Chapter 126: The Day Has Come  


Chapter 126: The Day Has Come  


he's floating at a height of more than three miles looking down on the beautiful yet incredibly dangerous scene beneath him with caution never leaving his peculiar eyes but this is what he prepared for all those years.

Only now did Yasuo make an interesting remark while stroking the shining silver earring on his left ear, "It's time to collect what's owed..."

And so the world witnessed one of the strangest events, well, not the world exactly but a lot of people experienced the same thing across the world at the same time, most of them are people at high status or interesting enough for Yasuo to accept their requests.


And a lot of them are Nen users, quite a lot actually, Nen users from every part of the known world felt it... felt the sudden disappearance of their Aura, not all of it but a varying percentage of their Aura just disappeared instantly.

They shared something common with each other that they might not know, they all owe Yasuo, they all signed the contract and uttered the words they can't take back.

Even some Nen users experienced the incident albeit they don't know of Nen so all they experienced is sudden exhaustion to passing out entirely due to the sudden loss of their Aura and a lot of people owe Yasuo, he made sure of it after all.

It was at that moment that several Nen users noticed the disappearance of a percentage of their Aura.

Some already suspect why such a thing happen as they already came to a few conclusions regarding Yasuo requiring favors but no one really knows the truth until this happened.

Until they paid the favor yet almost all of them remained puzzled about the incident with only two people having an idea about what's going on. One of them is the Phantom Troupe's leader Chrollo who investigated Yasuo thoroughly wondering why he would make someone like him owe him.


Someone like him as in the leader of a group of thieves, a liar, and someone who won't keep his words and he can't really use force on him as that's a variable someone like Yasuo's unlikely to depend on. So Chrollo came to the conclusion that Yasuo has an ability that forces people to repay the favor they owe him and his guess wasn't far off as the moment about half of his Aura disappeared, he gained a general idea of why directly attributing it to the still mystery name Yasuo Zoldyck.

The other person who knows what happened is none other than Pitou who heard him clearly say that he has an ability that will force people to pay the favor they owe him so she put things together but didn't get much time to think about it.

Yasuo timed everything perfectly to lead to the current situation before Pitou, he only teleported once Gon has fully transformed and delivered the first punch to Pitou then the second punch which will drive her almost completely unconscious and incapable of moving.

Gon of course noticed the disappearance of the majority of his Aura but... He didn't care, as long as what was left is enough to kill the Ant before him, to fulfill his current desire as what losing that much of his Aura means mattered not to him.

That actually didn't matter much to him, he has more than enough Aura to finish what he started especially considering his current horrifying physical strength.

And only at that point did he activate his conjuration ability taking an astonishing 80% of Gon's Aura.


An Aura pool that rivals pre-rose Meruem, and he took 80% of it, the maximum possible amount he can take and that didn't only happen to Gon, it also happened to Pitou whose percentage of her Aura disappeared.

Even with her almost completely unconscious state, she still noticed the phenomena clearly as her senses were still fully working.

She noticed the transformed Gon lose almost all of his Aura and she did as well but she knew that even with that loss, he'll still find killing her quite easy especially considering her current state.

However... She was relieved... relieved knowing he's no longer a match for the King even if he was able to reach him... Until she became terrified thinking of something else, her last thoughts were about the mysterious man Yasuo... If his ability really worked how she thinks it does then... How strong is he now???!

How strong is he indeed, that is the right question as if someone really knows about Yasuo and his ability, horror is what'll engulf them imagining the state he is currently in... An assassin whose job is to do jobs for payments and whose payment happened to also be owing him a favor.

He was an assassin for years and he set an unbreakable record for how many missions he finishes in short amounts of time.

His invisible strings are everywhere in the world with his portals ability giving him a fast passage to every corner of the world so one can only imagine how many missions he had finished and how much money people owe him.

A simple ability he created years ago after finding visualizing it the hardest out of all of his abilities and its function is quite simple. owing him doesn't have to be voluntary as he can make people owe him forcefully under one condition of course.

He can only do so one time a month and for that, he needs to have complete control over the target's life or existence, the more power Yasuo has over the target the more the latter owes him.

As for normal favors, the maximum owing percentage is 80% and that's also the same for forceful favors... A limit he had to set to create such ability.

And what he collects is simply useable energy, energy beneficial to him that'll make him stronger benefiting to him.

He collects the said percentage which becomes under his complete control like it's actually his power.

Of course, there is another condition as such ability is simply incomprehensible if it allowed him to keep that power permanently. The condition is quite simple, that power will only be available to him for 10 seconds and will disappear after that time passes but... there is another limitation, a hidden one that Yasuo anticipated... Can his already satiated cells and soul handle that much Aura?

Even Gon when he sacrificed his everything, his Aura pool became comparable to pre-rose Meruem.

But for that to even be possible, he had to force his body to such a level strong enough to handle all that extra Nen.

A level of physical strength unrivaled by most almost reaching the king's level... There is a limit to how much one's body can handle.

A limit Yasuo is planning to get rid of but now he has a bigger problem before him as all the Aura he borrowed suddenly appeared within his body and soul, an amount of Aura never seen before.

The combined Aura of numerous people allowed him to become a true monster, to say the least, an amount of Aura that makes even post-rose Meruem look like a bug... but also an amount of Aura that threatens to break his body in seconds.

But he knows a few things and has several methods to stop even worst-case scenarios, he's quite cautious after all so he won't allow such a variable to remain. Among those methods are his studies about souls.

Not just his soul but others as well using the same method he uses Poltergeist Pillow and... He found his soul to be nowhere near satiated.

In fact, it seems to have an infinite capacity and the only reason it can't hold all this Aura is its connection to his body, a mysterious connection making the two firmly connected to each other which also sets a limit on them both.

An ability so simple yet so complicated, useless in the wrong hands but broken in the right hands and in Yasuo's hands?

Well... In Yasuo's hands, the impossible became possible, the amount of Aura he's holding within as he floated high in the sky is simply unfathomable.

Yasuo who has his eyes closed simply enjoyed the foreign sensation he has never felt, the feeling of absolute power and control... A mirage as he knows too well how vulnerable he is right now.

But that doesn't stop him from enjoying the beautiful sensation as he took a deep breath, something he rarely if ever does, before letting out a small smile that was enough to show his happiness while ignoring completely the pain he feels all over his body.

His well-trained cells, cells trained to their absolute limit were on the brink of collapse.

Every cell of his body from the most fragile ones to the stronger ones started collapsing on themselves at varying speeds as blood was about to start splattering out of his body by the sheer pressure that amount of Aura is applying.

Everything within miles away seems to have some kind of gravity applied to pushing everything away as the sound of heavy winds reverberated throughout the field.

Heavy winds with their source being him threatening to take down the tall trees and everything within.

The creatures that threatened to endanger him from within were no more as they holed up in the trees not daring to move even a bit in sheer horror...
