Chapter 132: My Beautiful Mind, Does It Have Any Limits?  


Chapter 132: My Beautiful Mind, Does It Have Any Limits?  


we always see the past sun specifically the sun how it actually was 8 minutes, this is all due to how long light takes to reach us and that's the current limit of how much can humans mess with time, of course, there is the strange concept of Nen allowing humans to do more, much more...

What Yasuo has performed and is performing took that to a whole new level, time manipulation or time control in its finest form.

The new force he sensed named time didn't escape his grasp nor was it able to hide from his predictions, predictions of what that force can be.


So it lied underneath his emotionless eyes unable to offer any resistance under his average control.

You see, his Vision Eye ability is quite broken, too broken even but that depends on the person possessing the ability and in Yasuo's hands...

With his current Aura pool, he made use of the ability to the limits he set. Activating the ability and looking into a future where he trains his control over time, a concept he just sensed meaning his control over it is unrefined, to say the least.

And through those few seconds where he can actually sense time, he trains his control over it until the 'Debt Collector' ability deactivate due to the 10 seconds limit finishing.

Then he stops looking into the future and repeats the same process except for this time he has all the knowledge and proficiency he gained from his previous future training and continues more training on top of that.

Yasuo is good at detecting holes and weaknesses and he noticed one about his Vision Eye ability, The Aura he depletes in the future he experience matters not.


Even if his Aura becoming completely expended in that future, once he stops seeing into the future, the Aura he consumed in that future won't matter as that never actually happened.

What matters is how much Aura he expended looking into the future through his ability and in this situation. He only looks into the future for a few seconds and considering that the further into the future he looks, the bigger the consumption, this means his consumption throughout the process was minimum.

So with his current Aura pool and the goal to leave more than enough aura for his current construction plan, he used massive amounts of Aura looking into the future for those few seconds and practiced his time control skills to a satisfactory level.

And one thing he found through all that training is that controlling time is much easier than controlling space yet quite similar at the same time so he didn't find as much trouble learning how to control it in contrast to how long he took to be good enough at controlling space.

This is strange, to say the least considering that he only started sensing time after he sensed space and souls respectively. Well, Yasuo found the answer to that quite easily, in fact, it something he didn't need much thinking to predict.

The fact that controlling space affects time while the opposite isn't true.


Through his training in controlling space and his general research about space, he came to the logical conclusion that controlling space can affect the time within that space albeit at a negligible scale.

With that added to space's complexity which he found to be quite more complex as space manipulation's possible applications are much broader than time manipulation yet time manipulation's consumption was found to be much bigger than space's which is interesting and something he will keep in mind.

So he made full use of his Vision Eye to get as proficient with it as possible.

If the time he spent training was counted, it will amount to weeks of constant training which should testify to how astonishing his Aura pool has become after activating his conjuration ability.

And that says a lot considering an interesting fact about the ability. Every time someone owes him, the percent owed will be saved in Yasuo's brain to heart as if he forgot about it, he won't be able to collect the debt, this is a hidden risk of the ability though not for Yasuo.

And when he activates the ability which he can do whenever he wants, he himself has to decide which of the debts he wants to collect so who's to say if he actually collected all the debts for his current plan? Yasuo is cautious, too cautious so who's to say he didn't leave some debts uncollected just in case?

In all of that time, while Yasuo wasn't able to perfect his control over time, with the fact that space and time are quite similar and his current proficiency in controlling space, he was able to get the hand of some basic concepts.

One of them happened to be time acceleration which he applied on the ball to make the process happen much faster albeit his control over time is still a bit rough so while he succeeded, it still took quite a bit of time, and by that, almost the whole seconds leaving about a hundred millisecond for the last bit of the construction process.

And after stopping the time acceleration process, he started constructing the mansion and the lab with the same material he just created.

His obvious plan is to construct them using Yasium creating something indestructible yet the material before him which is much stronger than diamond and even Graphene seemed weak in his hands.

A thought of his made the large undestroyable ball becoming something else. It was like he made the solid element turn to a fluid one as the ball gently split into two before they started flowing around like a river without obstructions.

The ball split into two flowing rivers of different sizes. One much smaller which started to form to an exquisite elegant silverly mansion in a matter of milliseconds while the bigger part started forming to a strangely shaped building. An extremely massive decagonally shaped building and what's even more peculiar about it is the fact it has no doors, no holes, or anything else in its design.

A simple plain silverly decagonal building with no way for oxygen to pass through making it unlivable inside.

On the inside, there are numerous rooms, from extremely large to normal sized ones though the room has what looked like small windows connected to other rooms as if to let oxygen pass through.

Unexisting oxygen because there is no way for it to enter the building in the first place so once the O2 that's already there depletes, there will be no longer be any oxygen left.

Yasuo of course wouldn't let such an error exist so from behind him a large portal appeared from which countless things appeared.

Things including the tools that were in Yasuo's lab from test tables to the large tubes with Chimera Ants to other creatures in them.

There are also several isolated glass chambers with some specimens in them, one of which has one of his ongoing experiments, specimens infected with Zobae disease.

And even though he already got some satisfactory results which he used on himself. He can see more in the disease than anyone else so he never stopped his research on it.

Everything a lab as massive as the one he just created is available including a massive oxygen tank and massive electric batteries and generators as well and everything needed for the lab to work.

The lab has no openings so how can he transfer these things inside?

Quite simple actually, he just controlled space with the purpose of teleporting everything inside though at different rooms.

Each tool or tubes and work tables in the room he created specifically for them and the countless empty large tubes prepared specifically for the massive ball of creatures and wondrous things he just brought.

And so the lab was finished instantly, a working massive lab was created in seconds with everything he could ever need inside, and the same happened to the mansion with all kinds of decors and necessities already inside.

The last phase of the operation is quite simple as well, similar to how he teleported his house and previous lab from the Kakin empire to here, he simply manipulated space to teleport a large amount of soil and rocks from beneath creating a large vacant space perfectly fitting the Decagonal lab.

And well, the lab teleported taking that vacant space, the lab was placed about five hundred meters beneath the ground with the mansion getting also teleported above the ground with a foundation suitable for the building as he has plans for the two structures. Moving lab and mansion he can take anywhere with him through portals make this quite easy.

He also created the lab without any exits or entrance, completely closed that even the smallest of atoms will find it hard to get in with the density of Yasium element, in fact, even photons will find it near impossible to get in. A perfectly tight closed building only he can enter.

He can see everything within his control domain with the latter ignoring any barrier, his domain's range is absolute with nothing having the capability to hold it back so the density of a barrier matters not in his eyes.

And anything he sees is within his teleportation range so he is basically the only one able to enter excluding other people with teleportation abilities... Of course, Yasuo already prepared for that...
