Chapter 191: My Exploration Of The Marvellous Dark IV  


Chapter 191: My Exploration Of The Marvellous Dark IV  


He can however smell and hear something as his nose and ears turned scarlet, "Something is coming." He remarked lightly but everyone heard him as the place turned completely quiet.

His tall frame and well-built body became apparent as he stood up. The clanking of all of his accessories sounding through the Colosseum.

His white clothes mostly covering his lower body and leaving his chest mostly bare, his body tattooed all over with purple tattoos, the signature color of their clan.


Where others found their predecessor using under-handed methods unhonorable and terrible, Nozer found it respectable, in fact, he took that certain forefather as his idol.

He admired him and looked up to him when even his forefather's people were repulsed by him. The traditions of their culture were deeply engraved in their bones.

So even though they saw the Ants as vile beings, they still couldn't accept what he did and decided against exterminating the remaining Ants.

What others couldn't accept, Nozer saw it as a brave action, the courageous strong mind that was able to go against the tradition of his clan, all for the good of his people.

He voluntarily left his clan directly after never to be seen again and Nozer took the responsibility of continuing his legacy and took it even further.

Now, he stands respected and worshiped for how far he took his people. He stands at the edge of his podium looking into the dark sky while narrowing his eyes.


His deep scarlet eyes were seeing what few could. They can see darkness and see light within it and he can see the black massive dragon flying in the Colosseum's direction.

He can hear the sound of the dragon's wings moving and smell the incoming danger. Retreat? He did not.

Unfazed, he took a step beyond the podium, his feet seeking to walk on air. They didn't, he set his left foot on the red substance that just appeared from his leg to the ground creating a pillar for him to stand upon.

He crouched putting all of his weight on his left leg and leaving his right shining leg hanging up then he lightly jumped only to appear about a hundred meters above the Colosseum.

His skin shining in a scarlet light making the violet tattoos look even more exquisite and more apparent, his eyes bright like the moon in the middle of an inky night. A force seems to be acting on him making him turn and move as he likes in the middle of the air. He rotated in the air swiftly gaining momentum for his next action.

The action of swinging his right leg which was the strangest part of his body as a veil of solid red Aura was circling around it. A solid Aura he blasted towards the dark dragon forming a vast slash of Aura.


Nozer's eyes couldn't help but widen as he noticed something, something he didn't hear or smell at all, he didn't sense it at all.

The completely silent person that was comfortably resting on the dragon's back hidden between and behind the numerous sharp black scales of the creepy creature.

He was only seen once he stood up yet still, not a sound was heard no matter what he does.

Nozer thought at that moment that there is a vortex around the person not allowing any sound of his to leave or at least, that's the illusion he saw.

'A human, it has been hundred of years since our clan meets any outsider. Well, he'll be okay even if he's weak.' Thought Nozer frowning.

He will judge the human later, now he just wants to investigate and ask a few questions to the human but he needs him to be alive to do that.

So he decided to be ready just in case the human is weak, after all, the slash was directed towards the dragon's head and it's unlikely to even reach the human.

Nozer focused on his next of action which is basically releasing a burst of red substance from his legs reaching the ground almost instantly creating a pillar to make his movement easier.

He used the pillar as a platform to jump and catch the human once the latter starts falling. Not needing to do all of this was an option but he still needed to be ready just in case.

Of course, he didn't need to as a strange scene happened before his scarlet eyes. He watched as a dark static portal appeared directly in front of the dragon who dived into the portal.

The portal disappeared instantly after, just before the scarlet slash reached its previous location. An extremely fast slash very few creatures could evade.

The scarlet substance appeared poisonous, moving through space unhinged as if it's devouring the space before it.

The slash went on flying for a while until it reached its limit and simply dissipated not showing its true power.

All of this was happening as the black dragon appeared from a massive portal not far behind Nozer who changed his position and stood on the scarlet pillar he created.

He was looking at the black dragon that exhales a small black cloud on which he stood.

He watched as the human humped from the dragon's back to the front, facing Nozer as he stood on the edge of the black cloud.

"Hi," Greeted Yasuo to which, the man before him nodded a bit puzzled about how an outsider knows their language but decided to leave it for later.

"You are an outsider, right? From outside?" Questioned Nozer his scarlet eyes still activated.

"Yeah, I was exploring the surroundings when I sensed this place. My second time meeting humans in the continent so excuse my curiosity." Responded Yasuo.

Nozer raised his brows wondering, "Other people in this place? Could it be other people with similar eyes to mine?"

Yasuo nodded, "Yeah, I paid them a visit and their leader talked a lot about another tribe and I think she was talking about your clan." A smile of amusement surfaced on Nozer's face as he remarked, "Nothing good I imagine?"

Yasuo just shrugged his shoulder and Nozer continued to question the uninvited guest, "Then what are you here for and what do you seek to achieve, will it harm any of my people?"

Yasuo calmly answered, "Information, I just want to learn about the past and be certain I'll bring no harm to your people, so again humor my curiosity."

"Sure, how about you humor mine as well? I never mounted a dragon before." Responded Nozer smiling from ear to ear. The chance to exchange information like this is extremely rare so of course, he'll take it.

He then jumped onto the back of the dragon and Yasuo did the same. Nozer loudly ordered towards his clan members that are watching the interaction in wonder, "Go back, I'll be there soon."

Nozer crouched and lightly grasped on one of the dragon scales as the latter started smoothly flying into the sky while Yasuo was standing firmly not far from him.

Yasuo understood the clan leader that looks to be in his early thirties is still cautious of him so he won't trust him of sticking to his words and do no harm to his people.

Nozer is of course cautious of the dangerous human next to him. A human who has a dragon under his feet is no joking matter.

In his point of view, dragons are extremely rare, and even from his home city, they are rarely seen as they mostly fly around the world tree and even more, he has never seen a dragon such as this one.

"I'm Yasuo Zoldyck by the way. Also, Does your people see dragons often? They didn't seem so surprised seeing this one." Asked Yasuo after a minute of silence.

"We see dragons from time to time, very far from our home but we're able to see them though this is the first time I've seen one such as this one, much more dangerous. And I'm Nozerdimor, the leader of the clan."

Explained Nozer who is observing the dragon closely, observing the dark substance moving around most of the dragon's scales making it look even more intimidating than it already is.

"How did you get your power? Is it something you learned or inherited? If it's the latter, then how did your predecessor get that power?" Yasuo let his curious side out and asked his first line of questions.

A curiosity that was reciprocated by Nozer who answer honestly, "Inherited. It's not known how exactly our ancestors got this power but we believe it's the gift of an unknown god my clan once worshiped. "

"At least, that's all we learned from the little written history we have. Any signs of such a god were never found so it all remains speculations. How did you get yours?"

Yasuo gently sat down comfortably resting his back on the side of the dragon's sharp scales and answered, "Training, it's something we can learn from where I came from. Do you worship any God now?"

Nozer shook his head after contemplating Yasuo's answer for a few seconds with his eyes gleaming in bright light as numerous possibilities opened in his mind. "No, none of us does. We believe in ourselves. How many outsiders are currently here?"

"Many, thousands spread throughout the continent." Answered Yasuo before continuing the cycle, "How are you guys alive and well? Your people seem strong especially you but that shouldn't really be enough to flourish and act as freely as you guys do.

I found a certain ritual-like place not far from here and of course found its peculiarity, I believe that also applies to the Colosseum. I also noticed many irregularities around, care to explain?"

Yasuo was wondering. If his predecessors were just as strong as him, then how are they not more advanced than this?

They seem like a clan that just started rising up especially after Yasuo noticed the Chimera Ants within the Colosseum.

In a gentle and grateful tone, Nozer answered, "Our benefactor, an outsider like you..."
