Chapter 143: Invulnerability And Light  


Chapter 143: Invulnerability And Light  


The 2-minute mark has passed as Meruem appeared outside of Yasuo's domain with his eyes glittering in a bright light looking at Yasuo floating in the sky, "Absolutely no pattern I can exploit huh... I guess"

Those sound waves coming out of his mouth only reached a few micrometers from before he started his next course of action.

And so, the King looked at Yasuo's head on his hand with a bit of confusion apparent in his purple eyes, confusion over the fact that the human is actually dead.


That is what would've happened in the future Yasuo saw after a sequence of extremely fast events leading to his head being cut.

However, he saw that future and acted accordingly.

The sequence of actions consisted of a few complex actions Meruem performed almost instantly.

Retracting every photon of his though not completely but to just to a close distance from him before starting to concentrate his Aura on his hands which turned into what looked like balls of lava.

It looked like a volcano that's about to erupt destroying everything in its surroundings.

The process actually continued for a whole second with Yasuo allowing him to do what he wants.


Creating what looked like massive lava balls but that's not what it is, this is an enhanced version of Youpi's rage blast which basically allows him to self-destruct creating a massive explosion of pure Aura.

However, Meruem took that a hundred steps further managing to create the rage blasts without the need to self destruct and with a power higher than Youpi could ever achieve.

And so he created two highly destructive condensed rage blasts on each of his hands only for those two large spheres of pure destructive aura to split into countless smaller spheres.

Those spheres moved as per his manipulation potioning themself within some of the photons.

The number of photons he created is just too big so even with how many rage clasts there are, they only managed to fill a negligible amount of the photons.

The photons that have rage blast spheres within remained static while the empty ones spread again throughout the surroundings for miles around the royal palace, "Let There Be Light..." The moment those calm words were uttered from the King's mouth, the filled sphere started moving at light speed breaking through space and this is where those specific photons' strange movement was noticed.


The rage blast photons are all heading towards other photons with none of them having a random direction.

Each of them set out to another empty photon and once they reach it, that specific empty photon disappears.

And only then can the loaded photons change direction towards another empty photon.

An interesting phenomenon Yasuo notice previously when observing the King's predicted movement.

The movement of the loaded scarlet photons caused a fascinating scene to be seen from hundreds of miles away as hundreds of thousands of loaded photons started heading towards Yasuo appearing like large fireflies flying throughout the sky.

The combination of so many lights formed what could be mistaken for a scarlet sun.

The numerous empty photons everywhere allowed for the loaded ones to have targeted photons that they'll have to go through Yasuo to reach meaning his death as the numerous destructive rage blasts detonate against him obliterating him completely.

However, Meruem expected Yasuo to use the purple construct to protect himself which should be able to protect against some of the blasts then he'll change the directions of the loaded ones and take the human's head himself to test a theory of his.

And so Meruem started his light speed march towards Yasuo who is only but a few meters from the oncoming rage blasts that seek to banish him from existence.

Yet he made no movement to control space, in fact, at that moment he seemed to be in a state of absolute calmness and serenity like nothing can faze him.

Like at that moment, he became absolute as if not even the destruction of the universe can faze him or have any impact on him.

And so, in the calmest tone imaginable, one that can bring fear and doubt to even the most ferocious predators, Yasuo muttered.

"The King huh, a fitting title indeed but... Have you heard of the word invincibility? Or invulnerable? Untouchable... I'm not there yet but am actually not far, let me show you an example..."

Just how long light takes to move a distance of few meters? A negligible timespan, what can be called instantaneous movement yet those calm words were uttered in that instant.

Or at least, that's what Meruem thought he heard as he witnessed how close Yasuo has come to a state of invulnerability through a simple action.

The King clearly saw the three portals that appeared instantly before starting to distort until they enveloped Yasuo completely hiding in the darkness within and all Meruem could see from then on is the round pitch-black sphere floating in the sky with Yasuo and the vision construct hidden within.

Invincibility? Meruem witnessed what it could mean as the loaded photons simply went through the portal appearing more from several destination portals at varying distances.

Some only a few several miles away while others hundreds of miles and even more. This is simply a test from Yasuo to see how far Meruem's control over the ability goes.

Thundering explosions sounded throughout hundreds of miles as their confrontation only continued to change the landscape upside down creating what will be considered the strangest landscape that appeared overnight.

"I see, just as I thought, you can see the future..." A simple remark from the King who gathered more than enough evidence to come to that conclusion. Yasuo didn't deny it as it's quite obvious by this point, instead, he made his own remark after gathering more than enough information to know exactly what Meruem's new ability is.

"Let's see, You create those white spheres with one of them enveloping you completely then you spread all the other spheres and only then do you get the ability to move at the speed of light.

Well, I don't really think its the speed of light but it's not far off. You can only go in straight directions towards other sphere but you can change your direction albeit at a strange angle as you always need a destination sphere to go to."

"If you reach the destination sphere the latter will simply disappear and even if you didn't reach that sphere and changed your destination sphere, that sphere will still disappear meaning as long as you choose a destination sphere to travel to, that chosen sphere will disappear.

And to create those lost spheres again, you have to retract all the spheres before releasing them again though I don't know what other limit is there for this."

"You always envelop yourself with one of the spheres and you did the same to the Aura blasts you made meaning things have to be within the sphere to actually travel at the speed of light but...

The only things that can be affected by the sphere and travel at that speed are you and your Aura else, if the air molecules in the spheres traveled at that speed, The moving air will collide with the static air in the atmosphere.

The kinetic energy of the moving air will convert to both heat and the kinetic energy of the pushed molecules of air that were static.

There will be high pressure in the front and vacuum behind which will create bombs not a level of nuclear bombs but a significant one nonetheless."

"The most important thing however is how can think and react accordingly as you move at that speed?

The only explanation is that you can think at the speed of light and when inside the sphere, you aren't affected by the consequences of moving at that speed... I wonder what or how much you sacrificed to create such an ability?"

Wondered Yasuo to himself with amusement apparent in his eyes as he looked at Meruem who is static in the air allowing him to finish what he has to say though there is something interesting Yasuo noticed.

In contrast to the previous time, this time Meruem didn't retract the spherical photon surrounding him leading to Yasuo's next conclusion.

"Also... Leaving the ability active have a cost, a hefty cost I presume yet here you are leaving it active in contrast to the previous times and actually allowing me to casually waste time.

You're thinking in lightning speed how to defeat me, aren't you? you're thinking about how you can break my invulnerability?"

Meruem was indeed doing as such, thinking about how to break the unbreakable barrier before him, the paradox floating before him.

And while Yasuo appears to be defenseless at the moment with the spherical portal canceled, Meruem knows that if he really has a future sight ability then every action of his is predetermined.

And the human before him will act accordingly before he even did anything and from what he last saw, he can create the spherical portal instantly.

However, he noticed a weakness in the ability and analyzed it continually for what appears to be days in his point of view while in reality, only seconds passed.

The bizarre entity before the king, an entity he doesn't know its name. suddenly he asked, "Your name, what is it?"

Yasuo raised his brows before letting out a small smile and answering, "Oh, excuse my rudeness, I'm Yasuo, Yasuo Zoldyck. This is kind of late but it's an honor to meet you, Meruem."

Meruem didn't bother asking how he knows his name, instead, he asked the question that's actually puzzling him, the question that ignited his dying curiosity, "Are you really human?"
