Chapter 202: Cylinder Of Rising Force  


Chapter 202: Cylinder Of Rising Force  


Yasuo then closed his eyes, seemingly ignoring the colossal punches heading his away, and gently uttered a few words.

A devouring jungle from the left.

Darkness from the right.


Ominous light of misfortune at the front.

Fire of hell behind.

His words resembled some kind of incantation because after his every word, reality becomes twisted as they come true.

Yet, "I'm not done just yet."

Instantly after that, three purple threads formed from his back and from them spurted a faint form.

Until the form became completely apparent as it showed itself pained with a bright purple color.


Its size was rivaling that of the statues as it gazed upon them with its inky vertical eyes, this is the Vision form.

Its six colossal arms were so large they were capable of grasping the world whole, or at least, that's the illusion it gives.

However, Yasuo didn't use it to attack, instead, the six arms encompassed him, acting as an indestructible shield of sorts.

Yasuo remained wary, especially after he felt a faint sense of danger spurting in them, and after Medusa appeared cautiously looking at them.

This was after all part of his research and he needs them to be fully functional and performing their duty to see what they can really do.

So erasing them directly is out of the question. However, his words which seemed to have distorted reality and formed what could be called the four great calamities have the power to erase them directly.


As his words stated, a green jungle started growing to the left of the statues.

It was growing way too quickly. A jungle full of life as anything that came in contact with it fell to their death only to stand strong again as a sphere appeared on their heads.

All the life the jungle could consume is the blood butterflies as the parasite-like sphere appeared in place of their small heads.

Everything that comes in contact with the jungle becomes one with it as it quickly growing.

It quickly formed into a colossal statue formed solely by the massive trunks and branches of life as well as the wildlife of the jungle. A parasite-like entity seeking to even infect the three great statues, strangely similar to the shape of the brions.

From their right, a massive wave of dark gas showed itself, appearing to be harmless if not for anything that comes in contact with it simply vanishing within its darkness.

Hell manifested behind them in the shape of fiendish flames, seeking to evaporate all that's before it.

The flame appeared to be capable of even burning and distorting space around it, time had no place in its heat.

An extremely small ball of light manifested in front of Yasuo directly facing the statues.

Its light shone upon the world with a holy warm light but only the wisest and strongest would notice its true form.

Ominuousness and vileness hid deep with the light. Its attacking power was negligible, but its effect can bring dread to even the mightiest of beings.

These are all abilities he mimicked. His engraved genes allowed for the mimicking process to evolve, and become much faster and more efficient.

So he didn't find it hard to mimic the ability of his black dragon.

He already mimicked Feitan's ability long ago, and the addition of the old granny's ability made the flames he can create much stronger.

As for the brions' natural ability, he strangely found it easy to mimic as his genes started to produce those same parasitical particles with absolute control over them as long as they are within his domain.

The most interesting ability however is that bright spherical light shining upon the land.

It isn't just one ability, no, it's the combination of two astonishing abilities.

The misfortune ability of Pariston and the luck factor ability of Zigg which has allowed the Zoldyck family to survive as it is despite the circumstances.

Yasuo's naming sense is quite uncreative as he doesn't give it much thought, so he called the resulting ball of light, the light of misfortune.

That pure light spread throughout the crimson light bringing holiness to all.

The life within however disagreed as a series of minuscule unlucky events happened around.

It decreased that invisible variable called luck for his opponents. Luck is an illusionary concept which Yasuo tends to avoid relying on.

Yasuo also knows that every concept he can control with his domain is illusionary and by controlling those concepts, he is breaking the already established rules of the universe.

His control domain doesn't make any sense, at least in the standards of normal people, but since he knows of Nen, the impossible became possible.

He tended to avoid relying on luck simply because it's a variable outside of his control, but now, it's entering the vast range of his domain.

This is another concept he started to gain control over as his control domain started branching out.

His abilities are evolving and that especially applies to his control domain as it worked together flawlessly with his genes to make controlling other variables possible.

His genes evolve based on other genes and other beings' Nen, and that process helps in mimicking those creatures' abilities.

This in turn leads to gaining familiarity with the said ability, especially for his domain as the latter is completely integrated into him, so anything he becomes familiar with, his domain becomes familiar with.

That means he can sense other illusionary concepts thus, controlling them.

They become within the range of his domain, and Yasuo found that controlling concepts is significantly easier than manipulating things in their pure form.

That applies to things that exist in our reality but also exist as a concept.

A simple example would be controlling fire, provided the fire isn't the result of his transmutation, meaning he has no natural control over it, and excluding his new fire commanding ability. In that case, controlling fire would be convoluted as he'll need to accurately manipulate it while keeping his sense focused on it.

He either has to control each individual particle or finding a way around it and compress the air around it before moving it around or other similar processes.

That way is of course quite focus and energy consuming.

But if he controlled fire as a concept, the process will feel natural and fluid, akin to a general designing a strategy and the soldiers performing it perfectly.

Just like how he's controlling those flames currently. It was as if his domain is a wire which transmits comprehendible signals between his brain and the fire.

This is but an experiment as Yasuo knows full well that the light of misfortune shines most with time.

For a prominent impact, the ability will need time, Only then can the target truly feel what being unlucky feels like, and it's even harder against opponents as mighty as the statues.

That's why he experimented with the ability a lot until he came up with a solution, focusing all the unluckiness into a small ball only on one target.

That small insignificant ball of light takes time to create and he has been working on it for quite a while now.

He only teleported it here once he found a perfect specimen he can try it on, just like he created the darkness and fire long before and teleported them directly to the desire location.

Yasuo kept his focus entirely on the statues as they all focused on him who appeared to be hidden within the six purple hands.

Yasuo was looking at them through the inky vertical eyes of the vision construct as one of the statues took a step forward before a strange thing happened.

Yasuo could hear a faint illusionary voice that reverberated through the land and beyond.

The peculiar voice seemed to come from the statue, however, it felt like it's coming from their core as their mouths remained tightly shut.

Most importantly, the voice felt human. Yasuo felt as if the voice has traveled through time to utter those simple words.

"Cylinder of rising force..." A calm and wise voice murmured those words as a tranquil dimly lit cylinder appeared in front of the statues' chest.

The transparent cylinder seemed to be the representation of calmness and tranquility, and most importantly, of patience.

The vibe of it was utterly strange but anyone who lay his eyes on it would feel like their will and patience is insignificant.

The moment Yasuo laid his eyes upon the miraculous cylinder, he discerned quite a few things and knew that its creator's patience isn't something he can understand currently.

The cylinder was launched as fast as it appeared. In contrast to its name, its momentum and velocity didn't rise at all.

There was no acceleration for it was launched at its absolute max speed instantly.

That'll only appear incomprehensible once one perceived that absolute speed.

Yasuo certainly didn't. He who was able to slightly react to the speed of light wasn't able to perceive a single thing regarding the cylinder's movement.

It just appeared then it started moving, then he was obliterated into literal nothingness.

Against Meruem, he was able to perceive a few of the latter's movements with his domain and it was largely due to the latter which made instantaneous transfer of information possible.

He was able to slightly react to Meruem's movement but he was far off from being able to actually escape light's clutches.

But he at least knew he can use his teleportation to counter Meruem's light speed even if that comes with a risk so, in the end, he had to use his vision eye to win against him.

That near-instantaneous transfer of information and reaction proved to be utterly useless against the cylinder because... because it surpassed the speed of light by far.
