only for his smirk to grow, "I succeeded in directing one bullet to this timeline and here I am satisfied, with my desires in hand."

He gently lifted his hand as a small strand of Nen left it, but never left his control, and under that control, that energy shaped itself in the shape of a cylinder as a few more words left his mouth, "I just need time... Time to mimic it."
