Chapter 158: Endless Evolution  

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Chapter 158: Endless Evolution  



Yasuo closed his eyes, standing at the center of the darkroom, and just feeling every single change that occurred with his control domain.

He sensed every muscle of his body and every cell of his pale body.

He monitored how his brain is functioning as well as what he's feeling and compared the results with what he previously felt, and continued monitoring for more than 24 hours.

He then started researching himself thoroughly and analyzed himself mostly using his future sight to save time as well as not risking anything negative happening to his body.

And he enjoyed the sensation power and control he's feeling and most importantly, he's enjoying the feeling of absolute freedom, of no limits standing in his way.


The feeling his new genetic makeup allows him to have, the feeling he wanted to have.

He noticed his domain's range increased but not by much reaching a bit more than 900 meters.

But the most prominent change is the fact he can clearly sense space even with his normal domain, his sense within his domain has become much stronger.

Yasuo slowly opened his eyes with his bright silver eyes unveiling themselves again only to start distorting slightly with their color changing until they shone in a completely different color, a bright scarlet color and with that, a few changes happened.

The enormous dark energy within his body started becoming more active encompassing every cell of his, then felt something.

He felt the huge increase in his physical capabilities and that says a lot considering just how strong his current body is, more than ten times stronger than his previous body.


And he also noticed his domain's range expanding significantly surpassing a one-mile radius and he didn't have a problem processing the massive amount of information at all.

The increase of information load was easily processed by his brain which he already predicted as the moment he finished his transformation, he noticed how much clearer his thinking has become. He felt his thought process flow fluidly, like a hawk flying down to catch its prey with no barrier in its way except the light air that only provided a slight resistance that didn't faze it at all.

And to Yasuo, that resistance is simply time, the time before his brain evolves even more.

And this is where his new gene structure plays a role, his new genes that were formed by the combination of several Chimera Ants especially the King and the Queen, and with the optimization of the genetic elixir machine, its functions reached a whole new level.

In one of the test tubes within the room, some amount of the purple elixir which is basically just cells with the same DNA still remained.

Yasuo of course won't waste it, so the test tube flew to him under his control.

Then he started drinking... He started drinking the purple elixir without halting until he drank it to its very last drop and that had an unusual effect on his body.

The evolution state never finished as even after the moment he finished the transformation.

His cells and genes still continued to slightly change and adapt to their new structure and functions as well as evolving endlessly albeit slowly.

The elixir he just drank made that process much faster as his genetic structure started strengthening and becoming much more stable.

A process of adapting and evolving he inherited from the King and the Queen's special genes.

The Queen could eat different kinds of creatures to give birth to stronger creatures by combining their genes together and enhancing them, something she was naturally able to do.

Meruem also had a natural ability directly after his birth, the ability to absorb creatures' Aura after consuming them as well as their abilities.

That's part of his Aura synthesis and his natural genetic structure as Yasuo found that even though Meruem is dead, when injecting other creatures' blood in him, his cells try to absorb that blood and evolve based on it.

Though he also found that the process is so slow it can take years for that to happen which he attributed to Meruem being dead and his Aura not working properly.

And as he predicted, Meruem's aura didn't directly disappear but instead is slowly dissipating into the air.

That happens to humans as well albeit at a much faster rate while Meruem's Aura is way too slow which is remarkable considering it isn't the phenomenon called Nen after death, it's just a phenomenon that resulted from his unrivaled power.

This is why Yasuo really wanted to get the King as his evolution-seeking cells are a variable test subject and are vital for his transformation.

Endless evolution is what Yasuo wants without the need for creating another genetic elixir machine or changing his genes manually, instead, they'll change by themselves in a process of natural evolution.

Of course, he'll need to consume new special genes for his genes to evolve based on that to a more optimal state.

His genes will work with his Nen to allow that evolution to happen though it will take time, much more time than what Meruem took as Yasuo doesn't have his ability but a mini version of it.

Just like how he just consumed the purple elixir, his genes directly enter a hyperactive state with his Aura getting slowly consumed.

In fact, his new genes are still adapting to their new state and are still strengthening that relatively frail gene structure making it become something more natural.

Yasuo remained in his scarlet eyes state and closed his eyes then started focusing his Aura in front of him and started a process he only tried once before. He remembered the feeling he felt when he was trying to mimic Meruem's ability previously and how the latter's aura behaved.

And again he tried to mimic Meruem's photons ability completely focusing on mimicking that miraculous ability and he continued doing so for a few days without moving from his place.

However, he didn't experience any major progress but he faced progress nonetheless in contrast to how impossible it seemed previously, now, it seems plausible which he attributed to his transformation and the fact that he partially has Meruem's genes.

He didn't leave his lab for a few more days remaining inside trying to get used to his new body as well as do some more research.

He also examined how his Nen started behaving after the transformation and he noticed his Aura pool expanding slowly as he adapted to his new genes and that's even without training.

Most importantly, he noticed most of his numerous cells appearing like a barren desert with little to no speck of water to be noticed.

His cells seem hungry to devour anything they come into contact with like they could drink forever and that simply means that the limits he faced previously are no longer there.

His Aura pool can expand almost limitlessly and there will no barrier to limit him especially considering his genes will evolve endlessly, that brought a smile of satisfaction to Yasuo's face as he murmured.

"It has all been worth it..." Then he opened his eyes that turned to their natural silvery color and muttered another word, "Cancel."

At the same time, Morena who happened to be in the mansion a few miles above the lab just showering after coming back from work noticed something strange.

She noticed that the violet light that usually shines from her chest started to slowly disappear.

That violet glow that was with her for years started dying out with the purple lines also slowly fading.

The ability of Yasuo that had absolute power over her, his delayed rose which allows him to erase the victim whenever he wants wherever he is.

She was absolutely stunned knowing what that means as a happy smile surfaced on her face, 'Is he back?'

She wondered and she was answered instantly because as those purple lines and glow vanished, new ones emerged all over her body that disappeared just as fast as they arose.

And with that, she felt completely rejuvenated full of energy like she can take on the whole world.

Every cell of hers was celebrating the miraculous glow that set out to heal each of them, healing every inch of her glossy skin as well as harm in her body, purifying her blood and her every muscle.

But she didn't pay attention to the implications of such a thing as her complete focus was on the man that just appears out of nowhere and hugged her tightly in his embrace, she was stunned as she experienced the warm embrace she dearly missed.

By instincts alone, she tightly hugged him back still baffled comprehending what he just did.

However, Yasuo didn't give her time as he raised her chin gently caressing her face, her spotless pure face that no longer has that long scar that previously defined who she is.

Instead, what appears is that glossy pale but bright face with those pitch-black eyes that gazed into his eyes in fascination that turned into tears...

Tears of happiness as she grasped what he has done, he had erased that filthy scar from her face.

Her obsession with him never stopped growing and it has only grown more with what he just did and what just came out of his mouth in a calm but genuine tone.

"I love you." This was all too sudden for her as she simply couldn't hold her passion and desires back and took the initiative to what would be the happiest day of her new life...
