Chapter 129: Perfection And Checkmate  


Chapter 129: Perfection And Checkmate  


The dangerous creatures within the field and trees seem to be cautious of the seeds or something around it as not any creature was within a small distance to those few seeds he sensed, ones that started flying towards him like they found their new owner, they're within his control domain after all.

The white creamy large seeds that look quite frail like it's going to burst at any moment just from the light wind around but it survived the heavy wind produced by Yasuo's power so frail is definitely not a good description for it.

In fact, the outer layer of the seed looks like a sticky layer of rubber, like an undestroyable layer of rubber.


A completely white one hiding what's within but from how the seed behaves, it appears that internally, it's vastly different from rice as what's inside seems to be liquid.

It could be said that Yasuo took his time taking those few seeds enjoying the level of power he's feeling right now.

The fact he is in the dark continent and he can look down on all the dangerous creatures around is kind of addicting, the feeling of absolute power, they say such a feeling can consume someone but not Yasuo.

Yasuo knows better, he is the one who consumes and he has a frighteningly high level of control over himself so while he allowed himself some time for enjoyment and just messing around, he knows he will reach such a level of power, it's only a matter of time.

Yasuo closed his already blank eyes like he is looking at something far away because while he can allow himself some more time of enjoyment in such circumstances, that doesn't mean he will waste that time as during every millisecond of him being here, he spread his invisible strings throughout the surroundings.

The spread from which he can see further than what his eyes or his domain allow him, the threads that move at a speed unimaginable as the strings went hundreds of miles away from him in a matter of milliseconds and they only continued to move further and further.


The countless invisible strings that spread their clutches as far as Yasuo's power allowed them to. The power that'll disappear in a matter of a few more seconds but he didn't mind that as he focused fully on studying the Nitro seeds with the amplification domain he just created and spreading his Aeronen threads as far as he can.

Until his conjuration ability's countdown was finished meaning all the extra power he had disappeared which also means he's back to his relatively vulnerable self... The precious ability he named 'Debt Collector', so precious in fact its the only reason he risked coming here and the basis for the first phase.

Yet he's spent the remaining 4 seconds of the ability doing things that could be left for later.

Exploring the dark continent or the small place of the continent with his invisible strings as well as studying the Nitro rice, something he could've done in his lab later, that and also the fact he collected only a few Nitro seeds when he could've collected much more.

That doesn't sound like something the intelligent and greedy Yasuo would do now, does it? No, It doesn't, that doesn't suit his personality at all, after all, his side quest of being here is getting as much Nitro rice as possible and he definitely won't risk staying here without his 'Debt Collector' ability active.

Well, he won't need to as the moment the ten seconds passed signifying the end of the ability and the disappearance of all the Aura he collected.


At that moment, the scenery changed as Yasuo appeared though this time standing in the air in the same place he was floating before.

And most importantly, his conjuration ability is still activated as If those four seconds never passed and above all... The dark crow is still standing on his shoulder as if it never disappeared. Some things just aren't as they seem.

He smiled remarking about how his plans went, "Perfection... All I need is time."

Then before Yasuo's eyes, few Nitro seeds appeared only for him to disappear directly after with the seeds disappearing as well.

He appeared more than twenty miles away almost instantly and the same thing happened, several more Nitro seeds appeared next to the other ones before all disappeared with him.

The most efficient way to get as much Nitro rice as possible, his control domain has a diameter of more than 20 miles which means any Nitro rice within that range is within his control so he simply manipulated space around them to teleport every seed within the domain next to him before controlling space to teleport with them.

So what he does is teleporting multiple times until his 20 miles away from his previous position.

This allows him to efficiently gather Nitro seeds in the shortest amount of time possible and while the white field is quite big, it's still not hundreds of miles big so it didn't take him much time to clean the whole field.

Yet even with all of that, he was only able to harvest about a hundred of them but from Yasuo's previous quick study of the Nitro seeds, he was able to judge that this is more than enough for what he wants to do

So as research would do, as a scientist who is curious and who is planning on doing more experiments and someone who is greedy. Yasuo started harvesting more than what he came here for, much more.

The muddy dirt on which Nitro rice spurted didn't escape his clutches, the astoundingly massive trees didn't escape his grasp.

The creatures within accepted their fate of falling on his hands, all kinds of wonderous bizarre, and dangerous creatures fell prey to his greedy eyes.

The four seconds were slow, too slow as the things that he did within them would take someone days to months even to do. His invisible strings saw further than what his domain can reach, much further. And he saw some interesting things, some things that ignited curiosity within his already curious soul so as predicted, he took them although there is something that disappointed him quite a lot.

The fact that even though he saw the future many times and sent his invisible strings in many directions, he didn't find them...

The five great calamities, he found none of them, not even Hellbell which is a calamity that was sighted in the Southeast shore of Lake Mobius.

But he has only searched for a few thousands of miles so it's not something he didn't predict.

The dark continent is just that big, the thousands of miles he explored is an amount of space negligible in comparison so it's natural he'll find it hard to find so he just spent the remaining seconds collecting everything he deems interesting.

A greedy fellow indeed but what he got was more enough to make up for it, the countless wondrous creatures were enough research material to satiate his curiosity for a while especially considering his next phase of plans.

That painted an interesting picture, a peculiar picture of a dot, a dot that happened to be Yasuo with his completely pitch-black attire but what's strange about the picture is what lies before his eyes.

The strange scenery of two strange balls floating before him. A ball completely white consisting of the near hundred Nitro rice seeds crowding together which not that large as even though the seeds are much bigger than normal rice, there are still only about a hundred of them.

On the other hand, the other ball is vastly different, a rainbow of colors in contrast to the other ball.

The countless creatures and interesting plants and trees and even soil all crowded together forming a strange ball, crowded just enough as to not cause the specimens to get tainted.

His control domain allowed him to perfectly Isolate each type of specimen, soil isolated from creatures, trees are crowded together and so is everything else especially the creatures as some could be poisonous and affect some of the other ones or simply stain his specimens which may lead to faulty research results.

The plants from the normal ones to the peculiar ones were also isolated perfectly and most importantly, every creature he captured is unconscious.

A simple process of teleporting the creatures as they simply have no chance of resisting his control over space then simply caused a few small movements in their brain to put them unconscious.

Something simple for someone like him, The brain is the most complex part of the human body.

This three-pound organ is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of body movement, and controller of behavior.

Lying in its bony shell and washed by protective fluid, the brain is the source of all the qualities that define our humanity.

And other creatures' brain doesn't differ than much, by controlling the part of the brain responsible for consciousness, by just manipulating it slightly he can cause the creatures' brains to go unconscious.

It just depends on whether Yasuo can handle the input required or not and in his current state, it was extremely easy to do so so he simply took it a step further and put them in a coma just to make sure...
