Chapter 176

"Qin Wei, go buy a bigger safe, or go to the bank to rent a safe deposit box. There will be more next year," Qiao Sixiao said with a smile.

Qin Wei's eyes lit up when she heard this.

She was 23 years old this year. For her birthday, Qiao Sixiao had given her 23 gold bars - one for each year of her age!

"By the time I retire, I should have at least 50, right? Thank you Teacher Qiao. I'm so happy!" Qin Wei expressed her gratitude.

Qiao Sixiao was stunned for a moment:

"I think you misunderstood?"


Qin Wei: "Huh?"

Qiao Sixiao said:

"Next year you'll be 24, so of course it'll be 24 bars!"

Qin Wei: "!!!"

Seeing her shocked reaction, Qiao Sixiao added:

"Of course, this is on the condition that our friendship remains unbroken. If we have a falling out when we're old, I won't give you birthday presents every year."


This really opened Qin Wei's eyes. So she had been thinking too small.

She carefully asked:

" mean...when I'm 25 I'll get 25 bars? And 30 bars when I'm 30?"

Qiao Sixiao nodded:

"If you live to be 80, you'll have 80 bars. I just don't know if you'll still be alive then, or if we'd have had a falling out."

"Oh no no no!"


Qin Wei waved her hands quickly,

"I'll do my best to live to 100! And Teacher Qiao...I'm unilaterally declaring that you'll always be my best friend! I've never looked forward to growing old with someone like I do today."

She still couldn't wrap her head around the number. Would it really be feasible? Could Teacher Qiao really afford such an extravagant gift every year? What if this was a scam?

Teacher Qiao had to return to the set, so they couldn't continue their conversation. Still, it had been a happy chat.

The host asked Qin Wei to first hand the gift over to Li Yao, since they still had to continue with the show's proceedings.

Qin Wei reluctantly placed the small black box in Li Yao's arms, repeatedly reminding him:

"You have to watch it carefully - it's with you now, so if you lose it you're done for."


The host said:

"We know Qin Wei has a packed training schedule and can't stay here long. As a final number, let's have Qin Wei sing us a song! Then she can head back to training. We'll have cake, and maybe see you again next year!" Sing a song...

These sudden performance requests on variety shows often left her mind blank.

"What should I sing?" Qin Wei asked.

The fans all shouted:

"Anything you sing, we'll love it!"

Qin Wei immediately smiled. She picked up the mic:

"Then I'll rap for you guys!"

The host: "..."

The fans: "......"

Live comments:

"On this joyous day...must you do this, Qin Wei? (Shaking with anger but still pointing at her)"

"Don't be mad at the child! She's still young! (Hugging the previous comment, comforting them)"

"Alright alright (The previous comment is too strong, one person can't hold them back, also goes to help hold them back and comfort them)"

"The kid's silly, just let her be silly, as long as she's healthy (Wipes away tears)"

"She's our kid after all. It's fine as long as she's happy (Wipes nose)"

"This is the first time I've seen so many people go all out to overact in the comments..."

"Wow, comment sitcoms, learned something new!"


Fans at the scene:

"It's rare you get to celebrate your birthday, just...sing!"

"Do what makes you happy! Don't mind us!"

"It's only once a year, we can handle it!"

"Go ahead and sing! Stay true to yourself, don't care what others say!"

"Start singing quick! End it quick! Then hurry up and go back to training! Stop dilly-dallying!"

Qin Wei started wondering if these were actors she'd hired to pretend to be her fans. They certainly didn't seem like real fans.

But she still had to perform since they had come so sincerely to celebrate her birthday. She didn't know many raps, so she would sing her latest favorite for them to enjoy.

Qin Wei spoke briefly with the staff, then picked up the mic to cue the music track.

"I know countless people look forward to my downfall,

I know they watch for each of my mistakes,

Wanting to see me lose and cry and cower in weakness,

Wanting to see me fall and be unable to get back up as they spit at me,

I see the crowd of people staring behind my back,

With differing expressions of love or hate, I know this must be what it means to be famous,

I know I have to march on without stopping..."

Live comments:

"Jiang Yunsheng's 'On the Road to Fame'!"

"Must you desecrate someone's song on their very birthday? Qin E, you've done it now. People know your birth date and zodiac now"

"My sister sang it it too late to kowtow in apology to the fortune teller?"

"Hahahaha, gotta compose a diss track targeting her tonight!"

"No way, he's too benevolent"

"And frail"


The birthday celebration ended on a harmonious note. Up next, everyone would be having cake, though of course Qin Wei wouldn't get a slice. Out of sight, out of mind. Qin Wei left ahead of them.

As she exited, she spotted Lee Tang, the intern she'd been trapped on a mountain with during an assignment in Southwest China. He had since been hired full-time and was currently standing smiling at the doorway.

"Happy birthday, Teacher Qin! You still remember me?"

"Of course! Little wazzisname..."

"Haha...still didn't get my name right, eh..."

Lee Tang gave a resigned sigh, not blaming Teacher Qin at all. Director Li always called him that, so everyone else just followed suit. He was already used to it.

Lee Tang produced a box from behind his back and handed it to Qin Wei.

"A birthday gift for you. I stayed up several nights finishing it! I hope you like it."

Qin Wei accepted it. Oh, it was the figurine she wanted!

Qin Wei was delighted:

"I'll transfer you money later - thanks!"

Lee Tang shook his head:

"I made it to give to you. Also, the donations from you and Teacher Qiao already arrived at the town. Construction will start soon!"

This news made Qin Wei even happier.

Previously when they were trapped in that remote small town by a natural disaster, the family who took them in lived in an older house with a crumbling roof that still leaked in heavy rain.

When they were leaving, the auntie refused the money they tried to give her, saying they hadn't even been able to give them a comfortable place to rest, and helping them had been no trouble at all.

So Qin Wei and Qiao Sixiao decided that rather than simply buying gifts to thank her, it would be better to solve some practical issues. They hired a contractor to renovate the auntie's house, and donated additional funds to repair some of the roads in town.

After all, they had deteriorated over the years, and many places flooded when it rained, making walking difficult.

It ended up needing a sizeable amount of money. Before this, Qin Wei had never imagined what such construction projects cost, but she didn't regret a penny of that money.

Well, maybe her wallet regretted it a little. But she could accept that.

"I don't make much, but I pitched in 800 bucks too - I know it's not much help, but it comes from the heart! Please accept the figurine as a gift as well!"

Lee Tang said, and as he turned to leave, waved at Qin Wei again:

"My full name is Li Tang."

"Thank you, Little Tang!"
