Chapter 189: My Exploration Of The Marvellous Dark II  


Chapter 189: My Exploration Of The Marvellous Dark II  


Yasuo found himself being entertained for every second he was on the dark continent, this wonderous land never ceases to amaze and amuse him.

'So when it showed me how to communicate, it also delivered some information to its kind... Quite cunning indeed.' He thought as several other Sunflowers appeared from between the trees with their mouths wide open...

They opened their wide mouths that have no teeth at all, just a long golden tongue with a ball of some kind of fluid strangely static on it until they released it.


An ambush of fluid bullets that actually move at an astonishing speed all moving towards Yasuo. Only for portals to appear in their way sending them far away.

Just in case however, the Sunflowers started running towards Yasuo directly after firing with their mouths wide open seeking to melt him until they couldn't move anymore remaining frozen.

Sunflower also found itself frozen unable to move at all before its kind even fired the fluid bullet, "Quire naughty, aren't you?" Remarked Yasuo with amusement apparent in his eyes.

"But you don't seem to have many tricks up your sleeve. Now, just behave." A portal appeared before him as he said that and Sunflower involuntary walked into it.

To the bizarre creature's horror, they appeared in its home, in its kind's home. A vast desert-like place with numerous trees surrounding the place acting as a wall to the tribe.

The soft yellow sand was shining under the warm sunlight with tens of what looked like actual sunflowers. Plants spurting from the sand and facing the bright sun, massive Sunflowers.


However, it's not that hard to determine that each of these plants is actually living beings in disguise.

Sunflower creatures that buried most of their body in the sun and let their neck and face the warm dear sun.

Their extremely thin and long neck allowed for that to be extremely hard to detect.

And the species usually uses this method to either hide or kill prey by releasing their golden particles around them and waiting for anything to come close to them.

Preys that will die not knowing how at all or even detect anything. The Sunflower creatures with their eyes and mouths closed look just like any other normal sunflower plant except much bigger.

The strange creatures' settlement was not far from where Yasuo was before and with using his Aeroeye threads to look around constantly, he was able to easily find it.


Yasuo set his eyes on the center of the tribe where strange statues were standing. His domain however allowed him to see something else, something easily noticed.

Those are no mere statues, those are the remains of what once were living creatures.

The bones of the dead, the golden bones forming a shape similar to Sunflowers' bone structure as well as grey-ish bones forming what looks like a massive dinosaur, a fire-breathing Giganotosaurus. The fossil of the Sunflower creature was clearly standing over the Massive Giganotosaurus fossil signifying its victory over it.

The fossils were clearly well maintained and kept under perfect conditions especially for the Golden Sunflower fossil.

It is a strange thing to see at the center of a tribe of animals but not too strange considering they're quite intelligent and... Cunning, the fossil of the Giganotosaurus is enough proof of that.

Either they just found it and brought it here or as the scene clearly tells, the golden fossil is one of their kind who somehow successfully hunted down a Giganotosaurus somehow, someone they perhaps worship for his achievement.

Yasuo scanned the place with his domain thoroughly before vanishing as fast a he appeared though he did take one of the sleeping creatures with him for research purposes.

It wasn't long after before he headed in another direction continuing his own small adventure by nightfall. This time, he started flying himself instead of mounting some other creature.

He flew high into the sky investigating an abnormality he noticed. Sky life isn't nearly as abundant as he expected. and the higher altitude he reaches, the rarer it becomes

He noticed that flying creatures mostly remain not too far from the ground and not one of them goes more than 100 miles above the ground.

Most remain quite low but the ferocious ones fo fly to that height. However, even those seem to be scared of going any higher because what lies just a bit above is the dark sinister clouds that hide the dark continent in a veil of darkness.

The warm sun seems to strangely go through some of those dark clouds bringing the light of day to the continent but the dark clouds rarely disappear.

Throughout his stay in the wondrous continent, Yasuo rarely saw clear night skies, It's a rare sight as the dark curtain rarely dissipates if ever.

In fact, even in the clearest of night skies, numerous dark clouds remain high up the sky in the strange world Yasuo's in.

The hunters of the sky know that there is an even more dangerous hunter above those clouds and they feel their instincts scream at them if they ever wish to see what lies beyond.

Yasuo flew through those dark clouds facing the world that lies beyond. The beautiful shining night sky and nothing too interesting to see, completely vacant.

Yasuo let his invisible threads loose and spread them all around going in all directions exploring what he can't see.

All his domain can pick is the strange dark clouds that are obviously a bt affected by some kind of energy extremely similar to Nen.

Slowly a small smile surfaced on Yasuo's face as he laid his eyes on the hunter of the dark sky. Dragons, pitch-black dragons sleeping on some of the dark clouds as if it's a solid bed.

Not many, but enough to title themselves as the rules of the high sky. The dark clouds seem to be their own natural or artificial nest and it's apparent that the closer to a certain place the more nest there are.

Yasuo landed on one of the habituated clouds feeling the smoothness of the cloud as well as its firm state.

He also noticed that the moment he made contact with the dark cloud is the moment the sleeping dragon opened its eyes and spread its vast dark wings.

Its also dark mouth opened showing its sharp sword-like teeth, dark massive teeth the same as its tongue.

A colossal dragon that weighs thousands of pounds, four legs with three sharp massive claws on each.

It's completely scaled with dark spotless scales all over its body, some are more pointed and sharp than others with the ones on its spinal cords being extremely deadly shaped like a cone.

The only light source the dragon has, the only part that reflects light is its eyes that are completely purple with no iris to be seen.

However, the dragon can see, or at least, it looks like it as it opened its bright purple eyes looking directly at Yasuo, and opened its large sinister mouth as widely as it can.

Then it roared. The roar was loud, too loud to the point it seemed to mess with space in front of it but that's not the danger Yasuo paid attention to. He paid attention to the dark smoke-like substance coming out of its mouth so fast it seems to ignore the presence of space.

Not just that, even the dark clouds around started moving trying to consume Yasuo as they changed properties.

They were no longer those soft ye solid clouds, they became that extremely hot smoke that seems to absorb light around it making the place even darker than it already is.

The smoke was extremely hot in its own special way acting strangely and basically evaporating anything in its way to the point that even the skin of Yasuo was simply disappearing.

Until he teleported away, his expression not changing at all. He was looking at his current state with apparent interest.

Completely naked as his clothes simply vanished just like his skin. His skin appeared as if it was evaporated from existence leaving only his exoskeleton that was hidden behind his skin.

However, even his exoskeleton was showing signs of slowly dissipating demonstrating the monstrosity of the said dragon, one of many dragons hidden in the dark.

"Natural abilities that use Nen but even more dangerous than what most intelligent humans can ever hope to achieve." Remarked Yasuo observing the black substance that suddenly appeared in front of him.

A black boiling liquid substance that looks even more dangerous than the dark smoke that was nearly fatal to him, The dragon's blood.

He easily evaded the Dragon's attacks by teleporting around and let his regenerative abilities do their work without using negative rose at all, or the Zobae organisms.

In fact, not one Zobae organism was inside his body because... He can do much more than what the Zobae organisms can do. He himself is an advanced version of the organisms.

his genes fully absorbed any intruder within his body not allowing anything alive not completely under his control to exist inside.

Not one microorganism exists inside, even the useful ones because he doesn't need them anymore as all humans do.

He absorbed them all and all of their functions were thereby replicated just like he replicated the Zobae organisms' functions though they're still extremely useful in other fields, just not within his body.

Then he appeared completely intact without even a trace of harm on his pale vampire-like naked body. Yasuo then looked around in various directions sensing many similar life signals as the dragons.

"It seems I don't have much time and I'm not interested in too much trouble this early so let's finish this, shall we?"

Yasuo then appeared only about a hundred meters before the mighty dragon. He spread his arms a bit apart and close his bright scarlet eyes and started pulling them even further from each other.

The moment he spread his arms was the moment two massive purple arms appeared around the dragon, an arm on each side of the dragon only a few meters away.

As per his body movement, the arms also started pulling away from each other pulling the obvious purple string that appeared out of nowhere.

It appeared around the dragon's neck with the tip of the string in each of the arms. They started pulling away thereby tightening the string around the mighty dragon's neck.

It all happened so fast the dragon barely had any time to react before his neck was cut clean. Yasuo appeared on the dragon's back lightly touching its surprisingly warm scales.

"Much cooler than my family dragon and seems to be one of the stronger ones... A dragon for a mount huh..." Remarked Yasuo as they started falling below the dark clouds, as he waited for the dragon to thoroughly die.

Only then did he connect its neck to its body again and used his negative rose to completely heal the dragon.

Then he lightly walked towards its head as they fell from the high sky rapidly but the ground of the dark continent was still nowhere to be seen or appear just vaguely, they're at that high of an altitude.

Yasuo crouched with a small smile on his pale face and brought a long pitch-black needle before inserting it into the dragon's head, "A dead yet living Dragon mount huh."
