Chapter 85

Originally, Qin Wei had no intention of playing mobile games, but a popup recommending a game appeared when she was browsing. It read:

"Forward this to friends for a chance to win up to 1,000 yuan in red envelopes!"

Even a little meat is still meat...

Whether there's money or not doesn't matter, she just wanted to see if it was real.

Qin Wei forwarded it to her friend.

Half a minute later, another popup appeared on her phone screen:


【Your friend [Xu President of Anxing Entertainment] has accepted your invitation, come play the game now!】

This [Xu President of Anxing Entertainment] was naturally Xu Mingchuan.

Qin Wei: "..."

She had thought Xu Mingchuan was too busy to reply to messages, so she sent him junk mail thinking he probably wouldn't look. She didn't expect that he actually accepted the invitation!

After Qin Wei entered the game, it started.

After playing for a while she actually got a little addicted. After winning a round, the screen showed:


[Great job! 100 yuan has been deposited. Play again to withdraw!]

"What's this about..."

Qin Wei vaguely felt it was a scam, but still wanted to try again.

She invited Xu Mingchuan again, and surprisingly he agreed.

Just as she was getting into it, Lin Qiqi's voice sounded next to her. She came over with a face mask on.

"Oh, you're so good at this game! What are you playing?"


"Cards," Qin Wei replied. Out of courtesy she also invited the other party,

"Want to join?"


Lin Qiqi went back to her seat, glanced at the book in her hand,

"No thanks, I prefer to read while doing my nightly skincare routine. As an actress, I need to nourish my appearance and mind regularly. This is the discipline a celebrity should have.

Of course, appropriate relaxation is also necessary. You playing cards to unwind is one way to relax."

Qin Wei vaguely felt like the other party was implying she lacked discipline...

Oh well, she wouldn't argue with her...

Qin Wei continued playing her cards.

Sun Tiantian had just showered and also came downstairs to the living room with a face mask on. She had been instructed by her company earlier to try to appear on camera as much as possible, whether it was eating, living, training, etc. Only by showing her face more would people have the chance to remember her. Only when people remembered her would she have the qualifications to discuss popularity.

So for a low-tier actor like her, she had to take advantage of when Qin Wei and Lin Qiqi were free in the living room to try and gain exposure.

But with both of them here, it was like a battleground. Oh well, there shouldn't be any issues since it was a livestream.

"Are you two teachers busy?"

Sun Tiantian walked over.

Lin Qiqi patted the spot between her and Qin Wei:

"Not busy, come sit Tiantian."

Sun Tiantian immediately went over to sit down.

She looked at Qin Wei, who was engrossed in her mobile game, unsure of how to strike up a conversation. So she turned to ask Lin Qiqi first:

"Sister Qiqi, what book are you reading?"

The corners of Lin Qiqi's mouth turned up and her brows relaxed. She had been waiting for half the day for Qin Wei to ask her this question. If no one had taken the initiative to ask, she would've read the book tonight for nothing!

Lin Qiqi opened the book readily for her to see the cover:

"Dostoyevsky's masterpiece, The Brothers Karamazov. Have you read it?"

Let alone reading it, Sun Tiantian hadn't even heard of it. A look of difficulty crossed her face and she shook her head:

"I haven't read it..."

"It's a very classic novel, you can also read it when you have time."

As Lin Qiqi spoke, she placed the book in Sun Tiantian's hands,

"Anyway I'm almost done with it, I was going to wash my face and do my skincare routine. You can read it."

Sun Tiantian silently retracted her hand, looking very awkward as she said to her:

"Sister Qiqi, it's not that I don't want to read it, but I definitely won't understand it. Judging by the author's name, he must be a foreigner. I'll pass on literary books like this... Why don't you ask someone else? Um... Qin Wei? She might like it..."

Lin Qiqi didn't object and called out to her:

"Qin Wei, do you want to read this book?"

Qin Wei glanced up at it and casually asked:

"What book?"

She clearly hadn't been listening to what Lin Qiqi said earlier, so Lin Qiqi repeated:

"The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky."

Qin Wei hadn't even heard of it before, but still made an effort to be politely disinterested as she played her game:

"What's Dos-toe-yef-ski? Makka Pakka? Isn't that In the Night Garden?"


【Big sis Qin went full child mode with one line...】

【The downsides of being uncultured are fully exposed.】

【The bro earlier is impressive, it really is The Brothers Karamazov!】

【Qin Wei even knows In the Night Garden, I'm cracking up!】

【Who didn't have a childhood... But it's normal she doesn't know this book, most Russian literature is very niche in China. Though Makka Pakka is just silly】

【Forgive my shallowness, I thought it was Makka Pakka the first time I heard it too】

【Me too】

【+1】 Then the livestream screen was filled with "Makka Pakka".

Lin Qiqi started explaining, making herself seem well-read, while Qin Wei finished her round of cards on the other side. She won this round too and tapped "Open" without hesitation when the red envelope popped up on screen.

"Congratulations on winning a 1,000 yuan Landlord voucher!"

Qin Wei: "???"

Then another popup followed:

"The company reserves the right of final interpretation for this event."

Right after, Xu Mingchuan sent an invitation for the next round. She mercilessly declined.

Qin Wei suddenly stood up from the sofa with a gloomy expression and went upstairs.


The next morning at 6:30am, the entire villa was quiet. After a tiring day yesterday, everyone was still asleep.

The door to the three-person bedroom on the first floor opened and Lin Qiqi, freshly washed up, walked out.

She went to the screen displaying the livestream and was surprised to see that there were already viewers this early in the morning. Luckily she had guessed right and set an alarm to get up early.

Finding the camera for the livestream, Lin Qiqi greeted the audience and then thoughtfully lowered her voice:

"Good morning! The other sisters are still sleeping. I'll keep my voice down and chat with you all... There really are people watching, right?"

A few "yes" comments floated by.

"Then let me share my daily routine with you!"

Lin Qiqi had already washed her face. She took out her makeup pouch and started applying skincare products on camera, bashfully laughing as she said:

"Thinking that someone is watching me on their phone while I have no makeup on makes me a little embarrassed..."

More comments floated by saying "No you look great", "Your skin looks good" and the like.

Lin Qiqi said "Oh stop it" while the corners of her mouth unconsciously turned up.

After her skincare routine, she opened up the yoga mat by the floor-to-ceiling window and spread it out while explaining:

"Next is yoga practice. Keeping healthy and staying in shape are equally important. This is my daily routine, let's do it together everyone who's up early!"

Then she sat on the yoga mat, stretching her arms and legs.

The front door of the villa opened and Qin Wei came back from outside.

But Qin Wei didn't seem surprised to see her and asked:

"Steamed buns and soy milk, do you want any? There's vegetarian and non-veg options."

She kicked the door shut behind her and walked in, still holding an insulated food delivery box.

That's right, a food delivery box.

Lin Qiqi was taken aback but just then, the sparse comments suddenly increased―

【Hahaha if we didn't say anything, Lin Qiqi would've really thought she was the earliest riser!】

【The early bird (referring to Qin Wei) already went out for a morning run at 5:30!】

【Not only did she go jogging, she also had breakfast and bought breakfast for her teammates too!】

【Reminds me of her morning run in Rome, straight up Assassin's Creed】

【xswl Sis Qin coming in hot】

【Is that causing trouble? That's just your sister's comedy lifestyle!】

【I'm eating breakfast and spit out my soy milk from laughing, Sis Yu owes me a cup of soy milk hahaha】
