Chapter 101: Mission  


Chapter 101: Mission  


The invisible strings moved throughout the city creating invisible eyes everywhere in the shadow of the night as the source of the strings stood atop looking down on everything with the dark purple crow doing the same.

The white eyes giving the illusion as if he is blind yet only he knows how much he can see, how far he can see, what he can see.

Only he can see the strings that moved to his wishes, manipulating what he wants, changing events to his liking which in return changes the future... A future he can see through the pitch-black eye on the dark crow.


He looked at the events play out only interfering with when feels like he needs to, manipulating the events to lead to the future he wants, making sure nothing goes out of line.

A gleam of interest appeared hidden deep in his blank eyes as he looked through space to see one of his reasons for coming here.

A short and stocky woman wearing a hat hiding her balding head but allowing the remaining hair to fall down her shoulders. Her front teeth are pronounced and protrude much like a rodent's.

Her attire is simple and is hiding most of her skin, Melody the victim of what is called satan due to listening to a single movement of the violin solo part of the Sonata of Darkness she was deformed leading to her current appearance.

He looked as the Underground auction began and the spiders started killing all the guests yet found no valuables due to the dons anticipating their move.

He watched as they exterminated the shadow beasts, the line before the final line of defense to the dons, the last line being them themself.


He watched as Uvogin was captured by Kurapica and as Uvogin was freed by the spiders swearing his vengeance on Kurapica... It was at this point he received a phone call which he answered, "Yeah?" "We just received two big requests, one for the mafia dons and the other for the phantom troupe, are you participating?" Directly informed Silva.

"Sure, I'll take the one against the mafia Dons and by the way, I'm already in Yorknew city, I have something to do here so..." Casually answered Yasuo already expecting the call.

"Hmm, ok don't start yet until we arrive, Illumi will be taking Kalluto with him for his first mission so wait until they arrive and start but don't finish the job too fast, let Kalluto learn from you two." Instructed Silva before hanging up.

The anomaly closed his eyes in a state of absolute stillness above the high building. The light wind failed to even move his clothes even slightly as if there is a barrier getting on its way.

Even with his eyes closed, he can still clearly see so he watched as the silent auction starts.

The auction where all the valuables are yet the spider managed to find its way to them by the time the Zoldcyks set foot in the city, every Zoldyck setting for in the city would've caused panic throughout the city if it was known but its a family of assassins.


Yasuo slowly took a deep breath, something he rarely does as he started falling from the tall building, a free fall, and this time he allowed the air to make contact with his skin.

The air that pushed his hair upward as he fell until he didn't anymore... Until he disappeared going through a portal that appeared in his falling direction and disappeared directly after.

He appeared through another portal with all the momentum he built over the long fall disappearing thanks to his control domain, "Hi," He greeted Illumi and Kalluto that happened to be walking through an uninhabited alley with no one in sight.

Illumi didn't seem surprised that his brother appeared next to them even though he still didn't tell him his location yet as if it's a normal occurrence to him but the same couldn't be said for Kalluto who looked stunned as it's his first time seeing Yasuo's ability.

"Father didn't tell me everything about the job so care to explain?" Asked Yasuo who created another portal and signaled for them to follow after him and they did appearing in a high-class hotel room.

Only then did Illumi start explaining, "It's simple really, it doesn't matter the method, just exterminate the Dons as soon as possible before father and grandfather finish their job.

I will also use my ability to manipulate them and cancel the bounty on the spiders and also start the underground auction."

"What about Maha?", "He changed his mind and didn't want to come so it's just us..."

Yasuo nodded in understanding as a portal appeared beside them in which they went through appearing in an empty room.

"We're inside the building they're in so since this is kind of an educational mission let's let Kalluto take care of the weak ones, what do you think?"

Illumi nodded, "That's what I was thinking as well..."

Yasu smiled looking at the nervous Kalluto as he started patting his head, "Well, you're the leader in this mission so leads however you like as long as we efficiency finish the job, up for it?"

Kalluto nodded seriously trying his best to hide his nervousness and embarrassment not used to anyone except his mother patting him, "I definitely can!", "Good then start." Only now did the nervousness leave him a bit as he asked, "Are we on the cemetery building or another building? and which room are we in?"

Yasuo crossed his arms together answering, "The cemetery building on the thirtieth floor as for where are they.... well, it's up to you to find out."

Kalluto nodded no showing any opposition, instead, he seems thoughtful for a minute before informing, "Wait here, I'll be back in a ten minutes max. If I'm even a second late than that then you will finish the mission yourselves."

He didn't wait for them to respond before running stealthily out of the room only after making sure no one is outside through his ability.

The two made no effort to stop him instead Yasuo just took a seat on one of the chairs that suddenly appeared through a portal with Illumi doing the same, "Coffee or wine?", "Tea,"

Another portal appeared from which a cup of coffee and tea appeared with the teacup flying to Illumi's hand, the latter didn't react to the scene used to Yasuo's strangeness, he took a sip then appraised, "quite good."

Only for several other portals to appear next to Illumi though these ones are only big enough for a bullet to go through or... needles and Illumi did just that, sending several round needles through the portals with two needles going through each portal.

The scene played out naturally as if they understand each other's abilities and intentions to heart without the need to speak, they just drank in silence until Yasuo asked, "Did you use your ability on Killua?"

Illumi seemed confused hearing the question, "Yeah, I put a needle to force him to avoid or escape any signs of danger, you already know that right?"

Yasuo nodded explaining, "I know but that's not what am asking about, did you add any hints about Alluka? I expected him to contact me to meet her but he never did like he doesn't know if she exists so care to explain?"

That seems to trigger Illumi's memory seeing the light in the darkness though he doesn't consider it a big deal, he still answered.

"Yeah, I also added a hint to ignore her existence. He is already too emotional so I felt like if he made too much contact with her, he will become even more so but it didn't matter as he turned out like this either way... why do you ask? do you want me to cancel the hint?"

Yasuo shook his head, "Nah I was just wondering, if he takes the needle out himself then it's good for him else it doesn't matter unless Alluka asked."

Illumi shrugs his shoulder as he made a call using the Zoldycks personal transmitter saying, "The job is done thereby their request is invalidated."

On the other line, Silva's face couldn't help but twitch, "That fast huh, we still didn't even reach our target, you did let Kalluto gain some experience right?", "He is gaining experience now so don't worry about it" After which he hung up.

They casually chatted for a few minutes before Kalluto came back though something noticeable only to assassins such as them is the faint smell of blood coming from him.

He informed them with expectations apparent in his eyes while choosing to ignore the strange situation in front of his eyes, "The Dons are all on the 36 floor and I know a way with minimum surveillance so follow me."

"Lead the way..." They then followed after him not making any move as he silently killed any guard he caught sight of while they just looked at this with a hint of amusement in their eyes...
