Chapter 149

Zhang Quan Zhang was also surnamed Zhang, and Zhang County Captain was also surnamed Zhang. Although the two were separated by more than ten years in age, their height and build were not too different.

So she asked one by one about the situation inside the barracks, and learned that the over one hundred newcomers would all be broken up and assigned, so letting Zhang County Captain pretend to be Zhang Quan for a while should not be too big of an issue.

"Zhang Quan, thinking of your filial piety, I will let you go home today," Li Yao said, "But you must come back after one month."

"Thank you sir, I will definitely come back on time!"

After Zhang Quan left, Zhang County Captain became Zhang Quan.

He did not sneak around, and directly walked out the barrack gates.


The garrison troops originally had loose discipline, and he was just a new recruit who got lost looking for the latrine, and was able to say the password, so the guards did not ask much before letting him back in.

Zhang County Captain had been a soldier before, and could be considered an old hand, and with the intelligence provided by Zhang Quan, and the packet of loose silver provided by Li Yao, he quickly integrated with the veteran soldiers of the same barracks.

After intentionally losing some silver gambling with the soldiers of the same barracks, the veterans even more so treated him like treasure.

"Let's stop here for today," one veteran said, "Still have work to do tomorrow, don't sleep too late or won't be able to get up."


The next day at sunrise, the company commander roared and drove the people out of the barracks.


Everyone lazily ate breakfast, sluggishly put on armor, formed a ragged line, and started marching towards Hong Shan Stockade.

The mountain path was difficult to traverse, so the marching speed was very slow.

After marching for a full two hours, they had not gone three li.

The company commander at the lead took a look at the surrounding terrain, and loudly ordered, "Pass down the order, make camp here!"

"Can finally rest," the veterans immediately scattered, rushing into the woods at the roadside, looking for shaded places to make camp.

Simple tents were quickly erected, the cooking squad also started preparing food, while others gathered together joking and laughing, or lying on the grass sleeping.


This was not on the march, it was simply an outing!

But Zhang County Captain did not forget his mission, calling over some veterans to gamble. "Brother Huang," after gambling for a while, Zhang County Captain started probing, "What are we going to do?"

"Just taking a walk." "Is it routine training?"


The few veterans laughed heartily, they especially liked new recruit eggheads who didn't know anything.

"No training, we're going to Hong Shan Stockade for a rescue," one veteran said, "But Hong Shan Stockade terrain is treacherous, we don't have enough men for a rescue. So when we get there, stay on the mountain across for one night, then go back."

It seemed Li Yao's predictions were right on target.

Talking about rescuing people, it was just for show.

"Isn't Hong Shan Stockade part of our Great Ling?"

"No, it's Nanzhao's."

"Then..." Zhang County Captain pretended to hesitate, and asked, "If they are the enemy, with us so lax, won't they take the chance to raid our camp?"

The few veterans smiled at each other.

Some things were not too convenient to tell new recruits, afraid they would spread the word.

But it seemed Zhang County Captain was a smart lad, sending them silver as soon as he arrived, he must be sensible.

"Let me tell you straight," one veteran lowered his voice, "This Hong Shan Stockade, can be considered one family with us."

"How's that?"

"We let Great Ling merchants go over, they capture them, then demand ransom. " the veteran said, "If given, they take half of what we get. If not given, we can dispatch troops to rescue, and they take a cut of what we get. Same logic, if Nanzhao merchants come over, we capture them, and Hong Shan Stockade can also demand ransom from their families under pretext of rescue."

Zhang County Captain felt he had broadened his horizons.

He did not know who came up with this money making idea, but it was rather ingenious.

Just that if this went on for too long, merchants would definitely not dare to come here anymore, and trade between the two nations would be completely cut off.

This was killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

Just as he was about to compliment whoever came up with such a great idea, suddenly a voice sounded from the side: "Humph! As a Great Ling soldier, how can you collude with outsiders and engage in such shady dealings?"

Zhang County Captain turned to look, and saw it was the young centurion from yesterday.

After coming here though, he was a centurion in name only, without a single soldier under him, aside from slightly higher pay, no different from a common soldier.

Hearing him speak, the expressions of the veterans immediately changed. They were rather worried about these young hot-blooded new recruits, exchanged glances, seemingly intending to deal with him.

After all this was Nanzhao's forest, wanting to quietly kill someone was easy.

Zhang County Captain sensed something amiss, and said: "It's fine brother Huang, I knew him from Luizhou, I'll have a word with him, guarantee he won't speak out of line."

"Best it be so."

Zhang County Captain went before the tall man, winked at him: "Brother, let's talk over there?"

The tall man sized him up first, and feeling his temperament differed from the greasy veterans, got up to follow.

When nobody was around, Zhang County Captain asked: "I'm Zhang Quan, how may I address you brother?"

"Liu Hu."

"Do you know Wang San'er?"

"Wang San'er?" Liu Hu was slightly surprised, "I know him, what are you to him?"

"I'm also acquainted," Zhang County Captain said, "But, Wang San'er's mother is also here."

Liu Hu was even more shocked.

He had heard Wang San'er say countless times how fierce his mother was, able to knock Wang San'er down with one hand.

"Auntie is here?"

"Right behind you."

Liu Hu swiftly turned around, and saw a woman had appeared unknowingly behind the tree.

So this was Wang San'er's mother?

He had imagined such a fierce person would have the build of a strapping shrew, but never expected her to be so refined and beautiful.

"Greetings auntie."

"No need to be so courteous," Li Yao stepped forward, "I've heard Wang San'er mention you, he said you were his strongest opponent, he was not exaggerating."

"Auntie flatters me, I just know some tricks." Liu Hu asked, "Auntie, what are you doing here?"

After simply explaining the circumstances to Liu Hu, his expression became solemn after hearing it.

"I can gather all the new recruits here, and go with you to Hong Shan Stockade for the rescue."

"I don't need your help with the rescue, I have a more important task for you."

"What is it?"

"Find out clearly which of the garrison troops, especially the generals and centurions, are Wu Ling's confidants, and which can be swayed to our side." Li Yao said, "Also secretly rally the new recruits, when the time is right, help the Ninth Prince capture Wu Ling."
