Chapter 137: Quite Unlucky It Seems  


Chapter 137: Quite Unlucky It Seems  


He didn't react even with their presence being as apparent as the bright shining sun in the middle of a clear day especially Pouf whose feelings of hatred were held back no more as he released them fully towards the puny human casually sitting before his King as if even someone with his King's statue doesn't deserve his respect and that fueled his hatred even more.

But really, how unlucky can one be?

Quite unlucky it seems, Pouf was facing Yasuo after all.


Meruem just observed the human who remained seated no minding the strange visitors, he observed his calm unwavering Aura that looks constant without any movement whatsoever, the technique called 'Ten' taken beyond perfection.

This is the case with every Nen technique, under Yasuo's control, they were taken beyond what's possible, a state of beyond perfection is what he has over his Nen as long as it's within his domain and even outside of his domain, his control is perfect.

Meruem observed the human noting he can get only a bit of information by observing him and even his photons don't give him much.

The human before him is but a blank book with only one page written on and the size of the book is unknown and most of the information on that page came from Pouf who told him of what he knew about the human.

Yasuo opened his eyes having finished some business elsewhere and looked at the completely different Chimera Ants King hovering in the air not far from him.

his domain working on full power detecting anything interesting about the King whose Aura has become significantly bigger and even his physical capabilities seem to be on a whole other level, the extremely dense muscles that scream of power are a testification of that.


Meruem was the one who opened his mouth first stating something strange, "Have we meet before?"

The King was observing the human's expression closely, perhaps he can get something from that but no change of expression was noticed on the man's face, instead, the latter wondered, "Oh... You lost your memory?" "So you do know me... Tell me about the circumstances of our meeting, I feel like there is something I should remember there."

Meruem didn't answer but his response was enough to answer the question, and directly after that, he made an order, not a question but an order that made it seem like the human in front of him have no choice but to answer.

Yasuo was amused hearing the order but remained cautious nonetheless, just like he would normally behave, even if he is 100% sure he is safe.

he will still be cautious and even if he saw the future, there will always be that 'just in case' in his mind so even though he already used that same ability to look into the future and looked into the future again making sure of something and knowing doing so will result in the future he wants as he saw previously while also serving as a form of assurance to himself.

And the interesting part about it is that all Meruem felt is a movement in Yasuo's Aura that happened instantly but he saw nothing.


This stands upon a simple principle, even though the dark purple crow is seeable, if 'In' is used making the crow invisible, other Nen users will need to use Gyo to see it.

That and the fact the process was instantaneous, the dark crow appeared hidden behind Yasuo's back, blinked then disappeared. The process was that fast due to a simple reason, the fact that the small dark purple crow is the construct he chose as Zero Vision is what made it possible.

He can choose one construct form which will be called Zero Vision. That particular form will ignore the limitation 'The bigger the construct the lower the added power will be,', but the small the overall size of Zero Vision relative to Yasuo's overall size, the more powerful the Vision Eye will be.

The increase in Vision Eye's power isn't infinite as the increase in power will stop when the form is ten times smaller than Yasuo's size. Yasuo can change Zero Vision's form only once a month.

He selected the dark crow form as Zero Vision with its small size as to make Vision Eye ability stronger based on the advantage of the construct being small os of course he prioritizes seeing the future so he chose that form above anything else and there is another hidden advantage of Zero Vision form, it can be instantly summoned and unsummoned allowing him to see the future instantly.

He saw the future that would've happened and the future that'll happen due to him using his ability right now again.

Yasuo slowly stood up with an air of serenity surrounding him making Pouf tense since the human answering could mean he will tell Meruem about Komugi.

At this point he isn't as scared of the man due to the King's power, a power he knows too well even though he only saw the tip of the iceberg and that was enough to give him some peace of mind only to be broken by Yasuo's casualness in such situation.

Against Pouf's expectation, Yasuo just lightly smiled as he stood up saying something that stunned Pouf and Youpi and surprised Meruem a bit.

"My mission was just to make sure every dangerous Chimera Ant is eliminated and well, the mission is pretty much done leaving only the three of you..."

Yasuo's last words seem to have the highest effect on the three especially Pouf who realized something.

As far as his vision and sense can go, he wasn't able to sense anyone nor is he able to sense any of the cocoons he made especially the ones he left in the open, they disappeared, something he ignored due to the astray emotions muddling his state of mind.

There is also the most important thing he said, only the three of us are left, The King, Pouf, and Youpi meaning Pitou is dead?! And every other Chimera Ants hybrids he made! such a notion is driving him mad especially seeing how casual the man is after all he did to destroy his plans!

Really, how unlucky can one be? Because Yasuo's next words have set their eyes on breaking his mind.

Quite unlucky it seems as Yasuo uttered those words, the wise sinister words that set out the sequence of events he desires.

"It seems my services aren't really needed anymore, you three are already dead, less than an hour for you two and few hours for you. Humans are kind of terrifying huh..." Simply remarked Yasuo insinuating to Youpi and Pouf then Meruem respectively.

The words that baffled the two royal guards not giving them much time to comprehend Yasuo's previous words.

They slowly turned their heads towards their King not willing to believe such a harsh possibility and tears started coming down their face once they saw their King not responding.

Instead, he stayed silent without refuting the truthful and accurate words.

Such a sequence of tragic news was a blow to their mind eliminating the glimmer of hope that just started to shine within their heart after seeing their King is still alive, their rays of hope destroyed lit up burning desperation within their hearts.

Meruem looked at the human that started walking away with a portal appearing not far from him as if he wants to walk into it ignoring his orders.

The King wasn't that puzzled on how the human knows, he simply attributed it to an ability of his but hearing his words.

Meruem picked something else, the fact that the human knows a lot and he also saw something else, Pouf's desperation and he was able to predict his next course of action easily.

"Komugi...." Uttered Pouf in a tone of hatred towards the man before him and added directly after ignoring Meruem's stunned expression as his memories started coming back giving light to the darkness of the night around him, bringing those bright various colors to his dark world.

"The last time I saw her, he was in the room, he probably took her somewhere so I'm sure he knows her location... Also, please consume me, if you get stronger, perhaps you won't die so since I'm dying anyway... Please use me as a last measure." Pleaded the intelligent royal guard knowing full well Meruem can read him like a book.

Aside from the true devotion and loyalty he's feeling for the king and the reason he is ready to do what he's doing, there is another feeling guiding him for his current actions.

The feeling of hatred towards the human before him, hatred so overwhelming it severely affected his reasoning but even with that, his main drive remains his loyalty to the King and his hope he can survive.

Meruem was easily able to read Pouf knowing all his intentions well but he also knew Pouf didn't lie meaning the human knows Komugi's location.

He lifted his hand slightly pointing towards Yasuo while saying to Pouf, "Not needed."

Then he used an ability he acquired after absorbing Youpi, the ability to fire explosive blasts of aura from his arm.

A single one carries enough power to severely damage a large rock formation, an attack of such strength is making its way towards Yasuo who seems to be taking his time to go through the portal, something Meruem noticed allowing him to come to the conclusion Yasuo wants him to...
