Chapter 76

When Zhong Ruanxing returned home, she was still feeling down. It was precisely because she had always had the company and love of her parents that she could more keenly feel the pain and grief Song Jinxing and his sister felt at losing their parents. When she called him, Song Jinxing could tell from her low tone of voice right away. He sat up straight, his expression involuntarily becoming grave: "What's happened?"

Zhong Ruanxing called his name: "Song Jinxing..."


But after calling out to him, she couldn't get the words out. She wanted to ask him, have you forgotten what your parents looked like, just like Song Shuling? Were you like her, silently grieving and missing them on a quiet night like this, or has your emotional atrophy syndrome sealed away your feelings for your parents too?

She swallowed the words back down before they left her mouth.

What would be the point of asking, however he answered? It wouldn't change the fact that he lost his parents at a young age and grew up alone. It would only make him recall those lonely, agonizing days.


She didn't want him to be upset.

Even if feeling upset now would be a luxury for him, she didn't want to test it.

She heard her tone become cheerful again over the phone: "What did you eat tonight? I had so much cake tonight! Let me tell you, you're in trouble, your abs are going to be whittled away by me soon."

His expression was still somber. If anyone else had been present, they would have felt the cold, oppressive aura emanating from him.

But his voice was light, as if he hadn't noticed anything off about her, chatting with her as usual: "The crew had a hot pot dinner tonight. Don't worry, we can whittle away at each other.

Zhong Ruanxing shrieked: "No way! Go work out right now and burn off everything you ate tonight! My figure! My abs! Song Jinxing, I'm not done with you!"


He laughed softly.

After chatting for a while, Zhong Ruanxing yawned, ready to hang up, when he suddenly stopped her: "Zhong Ruanxing."

He rarely called her by her full name so seriously.

Those few words sounded different coming out of his cool voice, inexplicably making one's heart skip a beat. Zhong Ruanxing gripped her phone and involuntarily held her breath: "Yes?" She heard him say, "If there's anything, tell me."

He wouldn't say lover's oaths or sweet nothings.

He would just seriously tell her, if there's anything, tell me.


I'm always here.

Those lingering sour feelings in her heart were soothed by his words tonight.

Look, one could feel sorrow for his circumstances, but need not pity his life. No one had a perfect life, yet he had grown into someone so outstanding. His parents must have been proud of him.

The next day was Sunday. Song Jinxing had to get up early to film, but Zhong Ruanxing could sleep in. When she woke up, she saw a message from Song Shuling.

She had already reported to the amusement park for training that would last half a month. Song Shuling said the company had arranged employee dorms, and she had decided to live in the dorms in order to integrate into the group as quickly as possible.

Zhong Ruanxing praised her, then got up, washed up, and brought gifts for Grandpa and Grandma Song before setting off for the old house.

She hadn't called ahead, so when she went back she gave Grandma a huge surprise as expected.

Grandpa was still putting on airs: "You were just here not long ago, why have you come running back already?"

Grandma was so angry she picked up her cane and started whacking him with it: "You old fogey, get out of here! If you don't care about your grandson, I do! I'm talking with my grandson, go away! Don't hang around here!"

Zhong Ruanxing almost laughed.

Grandpa harrumphed a few times but didn't leave, sitting in his exclusive armchair smoking his pipe and listening to music.

The housekeeper made a table full of dishes for lunch. Zhong Ruanxing accompanied the elders for lunch, then told them Song Shuling had found a job.

Grandma was quite happy to hear her granddaughter was going out to work, and asked, "What's the job of playing a mascot?"

Zhong Ruanxing showed her the photos she had taken yesterday. Grandma understood and suddenly felt a little distressed: "That outfit must be so hot. Is it breathable? Won't she get heat stroke? Little Ling can't handle this hardship. Why not just arrange for her to work in your company as your assistant instead?"

Before Zhong Ruanxing could reply, Grandpa said, "It's good for her to suffer a little hardship! The girl's been spoiled rotten by you and Si Yu. She can't lift a finger to help and has no special talents! Now that she's realized it herself and is willing to go out and make her mark, don't hold her back!"

The two elders started bickering again.

When she was young, Grandma had been constrained by the ideas of that time period and deferred to her husband in all things, never contradicting Grandpa. But now that she was older, Grandma's fighting spirit had awoken, and she often clashed with and berated Grandpa, adding a lively human touch to the old house.

After lunch, Zhong Ruanxing accompanied Grandma watching some kunqu opera performances, before finally leaving when Fu Ling called asking her to return to the company to handle some documents.

Grandma saw her all the way out to the door and watched her car leave before slowly turning back. When she went back inside, she saw Grandpa sitting at his desk poring over a stack of documents. She walked over and took a look, puzzled: "When did you suddenly take an interest in managing company affairs again? Don't you trust JinXing?"

Grandpa took a couple puffs on his pipe, squinting as he looked over this quarter's financial statements, before finally replying slowly: "Not bad."


After trudging through the long, sweltering summer, it seemed like the blink of an eye before autumn dyed the tree tops yellow.

Song Jinxing's scenes were finally finished filming.

He didn't have many scenes to begin with, and had the fewest lines in the entire movie "Spy". But his role was the most eye-catching stroke in the whole film.

When he turned the pistol on himself without hesitation and pulled the trigger, the cold bullet piercing Shi Yufeng's brain, her life thus ended, and Song Jinxing's first time acting experience also drew to a close.

Because of his investment, the overall quality of the crew had risen several notches.

This wasn't their Number Two Female Lead, but a big financier!

Therefore, for Song Jinxing's wrap, they didn't just have a simple celebratory dinner and photos, but the crew very enthusiastically held a solo wrap banquet for him. Kou An'an even "spent lavishly" to book an entire luxury KTV for the Number Two Female Lead's farewell party.

Song Jinxing personally disliked these kinds of venues, but couldn't decline the crew's enthusiastic gesture, and finally agreed.

Guan Yuanzhou had wrapped earlier than him and had already left Hangzhou. Seeing their photos in the WeChat group that night, he immediately felt out of balance: "Why didn't I get this kind of treatment? This is unfair!"

Staff member: "Talk to me about fairness again after you've invested 80 million."

Guan Yuanzhou: "My apologies, I spoke out of turn. I'll be leaving now."

On set everyone had been tightly wound, so tonight it was like they were venting all the stress and fatigue of the past days. The group nearly blew the roof off the luxury room.

Song Jinxing had a few glasses of champagne and really couldn't take it anymore. On the pretext of using the bathroom he left the room, walking down the hallway to the small balcony at the end to get some air.

He didn't expect to see a point of firelight as soon as he stepped out onto the balcony. Someone was already sitting in the corner chair smoking.

Song Jinxing turned to leave.

But just as he took a step, the man called out to him: "Zhong...Ruanxing?"

Song Jinxing frowned slightly and turned back around.

The man emerged from the darkness, revealing a roguish face, the cigarette still dangling from his lips, giving him a sort of rakish aura.

He narrowed his eyes, finally recognizing the other fully, and smiled with raised brows: "It really is you. Long time no see, Zhong Ruanxing...little junior sister."
